So, my iPad with Retina Display should arrive in a few weeks and I'll be able to give this port a try but I have a few questions: 1) How it runs on the iPad mini w/RD? Solid 30 FPS? 2) Are you capable to move around the button (Like MC5)? 3) You can still save manually or that's been removed?
That's quite a sweeping generalisation. The most negative voices about this game are coming from people who own a decent PC rig or a console and who can play this game "as intended". To those people I say, in the most polite manner possible, "Away and play it on your own machine". The days of me sitting on the couch with a controller staring at the TV are gone. At 35 years old I've been there and done it in gaming on every system possible but no longer own any consoles and won't be buying a One or PS4 anytime soon, if ever. With work, kids, and other responsibilities I simply don't have the time to sit down in front of a console and play games, so a quick blast on the iPad during the day or a decent hour on it when I finally get into my bed for the night and don't manage to nod off right away is how I game now. For people who only use iOS devices for gaming these days, this port is fantastic. I played half an hour last night in my bed with the headphones in and the lights off, and trust me the game is still creepy as hell. I'm not rationalising anything, I'm simply looking at this port in the light it should. I didn't expect a 100% port of the 360 version, and I never even played half way on the 360 back in the day when I did have it because Gears of War multiplayer and Crackdown were no doubt hogging my attention at that time. You can't just say everyone who likes this port is denying anything or rationalising flaws just to say its BioShock in their bag. This port may not be for you, but that doesn't mean it's not enough for me or anyone else.
The last set of iPads was released ~10 months ago, so now's a rather weird time to buy an iPad (or iDevice in general)... anyway, once again based on what's been said in this thread: 1) Probably 2) I'm pretty sure you can't 3) Manually saving is definitely still an option.
sorry guys. i have ipad air. texture is very very bad. but the framrate is perfect. check out these screenshots on my ipad air:
bought last night, running on on i pad 4 IOS 7.1.4 , overheats a little, FPS lags a bit, but overall a decent game. $ 15 worth?? No still too high. also this eats battery life like candy. 20% life in 40 minutes of play
Because it's a fun game, it's a good port, and I sat in my hotel room the other night and spent thirty minutes exploring Rapture, getting back to a game I haven't played since it came out. I doubt it's for everyone- weird PC snobs who probably looked down it being on consoles definitely won't enjoy it. People who can't see past graphics won't enjoy it. People who freak out at small compromises being made in porting a AAA title onto a mobile won't enjoy it either. I enjoyed it a lot though. Bioshock was a great game, and it still is. There's nothing demented about it. It controls well, the gameplay hasn't dated, and the atmosphere's still there. But that said, if you were so certain you wouldn't enjoy it, why did you buy it..?
Waay to many generalizations there,It was the same thing on Dq thread.If you aren't satisfied with quality of a product then it doesn't always mean that you had unrealistic expectations.Running on a device seems to be the minimum requirement here things like graphics,fps,voice acting and stuff doesn't really matter I suppose.Really they could replace the whole game with stick figures playing ludo and slap brand name on it and people will still be lauding it as a masterpiece. I myself found the port to be pretty decent the overall asthetics and gameplay are intact and the game is somewhat enjoyable though it needs fully customizable controls,better framerate and a lot better lightning to be a good port.Still I'm enjoying my time with and will probably give it a 7/10 on a mobile gaming scale considering the whole experience. I also don't get as to why people should be 'grateful' for a 15$ port of a 6 year old game, I mean I respect 2k that they didn't copout and shove a bioshock card game and went for the real thing but at the same time I think it needs more time in the oven in terms of overall optimizations which are highly lacking here.Remember borderlands was ported to vita with a lot better sucess compared to this which is an open world shooter also considering how these devices are lot more powerful than the vita and should probably be able to handle bioshock at high settings(Ipad air being equivalent of a high end pc of 2007-2008),I see a lot of rokm for improvements. Still it's a good port which can be a lot better and while I wouldn't suggest it for the price in it's current state it still is a thrill to have bioshock on my phone and I wouldn't deny that. FEW FACTS: To give people some perspective the A7 chip in Ipad air is equivalent of a 7900gtx which could play bioshock at 1024*768 at 30fps 'maxed out',So expectations should be suitably adjusted coupled with the fact that it's a single chipset and a closed architecture the performance should be a lot better than that(Similar to how a chipset in a closed console say ps3 would destroy the very same configuration of cpu and gpu on a pc,for the sole fact that the game was optimised for the console specifically and hence is not throttled by excessive background processes that hog system resources in a pc environment).
I can't disagree more with some of the negative comments here. I own BioShock (twice- now thrice), BioShock 2, and Infinite on consoles. Love them. But there's something terrific about having it so intimately in the palm of my hands and being able to be absorbed in rapture for a bit on the way to work. For me, the decrease in graphical fidelity doesn't matter all that much, because in the first (honestly) Rapture is all about the sum total: graphics, sound design, history, ambiance. Anyway, I like the sensation of touching the game. And since I hate sitting in front of a television, having to boot up a console and waiting interminably, this scratches my itch perfectly. And I absolutely am floored by it. Amen-
Is this game worth the $15 and for someone who isn't much of a console gamer (I've never played this before) will it be fun and will I be amazed?
On ipad air, rmini,ipad 4 yes,on other devices no. Though if you don't like touch screen controls for fps then it might not be very enjoyable, In that case I would suggest waiting for an update. The great thing is that even after a highly downgraded port the game is still manages thrilling quality,Just a testament to bioshock's quality it truly is a 'masterpiece'. P.s I haven't played on ipad 4 so I'm not sure how well it works on it but going by the dude below I suppose it works fine,On Ip5 it's terrible though.
If you're on a 5S, you're good. Also, contrary to what the last dude said, the experience on a 4th gen iPad is perfect. Will it be fun and will you be amazed? Of course. Even without the fantastic FPS gameplay and RPG elements, Rapture has a way of sucking you in...whether it be sights or sounds.
There is so much truth in this post, stated so eloquently, in lieu of posting 50 quotes with responses, I'm going to just add "+1." Cheers. DBC
So to my surprise I checked the App Store an saw this game available, it's funny because I wasn't even aware that the game was in production. I never had a. Hands to play the original game, however I have heard its amazing. I was just wondering if it is worth the price? Is it a direct port and does it have enough replayability to justify $15.