Yeah it regularly hits $5, GMG has had it as a freebie (with other games) a couple of times, was also recently in the 2k Humble Bundle.
Just got my first crash. I entered the Medical Pavilion, went into the save menu and was trying to figure out if there's a way to delete save files, clicked the arrow on the right of the screen and it closed the app. Just a side note: my phone, after playing for about an hour is warm, but nowhere near Modern Combat 5 heat
i see pixels on objects when they are far away.more like 8bit playing on my ipad it only me or everyone can see the same thing? :/
Has anyone else noticed that the game seems to lack icloud, any control customization options, sensitivity/speed options, or even invert-Y options for either touch &/or MFI controllers? Aiming seems to track very slowly with a controller compared with touch controls as well. Am I missing something, or is this just how it is?
For what it's worth I played through the opening bit (Up to the first splicer attack) on my iPad 3. Ran just about as well as it did on my iPhone 5. Dunno how it would hold up to long playtimes, but frame rate was pretty good. Keep in mind i closed all apps and restarted my iPad before running. Better safe than sorry.
Yes. It plays well enough and overall doesn't look..bad, but I've see way better looking FPS's on iOS.
seeing the game size..they shud atleast have ported with better graphics for current gen (5s/ipad air) and next gen ios doesnt look bad but atleast they shud tweak it and remove pixels
Oh god thank you. I'm relying on your results mate, please pray to god it works on iPod touch 5g and please tell me if it works.
You will have to wait an hour or two. I'm in a hotel right now and the connection really really sucks.
Can anyone kindly help me (either through PM or spoiler tags) with the first bot that you have to hack? I'm stuck here and certain parts of this games UI could have been optimized for touch screen but don't seem to have been. Thanks! Edit:figured it out, just a bit of patience and practice..
Time to test my old iPhone 4 to the borderline!! I have done many attempts to kill my iPhone 4, like finishing the easy mode of XCOM Enemy Unknown, finishing half of all the quest in MHFU, and trying to play Limbo with no succesful attempt to break the system requirement screen. Bioshock on an iPhone 4 is going to be my worst nightmare! I'm not scared of scary enemies and jumpscares, but lags, texture loss, more lags, crashes, and even more lags is going to be my worst enemies. I hope there is no "system requirement" screen, or I'm finished...