The bottom left screenshot; continue west along that road. Within that area should be the quests you need (Rites of Passage, Gem of Errask, etc). If you look at the large world map you can see within the mountains some caves, etc that will give you an idea of direction. Have you been to those destinations? Spoiler Specifically there is another dwarf area tucked within a circular map just past the crimson cave(s).
I thought I had been there but I will take another look. I have been to the Delvemore caves and through there. Using this map what square am I aiming for? I've also done the Alcazar quest.
Using that map the square is the one just above the N in Norrab. Spoiler Have you been to the Hall of Kings in the Norrab/second dwarf town? It's sprawling so you might have overlooked a bit specially (spoiler) Spoiler some of the quests you're missing deal with access to Insanity dungeon from that dwarf king within the Hall of Kings. .
Thank you! I'm on track. Turns out I hadn't spoken to that guy by the locked door - and happily when I did, I already had the Spoiler Parchment of Passage so that was a quick turn in! EDIT: ok I've now got the fourth shard, however I am being directed to Ranehold and not Cragmore. I hope I haven't missed anything! And that I'm strong enough to survive.
Do you need to get to a portal on level 5 of Delvemore Depths? Aside from exploration there shouldn't be any secret/trick I can describe on trekking there. For quest advancement: Spoiler You need to get the gem to prove bravery and should be able to do that without a portal access ... Crimson Cave has a level design Spoiler where you go down one side and up another but not DD that I recall.
Well I made it! I had to travel back and buy magic boots so I could follow someone's tip on here to just use fireball and run/recharge on those impossible monsters. The final guy was a breeze by comparison, he barely scratched me. I agree that the ending is way too abrupt. I also really want to be able to go back and find the two missing quests, since I think I only completed 16 of the 18.
hi, at the beginning of the game, was there something to do with the monkey? (with bananas on the floor) ^^
Seem to have screwed myself, I ran away from one of the ridiculously overpowered Spoiler Bah-Lorn in The Abyss after he popped out from behind a corner (something I think they have been scripted to do) he now waits right by the entrance and decimates me in between 3-5 hits making escape almost impossible. Playing as a human with 79 atk and 96 def, any hint would be most helpful. Just for the record, before reaching here I had died 5 times, all from thieves very early in the human game while I learnt the ropes. I didn't die again until reaching these Spoiler Bah-Lorn and my current death count is now 11. Also, to anyone like me who was stuck on the last two quests my guess is you're playing as a human or elf. Try Spoiler starting a new game as a dwarf and doing the first two quests then reach a castle.
Hi, I'm playing the android port of this fun game. The second skull was such an amusing problem to find. Therefore revealing the location would not be a spoiler, but a life saver (I decided not to stop playing). It was not in a Spoiler niche, as you wrote. It was on the ground. In the center of one map. And do not look in the Alcazar Grove, but Forest. The difference was maybe caused by the port to Android.
Missing a Blue Shard. Either Swamp or north ice. Can somebody post map and point the locations? I used the amulet once and hard to figure where I have not been
I noticed some minor issues: Sometimes, when I leave the character screen, a music clip (village I think) plays for a very brief moment (0.5 seconds or so). When I buy something, and then immediately sell something, the item to sell seems to display the item power of the previously bought item. It might also be helpful if the large map was labeled (Kyre, Northice, etc, just like the map on the blog).
There's got to be some kind of easter egg or secret there but I couldn't find it. A secret moneky level one you can repeatedly access provided you don't kill the Monkey King; perhaps?
Congratulations to QuestLord for the 3 out of 4 Slide to Play review -
Can anyone tell me where the two items needed to open the door in the abyss are? I have found one figurine/statue, but where is the other item? I've searched each location numerous times, but no luck..