Lol, my score is just 36. I'm working on it! But I've got so much stuff to do like reviews, school, and sports.
I got 111. no particular strategy, just lucky that the screen wasn't as crowded as it was during other tries
I only got to around 128planes. Always land the fast jets first, diverting the slower ones into a snake of circle flight path to clear the runway. Note that the planes can approach runway beyond 90degrees, or even U-turn to land on the very tip. Have helicopters and bi-planes take the most direct route as they're so slow, you don't want to clog the screen. And have mutliples of them follow the same path, so you can plan how jets go around them. That's all I can offer for now! Good luck!
i agree, i don't want any level system but different maps would be great. different airports, such as an aircraft carrier or something like that
Just got the game today, love the presentation already. I'll look into doing a review tonight or tomorrow.
Congratualtions Congratulations to Firemint for being #1 Paid App in Sweden right now! I'm still struggling to get past 63 landed planes.
Updates Hi everyone! Sorry we've gone quiet, as you may know the Game Developers Conference is on next week and we have been absolutely swamped preparing for that... less than 48 hours until we get on a plane, yikes! I just wanted to say that we are reading all your feedback very carefully. I don't want to say too much at the moment because it's early days (Flight Control has only been out 2 weeks!) but we are planning an update that I think you'll be happy with. We're going to extend the game while making sure it doesn't lose its special charm!
wow i can't believe it's only been out for 2 weeks! Such a winner, and i would strive to not lose the overall theme of the game (kinda ww2 look) love the 1940's babe! Keep up the great work, any update would only be an improvement on an already amazing game! Thanks for checking in firemint!
I agree! I cannot wait I love this game! But can you give us details as far as what the update will include?? why not tell us? anyways, great news and looking forward!
Very much looking forward to an update, you have created a highly addictive game! Best i've managed to get is 198, but working towards the magical 2-0-0!
Wow!!! Best I got is 105 so far... great game firemint! If this is an indication of how good Real Racing will be, then you guys are set to be the next premier iPhone developers/producers, along with ngmoco, Chillingo, and Gameloft.
Well the game feels like the 40's ; maybe you could add like "stages" where players progress though the years. But ANY update would be nice. I think you should take advantage of the long flight and work on the update? Anyways can't wait. Any idea when the update will "land"?