So, any initial impressions? It doesn't matter too much. I'm buying it as soon as it launches anyway. Just curious.
Not much of a Rougelike fan, but I am enjoying this one. Not sure how much more I can explain, but reminds me of Hoplite (which I like a lot). The option to select 4 character classes is a big plus. Hope this little impression helps you Rougelike fans. I can see myself playing this pretty often like Hoplite.
Knight dude is exactly the same character from red wizard sorry guys but can't back a game with no originality this game is basically a re nig move freggin lame
Go away then. You won't be missed. The dev has already mentioned that this game uses the same sprite pack as "that other game". If you're just going to complain about the similarities, then by all means, please leave.
Lots of released and upcoming games are using this texture pack. its really great art and gives indies a chance to have great art without breaking the bank. Just because the game has the same art as another else dosnt mean its anything like it. Anyways really been waiting for this game for a while cant wait to play though! Congrats on the release as well it takes a lot to finish a game so that in itself is a great accomplishment!
I answered this via twitter but saying here too for others. There's no way to waiting in place for turn right now. It's something I want to add in a future update.
It's actually a character from a free sprite pack used in many, many, maaaany games. Please reconsider your 1 star review.
Some items stack, others don't. Keys is probably one that should, I'll take this under consideration for a future patch.
I had a good time with this last night after I had a few initial bad runs lol but then I had an awesome run and got pretty far until I ran into a gold colored guy. EDIT: Add me on Game Center guys so we can check scores. Amenbrother!! is the name.
Some people need to actually read a thread. Better yet, maybe know a little more about mobile gaming. That so called "sprite" is indeed copied. From a sprite "pack" that you buy the rights to. It has nothing to do with "originality". Some people aren't great artists so they buy the base sprite packs for there game. It just allows them to concentrate on coding / other mechanics instead of spending countless hours on art. It has nothing to do "copying" another game. Many games have used these sprite packs & have been amazing. Don't give a 1* if you have no idea what your talking about. Great game btw ^.^
What kind of loot is available? I see "Procedural weapons" are mentioned in the description - is there armor too? Are random modifiers added to weapons?
Well the little time I spent with it last night I definitely saw loot such as weapons, armor, shields, rings, necks, and other stuff. I was kind of surprised how much there was because there is also like spell tomes you can find and learn to use also.
I'll admit I am a bit tired of seeing this sprite set (Oryx's stuff I believe), but then again, you have to wonder whether games like these would even see the light of day if it weren't for the availability of such an affordable set of art assets. It's all good.
It's amazing that roguelikes survived in the first place, I mean how many of them just used @ for the character anyway? No originality there...