Universal [Pulled] Mass Effect Infiltrator - (by EA)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Definitely true according to their review for MEI. They wrote the entire review as if this was supposed to be a full-fledged ME console game.
  2. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
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    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    I haven't played enough of this game to make a definitive decision on it, but suffice to say I've had a LOT of issues with STP's reviews. Unless this turns out to be a broken mess, I can't see it turning out to deserve a "1". Hard to say though, since I think their whole rating system is a bit of a mess anyway.
  3. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Agreed. After their horrendous Super Crate Box review, I vowed never to let them become a factor in my App Store purchasing, but I think with a 1/4, I owe it to myself to at least just wait for another (any) review to show up before taking the plunge.
  4. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009


    Holy shit. Gonna check this out myself later to see how it is.
  5. iNexus

    iNexus Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
    The Great White North
    after going thru the game folder with ifile i found test levels and prototype files this was definitely rushed for release hopefully they update this because this game is awesome n it feels inconplete to me
  6. robertto

    robertto Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    haha yeah i dont really put much stock in slide to play, when ever i read their reviews, i'm always thinking "does this person even like games that much?", but everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as we are entitled to have opinions on their opinions.
  7. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    I'm kinda disappointed.
  8. Big Albie

    Big Albie Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Casual gamer/marketing dude
    San Francisco, California
    #169 Big Albie, Mar 6, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
    I played through this a bit, and in general, it's mediocre at best. While the game is called an action RPG, I'd say that's more marketing than actual substance.

    The storyline is basically an afterthought and the voice acting is poorly done. The biggest negative for me is the AI which is almost like waiting for deer to come out from the bushes. The shooting mechanism is poorly designed and I can't decide if they're just inaccurate or if I simply need to get some sleep.

    One of the bright spots is the controls which are pretty smooth with a few hiccups here and there as well as the great graphics.

    In general, the game isn't overly terrible, but there are definitely better designed shooters available.
  9. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    Strange that the appinfo still hasn't picked it up yet - as far as I can see, it's out in the US.

    As for the StP review... It's really not that bad. Yes, this is NOT Mass Effect as you know it on the consoles. Speaking as someone who hasn't played any Mass Effect games, I found this rather interesting. And I actually like the voice acting - as opposed to Shadowgun. That review is very fishy.
  10. Pacificsun0481

    Pacificsun0481 Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Sacramento, CA
    We are alike. I spend less on other things, because I'd also rather have videogames. I have a s*** ton of XBox 360 games, many of which are top shelf quality: Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Shadows of the Damned, Bulletstorm, Skyrim, Arkham City, Red Dead Redemption, etc.....

    I've got Kid Icarus Uprising and Spririt Camera (fatal frame) reserved for 3DS. I just got Super Stardust Delta and Mutant Blobs and getting Unit 13, Ridge Racer and Lego Harry Potter 5-7 for Vita soon...I want Virtua Tennis 4 also :p

    Downloading ME: Infiltrator As we speak off of the AppStore.

    Add me on PSN for Vita (if you haven't already Pacificsun0481)
  11. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Maybe they're pissed because they didn't get a code from EA?:rolleyes:
    I am downloading this as we speak BTW:D
  12. BirkusTheGreat

    BirkusTheGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2009
    I know some negative reviews have come in, but given the fact this is for ops, it's pretty good. Not great. But good. It runs well, and the graphics are gorgeous. The gameplay is...different, but enjoyable enough once you get used to it. There are some flaws, but My only major criticism is that the weapon sound effects sound almost nothing like in mass effect, and sound like regular guns
  13. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    Big Name + Flashy Graphics will sell anything on the iOS. Why put the effort into gameplay when it will not significantly impact the bottom line? It's not like there's any danger of the franchise losing any credibility either, what with this being the iOS after all, and with how thankful we all should be for these scraps, for a mere seven bucks.
  14. JoeyLP

    JoeyLP Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    What's with the hate? I am enjoying it.
  15. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    It's probably coming from people who're big fans of the Mass Effect series, or who had extremely high expectations for the game. Personally, I think it was over hyped. Look at the thread in the Upcoming Games section. People were very excited for the game, yet some people are slightly disappointed by the game. Did people actually expect a full-fledged Mass Effect game? I certainly didn't.

    When I start playing this game, I will probably enjoy it a lot since I haven't played any of the Mass Effect games before and I don't have high expectations.
  16. JoeyLP

    JoeyLP Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Makes sense.
    I was excited for it, but I didn't really have an expectation, nor have I played over 10 minutes of any Mass Effect game.
  17. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    I was a little excited for the game, but I really didn't dive into the details of the game or even the thread for that matter.

    I will be playing the game soon and will be posting my impressions tomorrow I guess.
  18. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    Yup, looks like that tap to aim mechanic is as bad as it seemed from the videos. The team took their "no virtual controls" mantra from their last game and went too far.

    Still gonna get this, but I can't help but feel a tad disappointed.
  19. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    I'm not sure what was wrong, but I fixed the info box in the first post.

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