Hahaha really? That is weird. Funny things are going on with the leaderboard. If you calculate the average level score of first world for example you get an impossible *average* score of over 9900 (reachable only with level 1?). Also, too many players have the exact same score (see top 50), well, this could be due to a very low internal clock precision, but still ... The tongue is fine at low finger speeds, but at higher speeds the tongue doesn't follow the finger. If you try to make a really fast corner around a pin, you will not make it. So to get the highest score possible, you actually need to slow down a little bit To be honest, making the game leaderboard metric about time feels a bit forced and not the best choice for this game. A tongue length metric could have been better, but that makes it probably too hard core
I guess if it was just leaderboards, it wouldn't bother me as much. But I just redid the same level about 30 times to get the medal for a speed bonus of 9000, since I kept losing my tongue if I picked up the speed. For a game that rewards speed, it's sure not very friendly to speedy fingers. Edit: And I'm pretty sure the current leaderboards (at least for World 1) is giving the same amount to everyone besides for level 1. Or something like that. Because the only way my score changes is if I improve my level 1 score (I'm now #7 on the leaderboards). Completing other levels does nothing. Also, could we maybe cut down a bit on the "NEED HELP? USE A LIGHT BULB FOR A HINT!" messages? Edit: Getting 0 on the World 2 leaderboard after completing the first level.
The game is great fun lets not forget that, specialy since it's made by one man, he can do nothing about the Gamecenter hiccup I suppose. Keep it calm David you can work it out. Drink some thee and relax.
I got a promo code and everything worked Well the first week, Saosijs and me where on and off number one on world one the whole week, but since the launch everything changed, so it must have something to do with the global launch I suppose.
I'm sure it will all work out. Game Center is scary I just put in the upcoming ATF and it was super buggy during testing. If I was scared before this terrifies me haha.
Yes, this is the second fastest level of world one, just pull gregs tongue down in one go to the popcorn and let go easypeasy.
Are we talking about the same level? Every time I pull the tongue, wait for all the stars to line up before touching the popcorn, and I only catch 2 of the stars. Edit: I was trying to actually line them up in a perfect line. When I ignored that logic, it worked.
Same here, I improved level 7, 1, and 2 (in that order), but only after improving level 1 I got more points on the leaderboard
There definetly seems to be an issue with Game center. Is the leaderboards set to average? They should be set to total. Mening the idea was that all the scores from the completed levels were added together on a high to low leaderboard. So 9000 score on all levels in world 1 would mean a score of 162 000.
The tongue not following 100% in high speeds is a physical restriction that is compensated for by making the tongue have a Max speed. Not to get too technical but physics are run in 30fps, standard Unity setting to save performance. Therefor if it were matchning 100% it could skip passed tacks if it move across them in one frame I have stretched the limits a bit with some trickery though so it is as fast as it can be
Guys, I found the bug. Stupid mistake! All leaderboards for every world are copies of the first level. So the whole world 1 is using world 1 - level 1 score. Same goes for the other worlds. SO STUPID! However the leaderboards are broken now since they can't be cleared so I'll create new leaderboards for all worlds and start fresh in 1.1. Really sorry about this guys
So why even have timed goals/medals? It's one thing if the speed is for leaderboards -- anyone can ignore that if they want. But you locked levels behind the medals. Picking up speed and losing the tongue in the process seems counterintuitive for a game that's asking you to be fast.
They are still designed to be completeable with the speed that tongue moves in. And it isn't 100% matched but it isn't that far off I'm gonna see if I can tweak it even further for 1.1, might be able to cram out a little more speed out of it. I have some ideas of how I might be able to get it moving faster without skipping objects.
I just mean that it's frustrating to have to either slow down or somehow calculate the exact speed at which you can drag the tongue without losing it. Sure, it's doable (so far) -- I was able to get all the medals in the first world. But some of them took many tries because I kept losing the tongue when trying to complete it quickly.
Good that you found the GC bug, Zilk! No.1 player on World1 has 179244 / 18 = 9958 on level 1. On my ipad mini2 I cannot get that it seems. I have still "only" 9933 after many attempts. For such a straightforward level it should be easy to match the best score. On W3 and W4 I should have around 170k points, derived from my L1 score multiplied by 18 for these worlds. So these worlds are not bugged? But then again I'm not getting score added when playing levels. Did you block the leaderboards? Maybe a "start-the-clock-on-first-touch" is an idea? The way it is now it is difficult to hit the exact right timing to start the level. If you start tweaking the performance of the tongue, possible scores will be higher and we have to play everything all over again, that is not nice. The more I play this game the stronger I feel that shortest (tongue) path should be the metric for leaderboards. It fits better the puzzle aspect of the game. Time would be nice for some achievements ("finish L5 in under 10 seconds") You're game has its first score hacker (shakybird), which is a good thing, it means you're getting popular! You as a dev can remove him, by the way.
saosijs: Yeah you are right, that's unfair to you guys. I actually think I had start-clock-on-first-touch early in the dev process, can't remember why I removed it. I'll check into adding it again Ah, yeah I noticed him too and was wondering if I could get rid of him. I'll ask my Ryan Noodle to get rid of him since he has the iTunes access