Yeah I could see where you're coming from. Idk I guess it just isnt my style. It doesn't really blend in too good with ny other apps and ios 7 imo. Not that it really matters though, but it makes me cringe lol
Don't worry,without spoiler,when,and all the time you find a"machine"you can switch them,it's cause you have 2 slots.but you can buy slots..same apply to tonics..and,be sure to look everywhere in every levels,there're tons of things to be found..
It's only that without border compared to The other app icons look small,with iOS 7..but it's true...
Someone please tell me how quickly this game will eat the battery? Also please tell me if it runs well on A4 processor (iPod 5)? EDIT: NOOOOOOOO!!!! This is not possible! I just read it's not compatible with iPod touch 5!!!!!!!!!!! I so hope it works with iPod 5 soon. ###
The app description says only iPhone 5 and newer. A4 devices are not supported. Doesn't mean it won't run, but will probably do so very, very poorly, if at all.
Would really like to know this for iPad 3. I'll bite the bullet if I know it will at least launch and run ok.
Ok, the hype got me..blind-buy! I don't know much about the game, and this will be my first time playing. I'm kind of excited and a bit skeptical at the same time. I'm downloading it over wifi and it's taking a bit. I'm on a 5S and hoping for the best
I digging it so far. Its not a perfect port, but its completely playable and entertaining. And surprisingly it doesnt eat up the battery too fast.
I just want to know if it'll run on an iPad mini 1. Please!! Someone let me know! I'll look past bad frame rates and a couple crashes.
The iPod 5 has an A5 processor, so i think that it will play but will not look as good as an iPad 4 and up or iPhone 5 and up.
The pad mini has an a5 chip too. Just no retina. Do you think the game would run? I play godfire and other unreal engine games
I have an iPad 3 and an iPod touch 5g. I'm downloading it right now so if it works on both it will surely work on 1st gen iPad Mini. I also played Godfire on both devices and it worked smoothly. No crashes and lag at all.
i see pixels on objects when they are far playing on my ipad it only me or everyone can see the same thing?