Man at first this game freaked me out a little (ok a lot) and I didn't know what I thought of it, or the combat/control scheme (they just didn't seem that great esspecially the ranged combat), but the more I play the more I really like this game, never played the original Dead Space but this game is seriously a console like experience, the controls have really grown on me and all that about it being clunky is true but in a good way, once you get used to the fact that the guy is wearing probably a pretty restrictive and heavy suit and that the guns he holds are probably equally as heavy it actually adds to the whole experience and enviroment.
I've never been impressed by any EA iOS offering, other than Scrabble. Dead Space, however, takes the AWESOME cake. Surpassing in quality the likes of Infinity Blade and Lego Harry Potter. Now, as we know Dead Space is EA's finest iOS offering. You've risen the bar. We will expect all EA games to be this great. Suggestions: EA acquired Bioware...get a Mass Effect game like this one out there to launch Mass Effect 3, this fall. Or... Create a port of Dante's Inferno. iOS would be perfect for that. Give Capcom a run for their money, by making a better variant with DI than their Devil May Cry... Lastly, I hope you'll make a better looking Skate title (or an ipad version) or a great SSX title, with awesome snow effects. We know iOS 4 devices are more powerful than any last gen system, those graphics should be the minimum standard. Finally, in regard to this Dead Space title, I'd give in app purchase pr dlc for additional chapters.
SLEDGEHAMMER please just say what the special item is you get in deadspace2 i know you get a node, im picking the game up for ps3 on thursday, dead space on ps3 save so i can get my plasma cutter, but what is the special item....if you cant say outloud then tell me in a PM
CAN I HAS A PROMO CODE?! Rofl just kidding dude. Your iOS take on Dead Space is simply astonishing. But like someone said above, you have done gone and raised that bar for yourselves. Now we expect rightous titles from now on more than we already have.
EA finally did it. If this is released last year this will be my game of the year now I have to wait several months to see if anything can top this.
you know what these kind of posts are ticking me off, this is gonna determine if i buy the special edition or not, i want to know for that reason to either pay 80 bux or 60 bux.... if its a special rig, or weapon just an answer would be great. even someone on the forums who got the game and special item send me a pm let me know....
My bad, I didnt know there was a difference in what you got from Dead Space iOS that unlocked in the Special vs Standard edition.
I can't help but smile when it clicks that I'm playing this on my PHONE. I'm a huge Gameloft fan, but their games all have a "look" that gives them away as Gameloft titles. I bought Eternal Legacy and Shadow Guardian the other day, and thought Shadow Guardian was the best graphics I'd seen on the iPhone 4. Well, that opinion lasted two days and died when Dead Space launched. It just feels like a console game, it's unreal. Even with the stiff controls, the game is a pleasure to take the reigns of. Visually, I showed a load of people in work the game today, and they were blown away ... one colleague thought I was playing a video of the original game on PS3 to fool him. EA have changed not only my expectations of future games by other developers, but of EA also.
I was about to go play this upstairs in the dark, until I realised that I was scared when playing it in a well-lit room with the TV on.
It's in Chapter 3 - I think near the beginning of the chapter. After that, they appear fairly frequently. But yes, you're prompted to visit/upgrade, so you can't miss it. Unless, you know, you're really really trying hard not to pay attention to what the game is telling you.
I just got the Ripper, and I haven't seen any thing or been prompted yet...lets hope I did not pass it.