Don't expected 2K update it frequently,if you take a look at other 2K iOS games,you know what I mean,I hope for better resolution on iPhone 6 plus,and must of all,icloud!!this game needs Icloud..
They should do an update for the iCloud and the resolution issue and also a price drop as it was nuts to charge so much to begin with since I don't know anyone that didn't already play the game.
It is on sale!! Hmmm I'm sure it's a great game, never played the PC version, but is it worth it for the Iphone 6 plus? I've heard the resolution is not that great. I need some convincing from some who have purchased for the iphone 6 plus, not that 6 or older phones. Thanks!
I am playing it on the 6 plus and it is smooth as all hell. The resolution could use a boost but it still looks fantastic and if you jailbreak your phone there is an app that actually fixes the resolution. But it looks fine the way it is, it is a beautiful game.
Thanks guys for the input! Gonna do some video watching again and really see if it's something I can get into, I'd be sold for sure if it was a 3rd person shooter, but I'm not a huge 1st person type gamer.
*waves hand* Yo! Me! Meee! And a question: I always play with an MFI controller. Is there a way to get rid of the on screen controls? Thanks!
Ign report of this dropping to $5 tomorrow. Is this universal (as in does it play best on iPad, etc)?
Don't know if I should purchase this iOS version being half prized since I never have played the Bioshock games but always wanted...
I only picked this game up today coz i already have it on the PC. At this sale price this game is more than worth it to be played on mobile. Im also assuming you havent played bioshock in other platforms yet, so getting this will be worth 2-fold for you. You know that feeling when you love a game coz of the experience and not the length or the simple mechanics (looking at you Monument Valley)? Well, Bioshock is experience, length and mechanics in one.
So i finally loaded this game on the ipad air and... It's ****ing ridiculous how much people complain about this game's visuals. The game looks fantastic on iOS standards. It is obviously toned down, but if it keeps a steady framerate, im all for a seamless gameplay. And i think this game nailed the balance between a steady framerate and a decent resolution. To be honest, on my ipad air, this looks a lot better than Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, but then that game provided a more flexible visual control. I highly recommend this game to anyone who doesnt have access to it in other platforms. Despite how much random complaints are regarding the port's visuals, this game looks fantastic, and provides a gameplay that should never be missed.