I started having problems a few days ago where I was unable to post reviews for games I got promo codes for. I worked with Apple to resolve this issue and they have responded that "it is no longer possible to rate or review an app if it was downloaded using a developer's promotional code to prevent comprimising of the rating system". My apologies if this is the wrong forum to post this on. It seems like a pretty significant change since many developers hand out promo codes in these forums.
Were you able to submit the review? I just used a code for an App I never had and posted the review (just to confirm this situation). Gave no error so far. It takes a while before the review shows up on apstore so will have to wait a bit before I can confirm it got approved or not.
No. I got an error message saying something to the effect that I had to buy the app before I could submit a review. It was very confusing and I tried just about everything I could think before I contacted Apple for help. Another touchArcade poster related having the same issue.
Hi slewis7 We have also had ratings and reviews entered by our user base which throughout the week of v1.0 have yet to be displayed. Our first update has just gone live on the store, we're hoping this will resolve things by allowing purchasers to rate and comment via the "Current version" tab. But now I read the iTC quote...well I guess some apps are showing feedback quicker than others somehow.
Promotional Codes and Ratings That's a fairly significant change. I hope it doesn't drive more developers to go the pay-you-to-download route, because that feels like it compromises the rating system even more. By the way, you listed Apple's response to you in quotes. Is that an exact quote from an e-mail reply, or are you paraphrasing?
All right, my review is up on iTunes now. So there goes your theory of apple disallowing reviews from promo codes. Maybe you posted way too many shill-ish 5 star reviews and got banned from apple. Just guessing here.
Another TA member was saying the same thing a couple days ago. Could not review games from promo codes. Edit: However, I just went to try to post a review for a game I received a promo code for and I could. So who knows what is going on here.
I hope you are right, at least about promo review restriction being limited to some folks based on their prior reviews. The reviews I have posted based on promo codes were objective and have scores of 4 and 5. If I don't like an app I get a promo for, I do not leave a review. I also try to limit which promo codes I grab to apps I really think will interest me. Believe me, I can afford the couple bucks. Right now I am really frustrated because the last 2 games I got codes for, I really love and I want to reward the developers with my reviews.
I am also not able to review with a promo code, however a Gift code does work. Are you sure it was a promo code not a gift code? They really need to fix this if they haven't already. I'll keep posting my thoughts on TA of course.
Ya, it was a promo for some facebook app I lurked (coz I had no interest in that app other than testing the review) from the promo section here.
We've just found our first review which was generated with a promo-code. It's not showing live yet. I'm not sure where the other "reported "reviews have gone. It's presumed that the update "fixed" something in the store?
I've gotten about 10 promo codes in the last three weeks and I have not been able to write an iTunes review. I redeemed codes via iPhone and iTunes. The usual thing I tried was to delete the app, redownload, click ok on the message saying that this app has already been purchased, then proceed to post my review. So again, I've already waited three weeks and I still can't review.
Promo Codes can't be rated, reviewed and don't count as purchase anymore! Apple confirmed, that promo code downloads can't be rated, reviewed and they don't count as purchases anymore, so they don't will alter your ranking list. Just wanted to let you know. EDIT:
did they announce it somewhere ? or did they answer a question you had about not being able to review/rate ?