pluto6: Glad that you like it! The hint nag is being toned down for update 1.1, also I will keep in mind your issues with timed levels for future updates with more levels. I'm sure you are not the only one that feels this way about stressed timers
When do you think we'll see the update? I'm playing on my iPad bc GC is broken on my iPhone. The medal for 2-4 (9000 points) is proving difficult. Not enjoying playing it over and over to try and get that medal.
They are not that bad. I am just not a timer person for puzzles for the most part. There are actually very few in your game, and as I noted, certainly not a show stopper. The game has continued to grow on me. I am not really trying for high scores, just to 3 star and medal every thing. I am mid 3rd world. The graphics are humerous, and I am starting to notice little subtleties with things that make me appreciate the effort that went into the game. I wish you every success.
App - i think you might be doing it wrong. Once I re - figured the path, i got 9093 on my first try. I am not very fast any more. Hint 2 up, 1 down and a wrap at the end. (Me telling THE AppUnwrapper how to solve something???!!! Its got to be a first! )
If I don't adjust 3 of the sliders, I hit the spikes. Highest I've been able to get is around 8500. Again, might be faster on iPhone, but no GC on mine so I've been playing on iPad. If there was iCloud, I would switch to try to get that medal.
I use an ipad. Tried to PM you - your mailbox is full. Spoiler . As soon as the screen shows, move the top right slider to the top, the bottom left to the top and bottom right to the bottom. Path is right over tothe left over to the right bottom and wrap around. The key is to move the sliders while the intro is still showing. I think the timer starts before you touch the tongue. Maybe I am wrong about when the timer starts, but that is what I do and had no difficulty.
That's exactly what I've been doing and no matter how fast I do it, I still can't reach 9000. I start the second the level opens.
No idea. New high is 8799. But honestly I don't find this aspect of the game fun. I think "that must have been fast enough" and then it's not. Might just wait until the update that balances things a bit better.
Here is a list of what is included in 1.1, I need to test it some more but it will be ready for submission any day now: Combined leaderboard for all worlds Fixed highscore bug Start counting time after first interaction with Greg or level "New highscore" indication on endscreen Ability to see the highscore for the level in the endscreen Minor bug fixes and optimizations
Finally managed to get the medal for 2-4. I still think the timer thing is a bit ridiculous. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel A counter in the corner showing you the length of your tongue with scores relying on a shorter tongue seem like they would be more in tune with the game. Would still have a discrepancy between iPhone and iPad, though.
Weird, 9000 is quite easy for this level for me on my iPad mini2 (iOS9). Heck, with some effort I can get 9500+, so there is quite a bit of margin. You cannot have the path wrong, there is not enough tongue for that hehehe, and you also do not seem to wait until the "Black Moon" banner is gone before starting to adjust the sliders. It must be your iPad's clock then? That, or your metabolism is really slow LOL [edit] just saw your video, see, you just needed an audience
Lol. I still have no idea how you managed to get 9500 on that level. Are you pulling two sliders at the same time? I didn't check yet to see if that's possible. I play with one hand.
No, just one hand. It is a matter of muscle memory. Be quick with the sliders and then know your path and draw smoothly. In below clip I took it easy, 9400 I think you will benefit a lot from "start-the-clock-on-first-touch" that will be in 1.1
"Muscle memory" implies that you did the action so many times that you don't even need to think about it. I am not looking to play it that many times.
Hahaha well, this is no Shredd or Bobbing, so a few times should be enough By the way, I too think that a "shortest path" metric would have been a better fit to this game than time. Maybe it can be added as an extra mode with its own leaderboards? Would add replay value to the game!
iOS 9.3.2 beta finally fixed GC for me (and many others), so I have access again to GC! So what happened to the scoring? I'm "suddenly" well over 100.000 points behind on all the worlds!