Puzzle Wizard (prizes up to $150 + promo codes)

Discussion in 'Promo Codes and Contests' started by CheekyMammoth, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    Keep trying, there's still a major prize position remaining!

    Are you stuck? Don't be afraid to move on and come back later. You might learn things from later levels that you can apply in an earlier one. You'll return to it and wonder what all the fuss was about! :)

    Good luck!
  2. iANiMeX

    iANiMeX Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2011
    I'll resume playing this game soon.. Too busy reviewing games for PS Vita and 3DS. XD
  3. creeps

    creeps Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2014
    20 levels to go. I'm not sure if I can made it
  4. Malaka24

    Malaka24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    I'm stuck right now with a total of 62. Just need 4 more to unlock the Wizard levels. So close, yet so far! Great puzzles here!
  5. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    @Malaka24 Nice going! Only four more - you got this. Then the real pain begins... ;)

    @creeps You can be the underdog everyone is pulling for :)
  6. creeps

    creeps Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2014
    I would like to see how to solve some of the levels after finishing this contest of course
  7. Malaka24

    Malaka24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    Up to 65 now! I'm stuck on Retro Gamer
  8. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    Are you still stuck on Retro Gamer? With Shields you have to look a step ahead. Some of the puzzles in the Wizard level make you look multiple steps ahead, lest you go around in circles.
  9. creeps

    creeps Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2014
    Retro Gamer is really hard level. I'm wondering it has just 125 IQ but it looks like harder than levels with 130IQ. I spent hours but no luck
  10. TheGreatEscaper

    TheGreatEscaper Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2014
    Odd, retro gamer was one of the levels I had no problem with...
  11. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    Yeah, sometimes you just get stuck in a bad routine. It can be hard to change strategies when that happens. But you've solved much harder puzzles, so I think you'll get it soon enough. I wouldn't let it shake your confidence.
  12. Malaka24

    Malaka24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    Haha thanks everyone! Retro Gamer is done! When I finally saw what I needed to do, I had that aha moment.
  13. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    Roughly 18 hours to go. :eek:
  14. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Congrats to all those able to complete it, I knew I was not up to this challenge but I'm glad to support a great developer
  15. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    We really appreciate your loyalty, dreadnok. :)
  16. Malaka24

    Malaka24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2009
    68/72...I don't think I can make it any further today. These last couple of levels are brutal!
  17. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    Great effort anyway, Malaka24. People at different stages of their life have more or less time, too. As long as you're still enjoying the puzzles, it's all good :)

    3 hours to go...
  18. CheekyMammoth

    CheekyMammoth Well-Known Member

    That's time, guys.

    Big congrats to our two winners: warcrack and m13! They'll split the $150 prize evenly. :cool:

    You guys played great and finished much faster than anyone I've seen. You're just naturally good at puzzles. I wouldn't stand a chance at beating either of you if I'd never seen the game before. It was great to see. :)

    If you didn't have time to play the contest, then rate the game and tell your friends so I can afford to have another contest in a future update :p

    Thanks to all for participating. If anyone wants tips on how to solve certain frustrating puzzles, then feel free to ask in this thread. If our pros don't answer, then I'll give it a shot.

    Winners should contact me via PM or via the contest submission email in order to tell me how they want their $75 prize. It can be in cash via PayPal or your choice of gift cards (as outlined in the original post) or some other equivalent option that we work out.
  19. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    #79 coolpepper43, Aug 4, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    Congratulations warcrack and m13!!! You two are Grand Wizard Puzzle Masters!!!! True Puzzle Geniuses!
    I'm curious have you had IQ tests? 130+ huh?! #
    For everyone who made it even half way, I congratulate you. That is quite an accomplishment.

    Thank you Dev for putting on this great contest and for creating a wonderful game!
  20. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    Thank you,Dev for amazing puzzle game.Was great pleasure to play and solve hardest levels,specially Wizard.Good Luck.
    Will recommended this game for all my friends and in my site.Congrats!

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