Not yet. I'm saving money for Kickstarters and Steam so no IOS games right now but the game's on my Wishlist
Damn it, this thread cost me a bunch of money. I know it has been mentioned but Bitless is a hell of a game.
Picked that up a little while ago when it went free but not had much chance to play, so far I've bought catch22, orris, unlocked full version of impossible mission, and little saw as well as downloading a bunch of the free titles mentioned from this thread alone, I'm gonna have to sneakily buy another tunes voucher lol.
I'd like to shamelessly plug Eyelord, seems to be a fit for the topic. It was designed to push any player to the limit.
I am but I just bought a £25 on Friday and it's almost all gone lol, the husband buys me one every few weeks and he prob wouldn't bother if he knew I'd gotten another one. Lol
I started a Clumsy & the Stars thread. You guys should show this free game some <3. It's the real kind of free. No ads. No In Apps. Free. Period.
+1, great game Would also recommend Deadly Bullet and Beat Leap as real free-to-play games that are challenging and addicting
Warning: Deadly Bullet may be "free", but it can easily cost you a week of productivity. That game is freaking ADDICTIVE!!!!?!?
So I mentioned EDGE extended earlier in the Boson X thread. Have you guys played it? I can count on one hand the games I call true "App Store Classics". EDGE.Ex. Is one of those.
I have both Edge and Edge EX on my iPod Touch. What I've played of Edge has been excellent; haven't completed the game yet though.
What's the difference between EDGE extended & EDGE? I'm wondering if buying EDGE would make sense if I own EE...
Glad to see someone giving Impossible Mission some love. That's one I mentioned like 20 pages ago, on the Boson X thread I think, but you're the first person I've seen who's tried it. Its free to try, only ~30 MB's I think. IAPs: $1 / mission, or $4 for full unlock. Impossible Missions:
Haven't tried it on Mac, but I have to say that the touch controls feel great to me. I think the touch would be better, because I love how you can hover half way in between climbing a block. A button press wouldn't handle that as well, IMO.
Don't think anyone's mentioned it yet, but one of my favorite hard-as-nails platformers is Mini Dash. Some insane level design in that game.
33.9 installed. Figured I'd be better off unlocking whole lot rather than one mission at a time. I've only tried the first two and they are bloody difficult lol, has a kind of spike goes left feel to it, I'm looking forward to spending some proper time on it tomorrow afternoon as I've only had ten minute bursts on the new titles I've gotten this week, catch 22 and wingdot have been hogging all my attention last few days.