We're proud to announce our very first game, Puppysaurus! Childhood monsters run rampant, and it's up to kids to stop them! Collect 'em all in this retro turn-based RPG! COLLECT dozens of unique creatures, each with its own magic powers! ASSEMBLE the perfect team and battle online or device-to-device! TRAVEL on an epic journey to save the world! EXPLORE a vast world filled with loot and secrets! CUSTOMIZE your character's gender, race, hair, and clothing! * Beautiful hand-painted graphics! Full-color retina display support! * Rich, fully orchestrated score! * All-new, original story filled with memorable characters! * Simple, intuitive controls! Supports both tap-to-move and D-pad! * Buy once, play forever! No extra purchases required to keep playing! * New creatures added every day! * New levels, quests, powers and more coming in future updates! Available this summer! We're shooting for late July or early August. ^_^
Love the humour This looks Great. Weird but cool!! With the right level of fun/Cheekiness it could be a real hit. Looking forward to it!!!
gameplay looks nice kinda looks like pokemon with puppy´s is the grafic an early alpha/beta version or will it be improved?
We aim to make folk smile. Thanks! Let's not forget the bunnies or robots or purple fluffy things. ...ouch. We'll probably make some changes before release, but we're definitely keeping this style. We were going for a "painted storybook" look... In fact we hand-painted all the art assets using Brushes on the iPad. Can you maybe be more specific about what you'd like to see improved?
the grafic itself aint bad but for example on the fight screen it would be nice to have a horizont and then a background not just a green i dont like the design of the floor ( the grass ,the earth and the ocean) in the city (where the houses are ) should be a street e.g. the ocean is only a blue colored , there should be some waves imo you should maybe add some additional effects like smoke which comes out of the house or animals running across the screen or swimming in the water will add some points when i got more time
Ah, yes, definitely planning to add overworld animations -- didn't have the assets in time for the teaser. In general the town screen is the least developed in the teaser. We actually have 5 cities in the game, each with its own distinct look and feel, but the cities are the most complex areas in terms of design (lots of NPCs and quest-triggered events, etc) so they're not ready quite yet. We'll be sure to make a more complete trailer when we're closer to launch. Thanks for the feedback!
sounds cool are there also sidequests/minigames in the game ? are there ways to travel faster ( like a bycicle or train system ?) btw will you make a closed beta to give you feedback and find bugs?
Yes, there are sidequests. Don't want to say too much, but hopefully there's enough to keep people's interest. We'll also release additional quests/storylines in updates after the initial launch. No, there aren't really mini games, not outside the battle system. (In the teaser you can see they start to play Tag, for instance.) Yes, there is a subway system that can take you from city to city, but only after you invest in-game money. (Ie, you have to get to the city the hard way first.) Closed beta: Absolutely! We're not quite ready for playtesting yet, but we want to start as soon as we have all of the levels designed and a few final touches applied (like the missing animations you astutely noticed). We'll probably start playtesting before we code the multiplayer features, though. Great questions! Keep 'em coming!
I wouldn't hardly call this retro. Retro is like League of Evil. It looks okay, but if I had to complain about one thing it would be the graphics.
Sorry, they can't all be pixel art. We wanted to try something a bit different, and a bit closer to the game's central themes. I guess it doesn't work for everyone.
i would say between 2.99-5.99$ maybe an intro sale for 2.99 as i think there is a lot of content in the game @ grafic imo the characters dont fit into the grafic style the grafic of the floor e.g. is way simpler than the character´s is but gameplay > grafic
Thanks for all the great feedback, mattll! I'll talk with the artist about the battle background, get his thoughts about changing it up. And we aim to provide awesome gameplay -- we'll be releasing a more in-depth gameplay trailer closer to launch.
No, I'm not saying it's bad or anything (though I do love a bucket full of pixels). But you might be wise to change the title and take retro out, thats all. I would also like to see the battle scenes be a bit more like Pokemon. Looking forward to release.
We love pixels too. We seriously considered making Puppysaurus look like an SNES title, but the artist (Dex Craig of Brushes fame, btw) did such a great job with storybook concept art we decided to go with that. The battle system is quite different than Pokemon's -- we'll posting another gameplay trailer closer to launch with all the details. Also: As the only vote, you win! Will change the title once I figure out how.
Well, here's the pokemon clone so many people have been asking for. I'm curious about how in-depth the leveling system is for the pets. Do they just gain stats as they level, or are there other ways that you can buff them (items, quests, minigames)?
If this is a success you guys should make another one. I'm saying I don't like this the overworld looks good but the battling system and monsters look "off"
You win a free lifetime supply of Fuzzy Professor Head's nuzzles. Also I removed "retro" from the thread title like you suggested. They get stat increases as they level up, and there's also a perk system that can affect battle effectiveness. Also, to a lesser extent, your character can "level up", receiving additional bonuses. Hm. Well, we can't please all of the people all of the time, but can you maybe say more about what looks off to you? We value constructive criticism, it can only make the game better when we finally release.