Sorry if already answered but... Are the ability unlocks NOT tied into character leveling abilities new bits unlocked for all classes?
I'm confused about this as well. Also, how has this game fallen out of sight. TA was pretty hyped for it, but there's been no mention of it, save the weekly "What's coming out tonight" post. I'm surprised that it's not stayed on the front page of the forums.
Yeah, I'm shocked too. Well, TA does seem to like to take it's sweet time with reviews! I guess we'll see in the coming days.
Enemies say how much damage they do, so showing how much total damage will be taken each turn wouldn't be an unfair advantage. It'd be really convenient.
I don't know if the Assassin clan ability, assassinate, is bugged or is just underwhelming. It says "Sneak up and attack a boss from behind for five times teeth damage", I thought it would be an instant ability, but every time a boss shows up and I activate it it doesn't do any damage. I mean it sounds like the assassin passive, attacking from the top, but that's just kind of over kill because you would already have 2 dmg multipliers without wasting an ability slot. I guess the only benefit for reaching the end is having the maximum # of turns to match tiles. I have no idea how the scoring works, it'd be nice if the devs explained if killing peons/bosses is worth more points, or if tile collecting abilitys count towards score, etc.
What the heck is going on with this game? Why is it not in the top charts? This game needs much more exposure.
I think I saw an ability I unlocked as the first class show up while playing as the second class... Maybe not? Class-specific skills are listed, but there doesn't seem to be a screen that lists universal skills and their effects.
I thought Game Center was now supposed to remember achievements earned offline and sync them when you start the game online... I waited 100 seconds in the timed mode for the achievement of dying on the first turn in it, and to give the game time to sync achievements... I just killed an enemy while online and got the achievement for it even though I already did that. Why doesn't Game Center just show me my achievements offline to solve all these problems?! It's my achievements! And my high scores! I can't see them unless the thing decides to actually sync to the server! (This game has in-game high scores, fortunately. Not in-game achievements, though.) Also, right before doing that, I had started up the first mode with the Reaper class, who I had unlocked all the skills for. I got the "Unlock Everything" achievement? I have not unlocked everything. I also don't have the "Master Reapers" achievement.
I'm disappointed in TA for not even mentioning this game after it came out, let alone do a review for it.
Aw, man, I was doing so well but then I didn't add up all the enemies' damage and didn't think I'd die but I did. I had a wipe skill too! I could've escaped that! I really want to be able to see how much damage all the enemies will do without having to add them up manually. And also something else shown on the health meter to perfectly indicate if you will die this turn. No unexpected dying.
Best tile matching game I have played since Dungeon Raid. A much needed breath of fresh air for the genre, especially after all the free to play crap (like that awful Godzilla Smash 3 game) thats been released lately. This game is criminally underexposed everywhere, not only on TA. On a side note I'm not really surprised this hasn't been reviewed here yet. Its not free to play crap or a "big name game" which is what TA is usually going for. A question to the dev: Are there any updates planned? I would gladly pay for an expansion pack with new clans, abilities, bosses etc.
But then it's pay-to-win for high scores if you have to buy it. I do not like the idea of updates that have to be bought when they're more like a regular update. New equipment and stuff is the usual sort of update you don't have to spend more money on.
I haven't been this addicted to a game since Chip Chain came out. Yeah TA Needs to review but Pocket Gamer did. Thanks to this forum I did hear about Darkin and I thank you all for it.
True that. If it is economically feasible for the devs, a free expansion would be nice. But if not, I would not mind paying for it.
Yeah that's disappointing... I'm also disappointed that the update the devs mentioned concerning adding some effects and/or sound regarding low health and a more dramatic ending never came out. It actually is strange TA hyped this and then ignored it... maybe somebody got rubbed the wrong way.