Universal [Pulled] Darkin - (by ten foiled hats)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, May 14, 2014.

  1. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
  2. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    It makes me feel special.
  3. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    I must have played this for 4-6 hours last night. I looked at the clock and suddenly it was 4 am. This game is insane! Buy it if you haven't yet.
  4. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    And here I would have bet there were ten guys on the team. ;-)

    Nice job on the game btw....
  5. nao

    nao Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    How does one activate assassin's double damage attack from above? I have tried all ways but get normal damage everytime.
  6. The assassin's ability is always active, but it works on a monster by monster basis if the link goes from above the monster (this includes the two diagonal "above" directions too).


    You have 1 teeth damage (+ 1 base damage) as your stats. You have 3 peons on at the top of the screen and a boss monster below like the setup in Screenshot #1 attached.

    Notice that Stony Tony (the boss monster) has 6 health (plus extra defense), but the link in Screenshot #2 shows him taking lethal damage this turn with a link that is only dealing 4 total damage showing that because the link is going from above to below through Stony Tony he actually takes 8 damage in total.

    Screenshot #3 shows the same link totaling 4 damage in the opposite direction and there is no blood spot over Stony Tony to indicate that he will take lethal damage from the link showing how the direction the link comes from with the Assassin clan will determine the amount of damage that a monster takes.

    Attached Files:

  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Could you modify the counter to display the assassins damage bonus? Good to know it works from all directions above though as I quite often do that just couldn't tell it was working.
  8. nao

    nao Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Thanks for the detailed explanation, got it now :)

    The counter is abit tricky to modify, as not all monsters receive double damage depending on the chain. Perhaps a visual indicator would be more feasible.
  9. BohemianCoast

    BohemianCoast Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    I finally found the link to game centre high scores. That was quite well hidden. Turns out I'm number 8 on torture, and now I'm inspired to play more.
  10. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    ^This +1.

    Dungeon Raid, didn't have near half of what it currently has (and ever will) when it first launched.

    I can't put this game down, though. I have faith that the dev will add things in the near future.
  11. We've been working on a good solution to this for quite some time and we came to the exact same conclusion that you did! We will likely find either a good visual indicator for this or go with some kind of damage counter over the enemies that will receive 2X damage. The visual indicator would be useful for a number of other applications throughout the game and is making us lean in that direction. 2X bonuses happen rather frequently in Darkin =).
  12. Just had the most epic torture Bloody Countdown game! And then, when it was over... realized I was playing version 1.01 and my score didn't make it onto the leaderboards =(. Hooray for being #1 in the sandbox leaderboards >.<
  13. Markku

    Markku Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2011
    I never played dungeon raid whats better this or that? also is there any permanent upgrades that stay with you from game to game in this or dungeon raid?
  14. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Get Darkin, its more modern and its full of the bells and whistles that Dungeon Raid lacks now. A month later, I still cant put it down. Torture difficulty all the way.
  15. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Agreed bro.
  16. Tastyfish

    Tastyfish Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Careful playing Sunrise Sunset mode on Torture difficulty, you may not want to play any other mode. The timed tension is really engaging and fast paced.

    Still haven't unlocked the third mode yet though.
  17. Estrica

    Estrica Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    #217 Estrica, May 18, 2014
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
    Great game! Love the music, but the graphics might be a bit too childish.
    Noticed (as both me and my SO has the game), that on an iPhone 5 the grid is 6x8, while on iPhone 4S it's only 6x6. That's might cause the difficulty to be different (though, on a bigger grid there can be more monsters, there can also be more teeth, so not sure which might be easier or how it is equally balanced, if is).
    What would be a nice addition to the game:
    - indicator of the sum of damage taken after round
    - some customizing as everything currently is predefined - e.g. some sort of equipment you can switch between games, maybe capes with special abilities - idea is to add some more difference to tactics per games (e.g. In Dungeon Raid the games were complety different based on what 4 skills you got)
    - some indication to the damage dealt per monster, as it is unclear if the bonuses depending on attack direction work
    - I don't know if there are bosses like this, but a monster with an armor/defense - you have to deal at least X damage, where the actual damage is X less; update: there is I think, but the defense value is not shown?
    Keep up the good work! We loved Dungeon Raid, it's nice to have a similar-type game, but with different rules (the 1 use skills are nice). And nice attention to details!
    And sorry if all of these were already mentioned before (actually some similar I could find while reading back).
  18. AmethystAlicia

    Aug 17, 2012
    #218 AmethystAlicia, May 18, 2014
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
    I bought this game today and I really like it, but I have a question.

    Why does the game's App Store description state that the game is 60MB, but when installed it's actually 209MB?


    Edited to add image
  19. BohemianCoast

    BohemianCoast Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    Another batch of random notes and observations:

    "+2 to max energy in exchange for +1 to all stats" -- what does that even mean? Was health energy in a former life?

    Language localisations are good.
    Bloody Countdown appears to be just the same as the regular game except shorter. Needs to be different in flavour as well as length.
    The high score tables are ranked by score, but your score doesn't appear anywhere while you play. So you can't tell how you're doing until it's too late.

    Some games of this type show you (using a mark on your health bar) how much damage you're going to take this turn. This is jolly useful if you're trying to decide between attacking, healing and grabbing loot. I lost my last game because I failed to spot that I was about to be hit for 100% of my health.

    There's an achievement for surviving 100 turns without buying stat upgrades -- I did this but didn't get the achievement -- I think because I got upgrades from loot bags.
  20. "+2 to max energy in exchange for +1 to all stats" means that your max energy bar will be increased from 20 to 22, a somewhat bad thing since you will need more moons to fill it. In exchange for that you'll get the nice +1 to all 4 stats. This, we've found, is one of the most powerful abilities in the game and we have had to nerf it multiple times in the past >.<

    Bloody Countdown is a good bit more difficult than Almost Eternal in several ways. The enemies level up faster and both bosses and enemies come more often. Making it to the end on torture difficulty is no easy feat =).

    We've looked into showing you how much damage you will take on your health bar and always felt it was holding the player's hand a little too much. However, if there is a desire for that, we can definitely discuss adding it in. What we are doing right now is implementing other ways for you to know that you're getting low on health and about to die. Been testing several options over the past few days.

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