firemint is busy producing a new fart sound application..... i heard rumors of a personal massager application as well. looks like an app for the guys, and app for the girls.
Is Firemint working on any more updates for Flight Control? This is still my favorite app on the iPod.
Would be cool if they did something with Imangi Studios, LLC. Like a Harbor Master-Flight Control mix up?
Whats with the bashing man? Even though both Flight Control and Harbor Master are competing games, but game character (in this case, planes and ships) collabs are pretty harmless I feel
cool, you can join him in the land of stupid ideas. why would firemint want to create another line drawing game? they have a large studio, and talented game designers..... they don't need to beat the line drawing game horse.
I am not saying they should create another game, but some collabs could be possible. Like what they had with the Royal Doctors (whatever it is called).
What!?!? A new update???? Wow! Thanks firemint! Can't detail what is in update since I'm on my iPod right now so look for yourself!
What's New in Version 1.7 - New Windy airfield land planes against the wind in this winter wonderland location. Runways facing the same direction as the wind become inactive, so keep an eye on the windsock! - Beautifully updated high quality graphics throughout, including shadows, path improvements and added map detail. - Gameplay enhancements, including the new optional safe fast forward that turns off when collisions may be imminent. - Music and sound settings are now saved and can be accessed via "Options". - Improved performance. - * BONUS: includes a longer version of the classic Flight Control song that you just cant get out of your head!
The new update is awesome and it shows that some companies care more about their customers more than charging for extra content