I just started out this game and its awesome <3 Add me please! Im always sending gifts ^-^ GC: Roro-tan
Blacklist of non-gifters for Pucca's Restaurant For Pucca's Restaurant Ok, first off I just want to say that I feel like a real ass for doing this, but people have ticked me off so much I want everyone to know Being a newcomer, and by nature very generous (no, not being arrogant, please read on) I added people from this thread who said things like 'pls add me, I gift every day' Well I have yet to see the backs of them Generous neighbors:Roro-tan,Icygal,Mstwinkle,Sashie171717,Carlywong,Spirit_of_fire Two players whose chef names are: Tiana Aviona(although something happened to her restaurant, so she is offline for now) These people are daily gifters and you can count on having them help you out here is my black list and you had all better be warned from it too: these are people you never hear from again, no matter how generous a neighbor you are Jotay51,Sakanadays,Jesjosie (actually wrote on her status to gift only certain items, which I thought was bloody cheek as she NEVER gifted back),Havoc Styles (rewind a few posts, he proudly states he 'gifts every day'),PikaQQ (never, never...),Maibianchini Names I can't figure out the game centre IDs of, but their chef names are: Dylan, Raz, the doctor There are several other identities who managed to escape my wrath only because I cannot reconcile their game centre ID to their restaurant name Just like to reiterate, I do NOT feel nice AT ALL for doing this, but trying to save disappointment for others. I don't know, maybe these guys are to busy (NOT, since there is always something new cooking every day when I visit) or crappy Internet connection (in which case, it's slack to ask others to add you and gift you when you can rarely return gifts), or they have too many friends already who gift them (good for you then) or,aye they are just plain... Un-neighbourly?? This 'Add me' thread was for mutual gifting not one-sided. If you aren't going to gift, don't say you will then get newbies to add you then just sponge off them Just p's me off the way people are so selfish
Hi....just recently resgistered my restaurant and now in need of neighbours...add me and i will return and give gifts... GC ID : elilah3106
new play! Help!!! Hello everyone! I need help on this pucca resturant game on my iphone. I need to know how to add neighbors into my game. My game center ID: eveville My chef name: Roarke My Resturant Name: RoarkE I tried to find Pucca Restaurant in facebook. no result. and cant find any neigbors too. Please help to to set up neigbors for this game. Many thanks
I play both Pucca's Restaurant and FairyWoods Patisserie as well! Game Center ID: yookyungah Add me, I gift everyday! If you add someone in game center who has pucca's restaurant as well, they should automatically be added as a friend.
Name: yeonieland New to the game! Add me? c: I know that if you have someone on gamecentre you should automatically have them in-game... but I don't see them? :c
Make sure that you're friends are logged in and playing the game as well. It'll automatically show your Game Center friends.