Programmer needed, "Voodoo Masks"

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Davision, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Davision

    Davision Member

    Feb 21, 2010

    Im looking for a programmer, for a collaboration on a simple 50/50 profit basis, to work with on this specific iPhone project.

    "Voodoo Masks" is a 2D puzzle game, it has some unique mechanics to it that make also good use of the possibilities of the iPhone/iPod. The concept of the game is written in detail and the basics of the gameplay mechanics have been already tested. The quality of the artwork is higher then usually known from puzzle games. Most of the artwork is already done at this time.

    Some examples of the artwork:

    Some info about me:
    I have several years experience as an artist on games, already worked on iPhone games aswell as games that have similiar specs as they are needed for the iPhone.
    For some examples of my work and resume you can visit my website:
    Im currently building up a brand and have also some other game projects in the works that will be marketed under that brand.

    If you are interested send me a PM or a email to, at best with links that show what you did already.

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