I'm surprised this is out today too! I've been waiting to play this since I picked up Towelfight 2. I'll be picking up the starter pack to support butterscotch bros. as well!
Hey guys. I don't know if it's valid to post here, so I wanted to ask first. Seth and I gave a talk at a local gamedev meetup - a super honest post-mortem on Towelfight 2 and how we applied those lessons to Quadropus Rampage. We also had a good long interview about Quadropus' development and the business behind it. Would you want links to these things here? Or is there somewhere else I can put them that everyone who is interested can check out?
It's fair to post those links here, I for one would be interested. Alternatively, or in addition, you could post them in a new thread in General Games discussion part of the forum as part of a larger discussion if you think followup and comments might stray too far from QR.
Good point, undeadcow. There's a good hour of material. Plus you can make fun of our voices once you listen to it. I put it over.... http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=2866458#post2866458 Thanks for the great launch day guys. Aside from the iPod4 shenaniganfest this has been stellar.
Quadropus changes colors. Is that just cosmetic or does Quadropus color reflect status condition? Is green Quadropus equal to red Quadropus; or purple, or yellow, etc etc? ...also what about when he's (?) radiant?
Seems like the colour is different if your smash is charged or not. Red is rage mode, I think. Edit: just wanted to say this game is great. I'm liking the graphics, controls, power ups, etc. I seriously have nothing bad to say. If you have a touch 4 it'll be worth the wait. And for the haters of F2P ( I'm usually one) this game doesn't aim to constantly drain your wallet. Seems like the IAP is balanced to be pretty unnecessary. I only buy IAP for DLC and as a donation. This one will be a donation. Hope the game is a success.
Ha! You are not. It's just that we're a 2 man studio and don't have the cash to buy one of each device that apple's produced. Hence, occasionally things explode! Luckily we have you guys to point out when this happens. Seth is using duct-tape and gum in an attempt to fix this odd bug, and we'll keep you posted on it in here as we figure it out. We're also contacting our engine makers to see if it's a problem on their end (as we'd love to pass the blame elsewhere). Also, Seth and I just saw Man of Steel. Holy. Freakin'. Cow. Never have I wanted to throw a train at someone. Not until today. And now forever.
Love this game! I bought the doubler because I like the devs, and 95/50% piracy is just crazy. I hope this game turns a profit! Finally got to the final boss, it was a nail biter. I literally had less than 10 hp left, the boss had a few hundred, and then I got hit... Luckily I had picked up a revive and explode coin, so I won! Good job on the boss, I wish I could refight him. A boss only mode would be cool! Personally I like the bscotch hammer the way it is, the first 150 feet aren't challenging, and I just want to rocket past them to get to the fun stuff. If you need the hammer, maybe add an item to start a run deeper? Thanks again devs for this great game!
I know the devs wanted feedback from the people playing there game, so here some feedback for you. "This game is awesome, totally freaking awesome" "Towel fight was fantastic too" I love the crazy randomised weapons in finding in this. Congrats and thanks.
Bring Chauncy the Rabbit to IOS ! Edit : loved the story of this company. Loving this game. Everyone should buy the Starter Pack to support these guys.
Mm-hmm, just having a simple "score" number doesn't really say much at all. It'd be more in keeping with the theme to have a page crammed full of stats people could compare, both per-session and lifetime: Lowest depth reached. Number of floors completely cleared. Number of floors skipped. Number of kills. Number of enemies killed while rampaging. Number of smash attacks used. Number of spin attacks used. Number of bubbles used. Number of times dodged. Highest character level reached. Highest HP enemy defeated. Highest damage done in a single attack. Number of unique named enemies defeated. Number of times you defeated Pete. Number of enemies knocked off ledges. Amount of damage taken. Length of time played. Number of orbs earned. Number of unique artifacts used. Number of unique weapons wielded. And so forth.
Thanks for this great game. Made it to 3,070 and decided to stop since it was getting late. Here's a pic of my depth. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ez9p95dd6f6dof2/Photo%20Jun%2015%2C%203%2033%2057%20AM.png Might be nice if the difficulty ramped up faster after floor 1,000 since it was pretty easy to keep going. Also frame rate was very choppy in deep depths which is understandable since so much is going on. But would be nice if this could be optimized. I'm on a 3rd gen iPad. Keep up the great work devs!