QFT. My brother really wants this and could pour huge amounts of cash into it but alas, no android in europe is allowed to enjoy it
You make me feel like I should be playing the game more boldly. I'll sometimes go into dungeons with upwards of 13k and get roasted (on expert) but here you are tackling even harder dungeons...
We will be discussing this text color choice with the overseas team - but I think Japan's main reasoning for this is to create color contrast. Blue on blue would be pretty hard to read. I am a little curious, how exactly is this mix-up achieved? Don't you look at Dungeon names as you enter them - or is it sort of an autopilot mode once you read the daily News post?
This is definitely one of (if the THE) most popular question we face each day. As soon as we have important updates, we will let everyone know.
Its an association problem ; if you are asked to read a list of colors quickly, and each color has a colored font, you read the font color and not the word. Since many/most of us just skim the news, it falls into the 'read fast' category
Oh no, I understand that. I was just confused because between the news screen and the special dungeon screen, a bit of tapping and waiting is involved. And then unless you have the special Dragon dungeon right then, you have to wait - maybe even turn shut off the game and turn it back on later. The second time you turn it on, you wont see the news since it only shows once a day - then you check Special Dungeons and see "OH WOW I've got Sapphire Dragons for 13 more minutes - I'd better run it really quick even though I'm in the middle of a meeting..." Anyway - the confusion/comment is valid, so we shall report the feedback. Reminds me of those brain games that have the word black written in red and you have to read the letters rather than say the color they are. ^_^ Thanks for the feedback everyone! Also... Mech Dragons are really expensive I can't even use mine until I get 6 more Team Cost!!!!
Honestly I'd keep working on your ADK team. Mainly because its just useful for most things. I'd definitely keep them all. I have teams of all colors that come in really helpful depending on the time. Granted... Lol if I had simply focused on one or two they'd be maxed by now ya know? I have yet to see anything over 6.25 unless your talking about using a skill like Loki's enhance. Don't forget we still sadly don't have all the evolutions. Like Valkyries or vamp lords next form. Sadly/fortunately I get through most dungeons with the same monsters. Exceptions being when I need dmg reduction, a poisoner or echidna. Lol I said sadly because maybe I need to challenge myself! That team is normally an ADK team subbing in echidna, siren, or lilith if need be. And lately a combination of the two. http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww18.atwiki.jp%2Fpazdra%2Fpages%2F610.html It's not perfectly translated but is largely understandable. =]
Question about farming vampire lord in the castle of satan last level. For those that are successful, is the drop from the final boss or if a younger version of the vamp lord randomly shows up?
I am trying to evolve Verche is it worth it? Is it worth it? Also, I which Evo Mats do I need for the grayed out area?
I would also like to dual spec my Angelion, is this possible? If yes, what do I need to make this happen?
1) #234. It's the highest tier rainbow color mask. You can find it in the master level Wednesday dungeon. (http://www18.atwiki.jp/pazdra/pages/1382.html) 2) #174. Third tier light mask. It starts to appear in Tomb of Saint - Expert. You probably can find it in Wednesday dungeon as well. (http://www18.atwiki.jp/pazdra/pages/1321.html) 3) #150 Light Guardian. Can be found in any of the Tuesday dungeon. (http://www18.atwiki.jp/pazdra/pages/1298.html)
The skill name is the same as Harpie Devil and all other element's devils and demons. Feeding those to your Harpie Demon should do.
If it's already Angelion (#299), then it's in the final form. If you'd like to skill it up, feed it its previous form #298 or #43 (Big Shynee). As of the newest version 4.4 (The one in Japan), Angelion still cannot be dual spec. It's light property all the way only. If you like a dual spec Light monster, currently only #113 Ifrit, #115 Leviathan, #117 Fafnir, #119 Divinegon, #121 Tiamat, and the advanced forms of Minerva, Neptune, Ceres, Venus, and Hades can do that. There are couple more that can dual spec in Light (Light + Light). They are the Light Mech Dragon (#145) and the light starter dragon (#16, and in ver. 4.4)
Questions: 1. I made a US account just to get this game. If an update ever comes for the US version, will the AppStore notify me or do I have to switch to the US AppStore to get the update. 2. If I use an iTunes gift card in my home country store, can I still buy in-game stuff in the US version of P&D or do I have to use the gift card in the US AppStore? 3. The special rare egg events (currently fire monsters), do they follow a specific order? I'm not currently looking for a fire monster.