Well look at these games not a second rate game You should see the animated fight between sephiroth, genesis, and angeal in crisis core on the psp it is absolutely amazing btw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6ZaSipHuO4 They should put stuff like this on the iphone Beats the iPhone nfs by far, plus there is much more things happening in these games instead of just moving your phone left and right A big addition with the psp and nds is BUTTONS this makes many more games possible on the iphone, zenonia, payback, and all those virtual button games on the iPhone were horrid Really? Well I have yet to see a full GTA, good rockband, or god of war clone on the iphone that is actually fun And people haven't been losing money on the psp, crisis core has sold over 2 million copies worldwide, but it is because of the dang modders that hack the psp to play iso backups. People should spend TIME on iphone games, who cares if there is delays the game will actually be worth buying, the only game I am happy with on my iphone is NFS and Real Racing
PSP has the support of SONY (God Of War)(Final Fantasy)(Metal gear Solid)(Socom)(Jak and Daxter)(Resistance)(Ratchet and Clank)(Patapon)(Grand Theft Auto)(Loco Roco)(Little Big Planet)(Gran Turismo)(Motor Storm) All of these titles have games on the PSP system already or they have been announced for the system. With the PSP you get what you pay for, long lasting games with superior depth. ($40) With Iphone you often pay $10 for games that are truly great (Real Racing) (Rolando)(Zenonia) Thing that makes the IPhone so great (Though not Superior) is variety. $40 goes a long way on the app store. IPhone is perfect for pick up and play games that only last a few hours before you move on.
@Pug4death lol i never said the psp was dead im pretty sure i said it was dying as in present tense the last year or so and that sony was basically reviving it this year i also did not say that the psp and iphone were competing and they arent really(slightly are but way more not than are) but they are going to end competing eventually. Apple has realized they have a gaming machine on theyre hands and i doubt theyll let it get worse more like improve it over time. Also no the PSP Go is a good idea and its because the ipod touch/phone has been doing so well in terms of app store that they know its a good thing and are taking towards it. My problem with the PSP Go is that it shouldnt be a upgrade it should have been a new system with new hardward specs, software, and a second analog. Then should have some of the best selling games of the old psp be put as backwards compatiable downloads online. With a new kernel, better hardware(increased cpu,etc etc), a new sdk, and a second analog nub and the high storage it could have been a much better than a upgrade and a fresh start for the system. I just think it could have been so much more than it is. Also to the guy who said the ipod touch cant have in depth games i am sorry but you are a moron who should stay out of conversations when you dont fully understand what you are talking about. Im sorry if i sound like a jerk and thats your opinion but it sounds like your not thinking very well. The ipod touch can easily handle anything as in depth as the PSP or the DS maybe more so in some cases and less in others, the only thing that holds it back at all is the lack of physical controls which can be surpassed if the on screen controls are developed well. The ipod could handle crisis core if the graphics were dumbed down and the touch screen was optimized to fullest extent. The size of a game or the amount of depth as in story or number of things avaliable are only storage matters. As in depth on screen like the number of working or moving things yes there is a limit to how much can be held on screen and working in depth but the ipod touch has a powerfull processor and tons of ram so it has a advantage there. So depth is easily doable but the graphics cannot match that of a psp, so if thats what make a game have depth than yeah your totally right. But thats not what gives games depth. Final word on depth subject is that it can be done. If more devs were serious about the iphone and put more times into games they could be so much better.
Read my post again, Mofard. Rinse, repeat. And by the way, I loved God of War on the PSP, but it was released three years after the PSP was released in the US. The App Store just turned a year old; the 3gs was just released a few weeks ago. Don't you think it's perhaps a bit early to be passing judgement at this point? Of course, if you need buttons and prefer to drive a car with a nub, you'll never enjoy playing on the iPhone/iPod Touch. Different strokes for different folks.
Yeah I actually enjoy playing games with accurate controls Zenonia would be much better on the psp, that's a fact, i could actually see the screen without my thumbs blocking the screen
On the iPhone games I enjoy, the controls are accurate enough for me. And believe me, I much prefer driving and flying with the acceloremeter than with the PSP nub -- feels much more natural and, yes, accurate. But I don't have to be sarcastic and smug about it. Why exactly are you posting on an iPhone forum?
To make developers realize that virtual pad games are not for the iphone And you should agree with me that zenonia would be much better on the nds or psp
You keep ignoring the fact that zenonia would be better on the psp or nds BTW try playing a accelerometer game on a moving plane or car, where portable games are meant to be played cause if your playing at a party or at a restaurant waiting for food, something is wrong with you.
When I'm in a moving car, I'm usually driving it -- but then again, I'm a grown-up (some people would say old fart). And the accelerometer works fine on a plane, as long as you're not dealing with turbulence, in which case I start up my iPhone copy of Kindle and read a book from my library. And on Zenonia, no I don't agree with you. I much rather not carry an nds or psp around. I wasn't ignoring your comments, by the way -- you added the Zenonia and moving vehicle comments as edits after I started to reply.
New Super Mario Bros., Phantom Hourglass, Professor Layton, Henry Hatsworth, Planet Puzzle League, Meteos, Space Invaders Extreme, Metroid Prime Hunters...need I say more? What makes up the difference? Seamless internet play, engaging and addictive gameplay, global leaderboards, classic revivals, need I say even more? Hands down there is a clear winner. Until the iphone does more to consider itself a serious gaming device, it's more of a tech demo/trend/fad at this point. The deal breaker: any resale value for iphone apps? Oh wait, there's none since it's 100% digital. Do a quick ebay search for DS games and subtract that from the retail buying price. Point taken? Disproves your theory at least!
I couldn't agree with you more!! The problem is the money. Why would a company dump tons into development if they are already conceding 30% to Apple.
If your an adult I can see why you have an iphone you only need to play a game that lasts a couple of minutes, and I am not talking about the portability of the device i am talking about the tactility which the psp and ds has, not the iphone that's a fact, I can play psx, nes, gba games on my psp full speed, so its like 4 game systems in one Real kindle is better btw, battery lasts more than 3 hrs Yeah all the devs are just trying to make a quick buck Yeah the only thing the psp is competing with is the ds, the iphone is just for people that like to play games for 10 seconds show it off to their friends and turn it off
Look mofard, here's an important lesson in life. People will disagree with you. Doesn't mean that they're wrong, they just have different perspectives, different priorities, different tastes. None of the things that you appreciate on the PSP are absolute qualities. I've played and/or owned pretty much every gaming system that's ever been released (my first gaming console was an Atari 2400 -- look that up on Wikipedia -- and I'm old enough to have fed quarters into a Pong a table top), and I happen to believe that there are great advantages to a system that has flexible input. I hate memorizing controls, so I really appreciate when a screen button actually changes with context. On the iPhone Kindle, trust me, it barely uses the battery. And it cost me exactly $0, compared to hundreds of dollars for the stand alone variety. Yeah all the devs are just trying to make a quick buck Yeah the only thing the psp is competing with is the ds, the iphone is just for people that like to play games for 10 seconds show it off to their friends and turn it off To quote Mark Twain: It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Words to live by.
That doesn't make any sense why are you quoting that and putting it on a gaming forum, that's just weird. What are you trying to do act smart? Memorizing controls huh? You know you are an idiot when you don't know where the X button is on a psp or ds. And the iphone battery life sucks, sorry but that's a fact even with the kindle app. The real kindle is so much easier to use and the brightness and size of the screen makes it seem like you are reading a book not squinting on a tiny iphone screen. The kindle is a dedicated reading device and so is better than the iphone. It's obvious you don't have a psp btw, my psp never crashed on me, my iphone apps always crash on me and force me to reboot and wait till I open the app again just to see another crash, my iphone isn't jailbroken too, it's clear that you are an iphone fanboy so no point in arguing with you, everyone else but you have made good points
Yes, I'm trying to act smart. I make a practice of it, in fact -- you may want to look into it. And yes, I'm an idiot. You are absolutely right. Never mind that saying I'm an idiot is in direct contradiction to your previous sentence. Never mind that I didn't say I couldn't memorize controls, but that I didn't like to. Obviously, one cannot disagree with you. Do you own a Kindle, by any chance? Do you know by direct experience that it's "so much easier to use"? Do you own the Kindle App and have tried to use it for an extended period of time? Or is all that something you read in another forum? Again, I refer you to the Mark Twain quote. Nice chatting with you, kid. Just caught your edit. I've owned a PSP since 2006. I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer, but have played through a number of titles, including Daxter, God of War, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Prince of Persia, GTA Vice City, Medal of Honor II, Final Fantasy Crisis Core (till I got bored with it), Burnout Legends, The Warriors, and that Simpsons game that came out a couple of years ago. I've definitely missed out on some titles that people have called "definitive," such as Loco Roco and Lumines, but at the time I didn't feel like spending $40 for them. Most of those games have crashed on me at one point or another. I've also shut down my PSP by mistake during particularly tense moments, due to the fact that the power off button is located right where I hold the device. Oh, I'm sorry. You said that it's obvious that I don't own a PSP. You must be right, I must be wrong. Scratch that previous paragraph -- never owned a PSP in my life. By "good points" I assume that you mean, "points that I agree with." Trust me kid, that's an attitude that can only bring you misery in life.
I find it funny how you are the only one in the iphone's favor, yes I own a kindle and am talking from experience unlike you who is complaining about made up bugs in the psp without even trying it Wow, HQ PSP games are not buggy at all because TIME is spent on them
I find it funny how you are the only one in the iphone's favor, yes I own a kindle and am talking from experience unlike you who is complaining about made up bugs in the psp without even trying it I think the reason I'm the only one in the iphone's favor is because everybody else has given up on this troll-infested thread. Guess you're right -- I am an idiot. Or a fanboy. Or something.
Hmmmm the psp go is coming out October 1 with a 16g memory and pretty much as big as the iPhone.... I'm going to buy one but I don't think it will replace my itouch LOL