QuestBall leftisright Fast-paced sports game mixed with an action RPG. This is the story of QuestBall, an ancient sport lost to the mists of … Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsFast-paced sports game mixed with an action RPG. This is the story of QuestBall, an ancient sport lost to the mists of time...Legendary warriors of Ancient Britain & Ireland compete against each other in the ultimate game of fantasy tennis! Your quest takes you on a journey around the British Isles, competing against royalty, outlaws, giants and gods. - One-hand, single-touch controls - Fast-paced action - 8 quirky characters from British history and mythology - Lots of special magic shots & awesome power-ups - Hand-drawn artwork Information Seller:leftisright Genre:Action, Sports Release:Jun 20, 2020 Updated:Jul 30, 2020 Version:1.0.3 Size:174.7 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #2 ColeDaddy, Jun 22, 2020 Cool Pong reskin with a twist along with some intriguing gameplay and nice animation. Paid for the full game for only $1.99. However, still trying to understand the stroke mechanics as they seem to be not as intuitive after 10 minutes. Also, not sure what the accumulation of diamonds gets me since I don't see a place to spend them. Not game breakers , mind you, but still a really good and entertaining time-waster. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #3 anthony78, Jun 22, 2020 This is fun but, yeah, don’t see what to do with the gems you earn. Also, it doesn’t seem to save when you are in quest mode. So if you quit, you have to start all over. Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #4 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Just adding the trailer here as well... Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #5 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Last edited: Jun 22, 2020 Thanks ColeDaddy, the gems are really just for if you don't buy the IAP, I should prob turn them off if you do!! I did have earlier ambitions to do more with the currency but fell by the wayside due to lack of time. Stroke mechanics differ slightly from character to character (aim / strength / reach), position on court (slower closer to net), items/magic used etc so not sure I have a simple answer for that. Happy to try answer further if it helps though. Cheers, Stuart Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #6 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Hi anthony78, there is a continue quest option - e.g. if you close down the application - but not if you've pressed the Quit button at the end of a match, if that's what you mean? Thanks for the feedback and see above about gems! anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #7 anthony78, Jun 22, 2020 Thanks, I’ll try that. You probably should also add a “save & quit” option because a lot of people might like to come back to play more of the same quest. There isn’t even a warning that you will lose your progress if you quit. Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #8 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Fair point, I will see what I can do to sort that out for next update, thanks again ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #9 ColeDaddy, Jun 22, 2020 Man, this game is so good. The extracurricular attacks from the "home" team are durn cool. Some questions: 1) What are the "sacks" or "bottles" (?) at the bottom of each character? See attached 2) Is there a way to attack the attackers on the sideline? They've killed me a few times 3) Can you include a life-meter below the players, too? When attacked (see #2), sometimes it is difficult for me to see how much life I have left because the pacing of the game and getting visuals on the sphere, where my attackers are, running to a spot and avoiding any magic while controlling my swing makes my line of vision too busy to look up to the top to see how much life I have left 4) If I press longer before my activating my swing, will my swing have more power or it doesn't matter how long I press as I gather to swing at a sphere? 5) Can you please make the time before each match much briefer? The wait in between is too long. Just a thought... 6) LeFay seems impossible to beat Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #10 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Last edited: Jun 22, 2020 Thank you, feels like I've been in a gamedev bunker for the last year so nice to hear some positive feedback. Magic potion icon, to avoid confusion with the life meter Nope, you can only avoid them! Thought two meters below player was a bit much but will def reconsider No, doesn’t make a difference. I did try that before but seemed a bit off / unfair at times Do you mean the map screen part between matches? Or the vs screen / coin toss etc? All about good passing shots and stopping her clone from appearing (or getting rid of it with an item/magic attack) ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #11 ColeDaddy, Jun 22, 2020 D_W, Re: #5 -- I'm referring to between points. It'd be great if after each point, the screen would move faster to the next match. Re: #3-- two colored meters should make the magic and life meters easily distinguishable Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #12 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 22, 2020 Nice one, thanks for confirming ColeDaddy likes this. ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #13 ColeDaddy, Jun 22, 2020 Last edited: Jun 22, 2020 D_W, I've accumulated over 1700 diamonds even though I've purchased the iap. Maybe the diamonds can be used for changing the aesthetics of the players. Again, just a thought... Also, regarding LeFay, I've been getting killed with only a point left in the match...three times in a row. Her magic kills opponents too quickly. How can we defend against this? My last match was 4-0, then I died. Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #14 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 23, 2020 1700 would have bought you one of the first three unlockable characters, which seems about right to me. I'm having a look to see what I can do to improve the gems experience with IAP - otherwise remove it. Thanks for your suggestion! LeFay, its the waves that are killing you presumably, so you need to remain higher up in the court to avoid. Perhaps that's not clear? The last 3 characters are all pretty tough and your ability to beat them does differ from character to character and whether the pick-ups are lucky for you. ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #15 ColeDaddy, Jun 23, 2020 Yup, LeFay's waves are taking me down. Since they are a bit smallish on my iPhone screen and weren't affecting me during coin flips, at first, I couldn't figure out why my health was depleting since I was focused on everything else...only to be surprised that I died (again, another reason to insert a health meter below players ) Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #16 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 23, 2020 I've tested mainly on smaller phone so yeah need to take into account the freakishly tall iPhone X distance from top to bottom of screen! ColeDaddy likes this. Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #17 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 25, 2020 @ColeDaddy, @anthony78, I'm working on v1.0.2 which looks to be including... Gems used to upgrade character stats Health bar added below characters in-game Time reduced between points (by 2 secs) Quest progress saved if you press Quit button I'll let you know when its going to be available, hopefully the next 7-10 days. Thanks again for the feedback, really appreciate it ColeDaddy and anthony78 like this. ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #18 ColeDaddy, Jun 29, 2020 DW, congrats on winning TA's Game of the Week! Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #19 Daddy_Wallace, Jun 29, 2020 Thank you, very unexpected and a lovely surprise! TA's support has made such a difference to the game ColeDaddy likes this. Daddy_Wallace Active Member Patreon Bronze Feb 15, 2015 25 12 3 #20 Daddy_Wallace, Jul 9, 2020 Hey, hope everyone is well. It's a few days later than hoped but the updated version of QuestBall has now been published on iOS and Android! Here's a few screenshots of two of the changes...Health bars on in-game characters and the process of upgrading a character's abilities. List of changes in v1.0.2 Gems can now be used to upgrade character stats Health bar added below in-game characters Time reduced between points Quest progress saved Obstacle hit health impact changes Bigger story screen start button Various minor fixes & improvements I've got a few other minor updates on the way, looking at potential for translations and what's next. Starting on a new game as well! ColeDaddy likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Cool Pong reskin with a twist along with some intriguing gameplay and nice animation. Paid for the full game for only $1.99. However, still trying to understand the stroke mechanics as they seem to be not as intuitive after 10 minutes. Also, not sure what the accumulation of diamonds gets me since I don't see a place to spend them. Not game breakers , mind you, but still a really good and entertaining time-waster.
This is fun but, yeah, don’t see what to do with the gems you earn. Also, it doesn’t seem to save when you are in quest mode. So if you quit, you have to start all over.
Thanks ColeDaddy, the gems are really just for if you don't buy the IAP, I should prob turn them off if you do!! I did have earlier ambitions to do more with the currency but fell by the wayside due to lack of time. Stroke mechanics differ slightly from character to character (aim / strength / reach), position on court (slower closer to net), items/magic used etc so not sure I have a simple answer for that. Happy to try answer further if it helps though. Cheers, Stuart
Hi anthony78, there is a continue quest option - e.g. if you close down the application - but not if you've pressed the Quit button at the end of a match, if that's what you mean? Thanks for the feedback and see above about gems!
Thanks, I’ll try that. You probably should also add a “save & quit” option because a lot of people might like to come back to play more of the same quest. There isn’t even a warning that you will lose your progress if you quit.
Man, this game is so good. The extracurricular attacks from the "home" team are durn cool. Some questions: 1) What are the "sacks" or "bottles" (?) at the bottom of each character? See attached 2) Is there a way to attack the attackers on the sideline? They've killed me a few times 3) Can you include a life-meter below the players, too? When attacked (see #2), sometimes it is difficult for me to see how much life I have left because the pacing of the game and getting visuals on the sphere, where my attackers are, running to a spot and avoiding any magic while controlling my swing makes my line of vision too busy to look up to the top to see how much life I have left 4) If I press longer before my activating my swing, will my swing have more power or it doesn't matter how long I press as I gather to swing at a sphere? 5) Can you please make the time before each match much briefer? The wait in between is too long. Just a thought... 6) LeFay seems impossible to beat
Thank you, feels like I've been in a gamedev bunker for the last year so nice to hear some positive feedback. Magic potion icon, to avoid confusion with the life meter Nope, you can only avoid them! Thought two meters below player was a bit much but will def reconsider No, doesn’t make a difference. I did try that before but seemed a bit off / unfair at times Do you mean the map screen part between matches? Or the vs screen / coin toss etc? All about good passing shots and stopping her clone from appearing (or getting rid of it with an item/magic attack)
D_W, Re: #5 -- I'm referring to between points. It'd be great if after each point, the screen would move faster to the next match. Re: #3-- two colored meters should make the magic and life meters easily distinguishable
D_W, I've accumulated over 1700 diamonds even though I've purchased the iap. Maybe the diamonds can be used for changing the aesthetics of the players. Again, just a thought... Also, regarding LeFay, I've been getting killed with only a point left in the match...three times in a row. Her magic kills opponents too quickly. How can we defend against this? My last match was 4-0, then I died.
1700 would have bought you one of the first three unlockable characters, which seems about right to me. I'm having a look to see what I can do to improve the gems experience with IAP - otherwise remove it. Thanks for your suggestion! LeFay, its the waves that are killing you presumably, so you need to remain higher up in the court to avoid. Perhaps that's not clear? The last 3 characters are all pretty tough and your ability to beat them does differ from character to character and whether the pick-ups are lucky for you.
Yup, LeFay's waves are taking me down. Since they are a bit smallish on my iPhone screen and weren't affecting me during coin flips, at first, I couldn't figure out why my health was depleting since I was focused on everything else...only to be surprised that I died (again, another reason to insert a health meter below players )
I've tested mainly on smaller phone so yeah need to take into account the freakishly tall iPhone X distance from top to bottom of screen!
@ColeDaddy, @anthony78, I'm working on v1.0.2 which looks to be including... Gems used to upgrade character stats Health bar added below characters in-game Time reduced between points (by 2 secs) Quest progress saved if you press Quit button I'll let you know when its going to be available, hopefully the next 7-10 days. Thanks again for the feedback, really appreciate it
Thank you, very unexpected and a lovely surprise! TA's support has made such a difference to the game
Hey, hope everyone is well. It's a few days later than hoped but the updated version of QuestBall has now been published on iOS and Android! Here's a few screenshots of two of the changes...Health bars on in-game characters and the process of upgrading a character's abilities. List of changes in v1.0.2 Gems can now be used to upgrade character stats Health bar added below in-game characters Time reduced between points Quest progress saved Obstacle hit health impact changes Bigger story screen start button Various minor fixes & improvements I've got a few other minor updates on the way, looking at potential for translations and what's next. Starting on a new game as well!