Not bad on iPad 3 Currently playing on iPad 3 and its not bad actually. I thought that i would get crashes and lags. Now testing on iPod Touch 5g. Edit : Not playable on iPod Touch 5g. Too much lag.
Everyone here really needs to be grateful for this game. This could be the game that shows devs there is money to be made on the premium side and to give ios a chance. I really hope this game does well at this price point. If it does I can guarentee you this will open the flood gates for more devs to port over there classics. Thanks 2k
I don't know. But its pretty cool that its not lagging and that I'm not getting any crashes. I'm just at the beginning, I don't know of later it will lag or crash, but I don't think so.
Will it get released worldwide?!I am in Azerbaijan and we have all 2k games here including XCom but bioshock is not out yet...
I am also really curious if mobile version has the "sonic boom" or whatever plasmid that was added in patch for pc and xbox only.Well if mhfu on ios has dlc armor then I am sure sonic boom exists in mobile bioshock version.
Just to confirm you installed it and run the game with no complications so far? There was no jailbreak method or anything? Straight-up download and play, right?
There is no way this game is running in Retina on the iPhone 5s. It looks so bad, like it's pixel-doubled.
Yes. Currently running ios 8 beta 5 and there was no complications so far. So I think that it'll run better on ios 7.1.x. Played for 40 minutes now and just 3% of my battery was drained.
I agree with earlier poster, I hope this does well and shows that there is money to be made by making (or porting) full games with bigger price tags. For me, I no longer have a console and my ipad is my only gaming outlet; I'm quite happy to pay full price for a full game. Anyway... Bioshock! woohoo! Download faster damn you! I only ever played on MacBook, and I'm rubbish with mouse/keys so looking forward to this, becoming bored of getting my face blasted off by Red-34 in MC5!
It's almost as though the people who are criticizing Bioshock are not the same individuals as the ones who like Dragon Quest 8. Crazy idea, I know. (You're expressing your opinions in a disrespectful way again, Mamalovesyou. If you find it so hard to take things seriously here, you might want to find another community where you feel more at home.)
Waste of Money because of the lack of Retina and the low FPS on the iPhone 5S. It's like DOOM in a 3D World... It's like all the Devs don't give a f*** about the iPhone 5S. Many of the worthy games seems to make the phone heat.
Ok thanks, I'm taking the plunge later. Crossing my fingers I don't need to run iOS 8 beta for this..
Just needed to rush to an ishop, upgraded my ipad 2 to a brand new ipad air for the event. Bioshock its probably my top 1 videogame of all time. Its an exelent port. And the extras book make it a collector edition. Never tought i would travel Rapture in all its splendor lying in my couch. Mesmerizing art
People saying it works great on the iPhone and people saying it lags so much it's unplayable... What to do, to buy or not to buy (iphone5)