The Quest is a behemoth of a game series full of content developed over years to which there can be no real comparison; QuestLord is a more modern/polished throw back developed by a one many studio. Both have open world environments with a series of quests. I agree with Bramblett05 that QuestLord is more accessible. If you like The Quest you'll definitely get your $1.99 out of QuestLord.
Hi all - sorry if the question has already been asked elsewhere, but can anybody pinpoint where Thelia is located? I have the orb but nobody to give it to! Also, I have one of the skulls, does anybody know where both of these are located (as I've forgotten where I picked the first one up from!)? Thanks!
Great Library = Ice Spell. If you read the books in one of the castles, (forgot the castle name), it lists all the general locations of each spell. I happened to take screenshots of it so I wouldn't forget. Fireballs are right at the entrance of Margus' Secret Passage. You can't miss it.
I sent you a PM with help. I figured I'd keep this part a secret because it might take the fun away from others.
Yep, the massive (and partially open) nature of The Quest is what drew me, in the early dawn of iOS gaming (and partially made up for the lack of combat options and strategies). (And yeah, Undercroft is another nice addition to old-school first-person RPGing on iOS. While it lacks the open structure of The Quest's gaming world, and the massiveness, and while I don't normally do retro nostalgia, it is just Eye of the Beholder-ish enough to have caught my attention back when it was released.) I didn't expect QuestLord to have even a smidgeon of the content of The Quest. Should have been more specific in my phrasing, and asked how the actual gameplay mechanics measure up. Your assessment of QuestLord's more accessible/possibly even casual nature makes me think I might be better off focusing on finishing any of the in-depth RPGs that still steal ungodly amounts of space from my device (but that deserve every bit of byte).
I would not call QuestLord shallow/casual; just more self-contained... QuestLord gauges in at about 18 hours of gameplay across 160 maps. It has a measurable amount of depth in terms of world exploration strengthened by a story that is more implied than spelled out rewarding players as they uncover more of the game. QuestLord has a very nice "ecosystem" of overlapping class and location settings that interact giving a sense of shared community. QuestLord's turn based mechanisms are fairly similar to The Quest. However, QuestLord has a more interactive user interface due to the swipe combat mechanics and more robust animation. QuestLord also adds a tactical shield component where you have to manually raise the shield for it to be effective (defense bonus) and sometimes enemies smash it down resulting in a lost turn to attempt raising. These components bring something different to combat. At the same time spell selection is more limited (than The Quest) to one at a time or it eats a turn to access inventory to change (which itself can lend depth). Some of QuestLord's environments are more limited (maps are more maze like than 3D open) but that plays just as a world exploration puzzle making the most of each field to tuck in enemies or spoils (each map was intentionally designed). As a RPG enthusiast myself I recommend QuestLord to others interested in quality, immersive, and strategic games. It's obvious QuestLord was born from a love of deep games like Dungeon Master, Akalabeth, etc and limited only by the resources of an individual one man show developer (who actually accomplished a ton considering). Granted QuestLord is not for everyone but if you enjoy RPGs then it's worth $1.99.
For $2, that seems like a ton of content. I don't need games that are hundreds of hours... 18 is plenty. Heck 10 would be plenty for me and my limited game time since I like to play games till the end. Anyway, just bought the game... I love this kind of stuff and think this is the kind of dev worth supporting.
I hope WB contact Eric to get him to rebrand this style of game for the next Hobbit movie. Either this style or 16-bit Zelda-style. But I have no doubt that it would make a killing. Plus, then we'd get to see more of his work! Sometimes when I'm playing, and smoking my pipe outside on my porch, I pretend I'm Bilbo adventuring far away from the Shire... then I go lift weights and stuff.
Nowadays I figure the average movie is 8-10 bucks for 90-120 minutes of content. Anything that can give me a great experience for better than that metric is a winner. Some more than others, sure, but it makes that $2 price tag way easier to swallow.
An absolutely amazing game! I love so many things about it, from the humour to the scope, to the imagination, and what so far is a really well balanced game. I see QuestLord billed as a "Dungeon Crawler" but to me this is not a DC but a fully fledged, classic RPG. It is similar to The Quest and Undercroft, but also very like Dragon Bane II and Princess Demelza, both of which sadly don't seem to be in the App Store any more. Some requests for future updates (or a sequel): 1. Strafe. Dozens of people seem to be calling for it, I add myself to that long list! Those of us who have played The Quest for hours are probably struggling the most from lack of strafe. 2. Compass or at least a tiny minimap (eg translucent, top right). I saw that the dev said the Beta testers found a compass confusing, but I'm desperate for it. (Maybe they weren't used to this kind of game?) It could always be optional, switched off in settings. 3. The "back" button is on different sides, depending whether you're in Map view or Inventory view. As a result I'm constantly accidentally pressing Home when in Inventory view. It took me a while to figure out why! 4. I would rather like stackable items, or another inventory "bag" or something. Not vital though! 5. Fast travel between major visited cities. Particularly when you get the Amulet of Tanjee, there's a big need/desire to backtrack. 6. I saw that the Undead Cow/Human bug can't be fixed, but that someone kindly transcribed the details on here. My guess is that most new players will never come here and never read that. If that bug can't be fixed, could the Undead Cow's info instead be given to another animal? Maybe the Undead Cow could have a cousin in the citadel? Re expansions: I think I would actually rather have new standalone games. I've bought every single The Quest expansion, but if you read the forums, the devs are starting to struggle from the technical limitations of enabling so many expansions, that were never anticipated. Especially as you don't have so much invested in your character in QuestLord, it's more of a generic hero, and there are inventory limitations so stashing loot from game to game is less of an issue, it wouldn't sadden me to just start over with a new character.
I actually prefer new standalone games to IAP but I see two issues. How to transfer savegames or is each game seperate like in Avernum? And if each game is a standalone game, that means that each game world is limited rather than adding to the sprawling world with each new release?
I am definitely curious to see where QuestLord goes next. I agree that a standalone sequel or follow-up would be preferred to a full fledged expansion addition; it would also be more accessible to newer players and could potentially incorporate more tweaks. Ability to port character would be fun but not necessary in my opinion either. I wonder if there's a way to transfer iCloud saves from one app to another? However, in QuestLord there's not really a ton of backtracking that occurs after you explore each individual area. I'm not sure after completing the game I'd want to revisit the starter dwarf area unless there were new developments/changes, map changes, and/or increased difficulty (which might be best served by the area being amped up in a sequel). The Quest's system for including all content in the original app that gets "unlocked" when players download and run expansions (which can then be deleted) is brilliant. This would be a nice addition, if possible. The developer commented that the bug with humans being unable to talk to Undead Cow will be fixed; just not as an interim patch.
Sadly like IAP, iCloud is tied to a specific app. Best that could be done here is open up the file save location in iTunes File Sharing, then you could download it and upload it into the new game. I think this gets suggested in The Quest Lite for moving your saved game to The Quest.
I'm stuck, and it's frustrating to the point where I don't want to continue playing Spoiler I got a skull from Talia, and I know that the second one is supposed to be in Alcazar forest. I searched every tiny corner in that forest TWICE and I'm unable to locate it. I have absolutely no clue where that skull is supposed to be. Other people in this forum seem to have simply stumbled upon it along the way. I'm going crazy...
Each game would be separate, yes. Given there isn't the level of character customisation or inventory that you get in some games, I don't think people would feel as "tied" to their character (as you might do with your The Quest character, where you end up with homes in different continents stashed with lovingly crafted loot). I guess the only downside would be people sometimes tend to expect more originality with a brand new game, and might grumble if much of it was the same gameworld or very similar, whereas with an expansion you can get away with repeating areas and textures much more easily. Arrgh - I found that yesterday but can't remember the exact location. I'm pretty sure I found it before I got to the portal sections but not absolutely so. I'm vaguely remembering it being in the south west of a screen? And I do remember that it was tucked into a niche, if that makes sense. I tried to render what I meant with icons but that didn't work, let me try in a more ascii way: | | | | | | | | | |__| |
Hi, when I die, I always go back to the first shrine statue. How do I do to get stick to another shrine? Thxxx