Not the prettiest in places on iPhone 5S but who cares, it's bioshock for the phone Would you kindly...
I have it on iPhone5 and it worked just fine no lag... Just hard to play it on my iPhone once i tried it on my iPad mini ver2
Since there seem to be a large variety in performance across devices, I can add another confirmation for iPhone 5S users. The game runs flawlessly with no visibly graphical lag so far. Now, stop asking with your words and start inquiring with yer wallets! I do. And I understand the App Store submission guidelines (as explained to you by Nader). And therefore I did not speculate as to the lack of retina.
Lol do u even know what is the meaning of lag ? I also own an iphone 5 , and it lags badly on certain area even the prologue
On my iPhone 5S game runs very well(I just arrived to doctor steinman, 2nd chapter), no lag but in certain areas textures and pixels are no good! IMHO this is the best game on AppStore at the moment.
Well,to all The users that,like me,have that fastidious pixel bug,i already send a request to 2k Support,The link it's on page 31,so,more users send a request to 2k support,more chances that 2k developers fix This bug via update..or,you can report to them on TWITTER,at @2ksupport,thanks.
Yes bud indefinitely understand the meaning of lag... I didn't play much on my iPhone 5 cause I've been playing on my ipad but when I did try it... It seemed to be fine to me didn't have any complaints so idk what to tell you... Just my experience... Maybe my iPhone is just better than yours lol no worries done here back to gaming with no lag B) lol
I got this on PC when first came out... The limited edition. Came with metal game box and a large, heavy statue of big daddy
One of the to my mind most exciting things with a release like this, apart from the game itself, is that for other developers, it might beg the question, "people are playing Bioshock and XCOM* on their phones. Why not our game?". And, should Bioshock do well (like XCOM seems to have done), they might add "And they seem to be enjoying it and be ready to pay for the pleasure in spite of lower resolution, touch screen controls, smaller screen estate and all the other rationalisations we've previously relied on to disregard the possibility of mobile ports". I'm kinda curious to see what massive desktop title might be next. And how this might inspire the makers of original premium titles for iOS to continously top AAA desktop ports * [and TWEWY and GTA and MHFU and KOTOR and KoDP and WoTB]
Do you think it will be released in Azerbaijan guys?Cause ALL 2k games were released in Azerbaijan AppStore including the newest ones(civilization revolution 2,xcom)but they came out like 3 days lately and xcom came out in our store 2 weeks lately.
I have already acquired internal clarification on the standards applied to those guidelines. I recommend you do the same. Meeting adjourned.