Hoping it does reappear soon. Wanted to see how it ran on a iPod Touch 6G but i skipped buying it due to the iOS8.4 bug.
I've already talk with 2k,they pulled for that reason,iOS 8.4,in the meantime they working on update it: http://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/articles/206800767-BioShock-Mobile-iOS-Compatibility-Issues http://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/articles/206357388--IOS-BioShock-temporarily-removed-from-the-App-Store-
This it's another one: http://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/articles/206357388--IOS-BioShock-temporarily-removed-from-the-App-Store-
I know a lot of people (myself included) that would never buy another 2K game at that point. It's one thing to go from iOS8 to iOS9 and break something... but iOS8.3 to iOS8.4? I already regret updating to 8.4 just to get Apple Music. :/
I was waiting to play this masterpiece for about 10 months,hopelessly cause it was not out in my country,not knowing that I could use AppNana to get it,then I collected enough points and got it. If I was waiting for the game itself (not even the fix for the game) for such a long time then you can too
No, not really. It's one thing to not have the game available for purchase and another thing to have close to 3 GB sitting on your iDevice doing absolutely nothing for months.
I'm starting to wonder at this point if they're just gonna hold out another 2 months until iOS 9 comes around. I *really* hope they're testing compatibility with iOS 9 already. I need to start cranking through my backlog of other games before it all breaks. :/
The worst possible situation that could happen is that 2K just waits to see if iOS 9 magically fixes this, and if not then start to work on fixing it.
iOS 9 Beta Here,but same Situation,Black Screen on Start Up,i Think and i hope they Fixed 8.4,and at last they tested The Update to Run also on iOS 9 Beta.
i bought it at the beginning of the year on my ipad mini 1 not knowing its incompatible so i waited till i got an iphone 6 to play it but i updated to 8.4 and i didnt know it broke the game. oh well, it will come eventually