Hi guys, completely new here on the forum, got P&D to thank for that. Love the game! Atm lvl 30-ish and was lucky to get a mermaid on my first try and since then I got the Indra god (no idea if it's any good, decent stats), ice guardian and gryps rider from rare eggs. Got a rainbow team basically since I have no idea abt good teams and no real alternatives atm. Really lacking a good green attacker but I'm thinking of evolving my leaf chimera while I wait to get something better. I am not sure wether to go with my tyrannos or the volcano dragon. can't get the fire keeper to evolve tyrannos either way. Now I'm kinda stuck on the flare knights on tower of flare and fortdragon of the land in fertile land. My siren is working full time and still I need to up my hp I guess I was thinking of upgrading the ice keeper, is it worth it? And is Indra something worth keeping? Still learning a lot abt this And one more thing, keeper of fire, what's the best place to get one?
Look through http://zh.pad.wikia.com/wiki/Puzzle_%26_Dragons_%E7%BB%B4%E5%9F%BA before you make any decision on "keeping" or "getting rid of" any monster. Sometimes a 3 star monster can evolve into a very powerful 5 star. Use Google translate and get a rough idea of what each ability is as the monsters evolve.
Android releases are tricky because of the performance differences across all devices and various compatibility issues. All I can suggest is for him to download it and see how it functions!
Congratulations. It really is a gorgeous looking website. I would love to contribute more to discussions but I'm usually on my iPhone. Any chance it might be accessable through Tapatalk or a similar app any time soon? Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work
Woot. Downed the El Dorado on Masters already. Took a long time since I didn't have a damage multiplier and had to sub in multiple HP monsters. Came close to dying against a triple Devil + flame knight on the fourth turn x.x Didn't manage to get an egg to drop though :\ Thanks to Core for having a high level Amat Ohkami. I've also gotten Jackpot evo twice by using 4 little devils and 1 same type monster. Edit:// 3rd time and nothing yet T_T
I recently found out that ogres have a dual type when you evolve them but for some reason, my ogres are greyed out on the evolution menu.Do they have to reach the max level first? It's kind of weird since other monsters can still be selected even if they aren't at the max level or if you have all the necessary monsters to fuse.
To make them dual color just put the right monsters in the power up fusion boxes. What is needed for each monster is posted on the wikia page.
http://zh.pad.wikia.com/wiki/%E7%A9%B6%E6%9E%81%E8%BF%9B%E5%8C%96 place the evo mat in the fusion box. the "being fusion" button should flash a different color once you place the correct monster in. Not all the ultimate evo are available in the english version. Check the monster number after evo, if the number is geater than 397, its not in the game yet.
One can hope! I would LOVE to see the game expand into other territories. We will help keep everyone updated as the game's availability changes! Which reminds me: today the game is now available in Korea!
I am trying to level up my Siren's skill with those Marine Goblins. Do i actually need to level up my Siren during the fusion process in order to have a chance at leveling up the skill?
Bro what level is your Ice Dragon and Flame Guardian?? I have the Guardian chilling so I want to use him soon....
The siren doesn't need to level for a skill up to occur. Flame Dragon was 18, Midgard was 30, Flame Guardian 34, Plesios 21, Siren, 28.
Do metal dragons do anything special? Or do they just give you lotsa exp when you fuse with stuff? I'm a little disappointed, since even the high gold dragons aren't enough to level my Amaterasu up once. I guess better to use them on lower stuff that can use the help, and then wait till I'm higher rank to work on Amaterasu?
got a bunch of gems from gungho for the android event, going to do a rare pull now Aaaand I got no 380, beast rider, got to go check if I can use him in a team
I got an unevolved Valkyre EDIT: The only thing I can think of is creating a strong healer team with the Valkyre leader. I have a green, red, blue, 2 white and 2 dark Healer class monsters. It will take me a year to evolve them all though.