Thank you guyss!!! I got to the bottom of the reactor xD!!! i spent like 30 minutes just jumpong around without knowing what to do !! (oh and i found a glitch , ist my first time founding one xD, i jump to one of the walls and went trough it, and then I start walking in the air !! but i just jumed back to one platform and everything went normal after that) This game was awesome!!! And I love every bit of it first true "console quality" game for the iOS. Hope to see more games from EA using this Engine ;D
Guys guys if you want to post something with spoiler, can you also please make the text white? The warning does help, but just to make sure I don't accidentally read anything Thanks for the tips! Yes But I'd want those bonus @iNexus: Thanks for those answers! Don't worry you can always change your mind later about Infected Space
I agree so much with your review portion. I felt this was a surefire console experience. It plays so well, the controls, everything. The story is great (especially on 2nd time through). Everything works well. Gameloft games in comparison just dont have the console feel mostly because of the onscreen joysticks. With this game i felt the controls are fit to the touchscreen to offer the similar amount of control as in console or PC versions of Dead Space. To the hodapp-brad etc. About the lack of joystick, having to swipe twice, etc. Think about it like this, they setup a purposefully low sens too give more precision while aiming. With the gameloft joysticks this isnt found, it relies more on guessing location rather than precisely maneuvering to it. Its like playing a computer game with low mouse sens, as you would if you were a competitive FPS player. You have to lift to move over large distances. This is how i play computer games so the controls just worked for me.
this game is really hard and im on normal mode damnit i cant kill the big monster in chapter 7 cuz already spend all my money for buy suit 3,need to reset this chapter
So did I! I would be very interested why EA isn't selling the game in Germany. They did not even try. It's available in Austria and Switzerland, I think it's available everywhere in Europe, there are even german subtitles in the game...strange! The Gore-factor seems quite to be the same with, let's say, "Rage", which is available here in the german AppStore. Couldn't you (TA) contact EA and find out the reason for this decision? Is there an official statement?
OK glad to see that it still work the Way i did Awesome game! EA could have been earned tots more money. There aren't any Nazis in this game, there isn't any kill of human you should perform.... so why EA?
It's hard for a good while before you get the rhythm down. Run perpendicular or at an angle when it charges, so as to get some distance. Then when it turns and charges you again, freeze it with stasis, run around to the back and shoot it with the corer. It takes practice, but eventually you deliberately freeze it when it's nearly upon you, so you don't have to run as far to get behind, leaving plenty of time to shoot it before it recovers from stasis.
Hodapp, Brad, Not sure if you're still reading this thread, but having beat the game now I really wonder about the strategy you used when you played in order to come to the conclussions you did about the combat in your review. Obviously opinions vary--there are big game franchises that I've never enjoyed (I don't like MGS at all)--but to call this game "not a good shooter", to repeatedly say the combat is weak or imprecise, and to say that the combat should give potential buyers pause just seems factually innacurate and unfair to such a well put together game. I played on normal (which is the hardest difficulty initially available), I'm not a super gamer, but I had no problem beating the game and found the combat precise, strategical, and very fun--by no means a drawback and more an addition to what is an amazing, full, immersive, fun game. The review says ammo is scarce, their are too many enemies near the end, the combat is imprecise, and Vandal moves too slow to be up to the task, but I simply played the game using the same strategies and pace as I played the PS3 game and I never even came close to running out of ammo, nor did I die at all over the course of the last five levels (I did die about three times total in the game, but those deaths were early on and were due to me either getting used to the brilliant controls or not playing smart). Personally I loved the controls as they were by default, but I can see your point that some customization would be nice for those who want it--sensitivity, inverting--but other than that I see no reason to fault the controls or combat at all. It sounds like maybe you didn't play the game the way it was meant to be played, because I found the combat to be very well implemented, very fun, and challenging enough to keep the game interesting without in any way being unfair or frustrating. It's not a game where you wing off shots or charge towards enemies, it's a game where you position yourself and place shots carefully (I usually start by taking off the enemies legs to give myself more time to get the kill). By playing careful, I never once felt overwelmed in the game. While you say the game is "not a good shooter", I found it to be the best shooter in the app store, a new high bar for IOS gaming, and the best game I've purchased for my iPhone or iPad yet (and I've purchased far too many games overall ). To me, it's just plain an amazing game and an amazing accomplishment by the developer that deserves to be recognized as such. Personally, I really hope it sells well enough to both reward the developer and to encourage more games of this caliber.
Hopefully this isn't considered a spoiler, I tried to type it in white, but it didn't seem to work. Anyway, 12.
Does anyone have a screenshot of the original settings for brightness? I tried turning it completely down but then I forget what the original brightness was like. I tried resetting the settings but that doesn't reset the brightness. Would appreciate it if anyone can post an actual size screenshot (preferably retina but non-retina would be helpful too) of the untouched brightness. Thanks!!
If anyone else still deciding whether or not to purchase this game or not, heres some gameplay I captured. Its chapter 1 in its entirety. I have uploaded chapter 2 and in time I will probably do them all.
I just finished the game and it just disapointed me. I don't know why everyone is so entusiastic with it. In fact, I regret the purchase. The game is from start to finish like "start loop->illuminated corridor->lights go out->monsters->lights working again->go to start loop" The gameplay is boring, the game is really short, no multiplayer, no replayability, low variety of monsters and scenarios, and the graphics isn't just that good (if you think this game has better graphics than Unreal Engine, Aralon or Real Racing, you should think again) My final score would be 6/10, and I hate to say it, because I was expecting a lot more from this game.
I don't think watching the video would do the game any justice though since the experience is just a bit different when you're walking and suddenly get attacked. Just my $0.02
Indeed, nothing will actually give the feeling of playing the game. But this is probably as close as your going to get other than playing the actual game. Id say a video is a little better than here say, you can see for yourself what the hoopla is about.
Quick question and sorry if it was mentioned already, I didn't feel like reading or trying to search the 60+ pages. When playing you tap the right side of the screen to ready your weapon. Is there any way to lower your weapon or must you wait until he lowers it on his own?