Updates don't matter. It's only when a NEW app is submitted without these features that it will be rejected. I have a banking app that's been updated several times in the past few months and it still doesn't have widescreen support.
Don't want to take too much part in off-topic discussion, but as an app developer I can with 100% accuracy state that there is no such requirement to support retina. It is entirely down to the developer and each game on a case by case basis. With the Unreal Engine we've been able to do what a lot of developers do, which is create different profiles for devices that controls stuff like the highest texture mip levels, extra post-processing (or other graphical enhancements), and resolution. Obviously depending on how complex the game is (not necessarily a case of just graphics) it will not run at retina, but TBH retina is a retarded resolution anyway (particularly on iPads). I wouldn't really expect any PS3/360 level game to run with all it's bells and whistles, when they barely ran at 30 frames at 720p.... much less 2048 x 1540 (or whatever craziness the screen is at on a retina ipad). Until Apple gives developers a device that is waaaaaaaaay more powerful having 'Retina' as a thing is more of a handicap than an advantage if you're developing a high end 3d game.
@Nader thank you this is what people need to understand,No way can any device handle that res.Ps4 doesn't even do 1920*1080 how can you expect retina res support.Expect it to be this way 5 years or more until the gpu in these devices is able to handle those ridiculous resolutions.You need a 300-400$ graphic card coupled with a 150$+ cpu and 8gb+ ram on pc to run these games at those setrings 'minimum'. I don't know if people complaining about retina even play games on other platforms or not,This is a very basic concept that should be easily understandable. And no there is no such thing as a retina restriction made by apple which forces devs to get their games to run at native res,that's false info and pure bs.No 3d game in appstore existence runs at Air's native res.
"Make Your Apps Look Great on the Retina Display and iPhone 5 March 21, 2013 Starting May 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built for iOS devices with Retina display and iPhone apps must also support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. Learn about preparing your apps by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines." That is direct from the Apple developer portal last year. I understand what you're saying in your post and obviously enough there can be different interpretations of retina along with different steps can be taken to fulfil the requirements with different resolutions but the guidelines are there and well, Apple were pretty clear on it last year. We could sit here all day and still not have an absolute definition of "retina support" because that's really down to Apple's own defintion of it and resolution is not the sole defining factor so its best to leave it at that. However, something heavily pixelated and with jagged edges on characters and models probably doesn't meet the standard. This game did meet Apples predefined visual standards to afford it "retina" compatibility so, if people are experiencing heavily pixelated jagged edge visuals, here is the support link. http://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Submitting a ticket with device details and areas of the game where you are experiencing it will aid in resolving whatever the issue is that is causing it. Or at least will lead to clarification on it.
Thanks for the voice of reason, especially your point about how even PS3/XB360 consoles, or heck even PS4/XB1 consoles, wouldn't be able to handle a retina iPad's resolution at a decent framerate for a fully 3D rendered game.
It just means the apps have to work on those devices. It doesn't mean the graphics engine has to actually be rendering the game at that resolution. If that were the case how would all these pixel art games be allowed? Or ports of old games which still use the old low res graphics.
What they mean by that is that applications should now support devices with retina res which itself is a misleading term uses by them since iphone and ipad's have wildly different res and both are called retina.The term they should be using is native res.You'll be hard pressed to find any 3d game which runs at native res of mini 2 and air or even ipad 3. We're realistically 6-7 years away before any devices have gpu capable of that kind of res.Though 2d stuff like angry birds and candy crush may actually run at this res right now.
I do actually know what it means, that first sentence was a mistype which I corrected. I understand the rules very clearly. Some people don't but suffice to say "retina" support is not simply defined by screen resolution alone. There are other factors and visual fidelity is one of them. And well, the rules are the rules and they are pretty clear. Stuff is being rejected if it doesn't reach a certain visual fidelity level or doesn't take in to account "retina" screens. What defines something as supporting "retina" as defined by Apple is the part that's open to interpretation or debatable. And resolution is another different matter that is just one part of the scenario of which running at "native" resolution is not a necessity. I'm not going to bother with the details because they are very technical and would be pointless here but suffice to say jagged edges and pixelated graphics are not some thing Apple wants on their devices, it is not some thing I am experiencing on the device I have this game on. It is not pixelated and not "jagged" on the iPad 4 that I have primarily played it on (iPhone 5 is a different matter). I still know its not running at "native" res. "Native" res wasn't what I was talking about. It is safe to assume that there is a bug some where that is causing the game to run on "retina" devices as though it were a non "retina" device. Hence the support link and why I even broached this subject in the first place. I would recommend people to use the link above as it will either lead to a solution and update or lead to some clarification.
@rip73 retina res is really just a buzzword it's not in any shape of form resmebles any form of aliasing or graphics setting.There numerous games which run at non retina horn is one of those games I remember playing it on my friend's ipod 4g and it was anything but jaggy and running at 240p or even lower and this is some time after retina became a thing. Xcom has a lot of jaggies and a framerate in sub 20's and it has been featured by apple themselves many times.There are no such rules for devs to pertain to a certain graphic setting that is deemed acceptable by apple.There are games which don't even run on devices whic they claim to support e.g limbo which supported iph4 but doesn't run on it.Apple don't mostly test games and approve them based on their experience otherwise so many exceptions wouldn't exist. Apart from that none of the 3d games run at native res of ipad 3 or above for iphones it may be different since they have a much lower res than ipad's.
for those who have completed the game, is the reward we get after rescuing those little sisters worth not harvesting them?.
It makes a difference, but I'd recommend playing through the game both ways to see the different outcomes, rather than saying one is better than the other. Saying more would be a spoiler. This game is a cross between a FPS and RPG, so I'd say it would be a mistake to think of decisions like this purely in terms of how it affects the gameplay. It's part of the roleplaying side of the game.
I think people need to appreciate this port for what it is. I am absolutely loving this game on my iPad Air. I no longer own an Xbox 360 or PS3 and am in now rush to buy a new console. I game exclusively on iPad, so for me getting the chance to relive this game (truth be told I never got even a quarter of the way through the original on the 360 when I had it) on my iPad for a mere tenner is too good to be true. Yes, the visuals are not anywhere near as good as the Xbox 360 version nor are they near the sharpness of the console versions, but if you want the "real" or should I say full BioShock experience go and buy it on PC or console, it's that simple. For people who rely solely on iOS for gaming and who have no need for a console, this is fantastic. The GAME, the EXPERIENCE, is intact. When you buy this game on iOS you are accepting that you are buying the iOS version, and anyone who buys this expecting an Xbox 360 title on their tablet or phone is barking up the wrong tree and setting themselves up for a huge dose of disappointment. This is the finest first person shooter experience on the App Store, provided you have a device which can run it well enough, and best of all it's Premium and without ads and IAP.
Right but what about people who have new consoles at home. Surely I wouldnt play this over any xbox one games. Then that gets me thinking when I am at work am I going to try and get all immersed in 30 minutes with this or just play another game real quick to get my fix?....
I just saw a comparison video on YouTube (iPad Air version vs iPhone 5s) and I must tell that iPhone 5s version needs an update because looks pixelated.Both versions runs very well and no lags.Video on YouTube from TouchGameplay.
Sounds like you aren't part of the target audience then if you mostly game on an Xbox One and only use your mobile device for occasional short game sessions. For people who mostly or exclusively game on their iOS devices, this is a really nice option to have.
Bloody briliant on my iPad Mini Gen2. Resolution is absolutely fine in my opinion and the game runs really smoothly. Couldn't really expect any better than this.