Hi there! We are a bunch of good friends, all seasoned pros in the games industry with titles under our belt like PLANTS VS ZOMBIES, WORMS, WHEELMAN, CRUSH, BUZZ, EYETOY PLAY, DOODLE HEX...And we decided it was about time to make our own cool project, so here it is! PRO ZOMBIE SOCCER! Maybe the first one in a series of Zombie Sports We´ll be updating this post very often with more screenshots, videos and new info up until the game is released, so stay tuned! And yes, PZS is just as fun as it looks. Honest Aaand this week we are giving you a preview of the incredible Pro Zombie Soccer OST, done by Badolatomusic (makers of the Wheelman soundtrack, among others, and part of our team). I can quite confidently say we have the best OST ever on an iPhone game. In fact, it´s so good you´ll probably gonna be able to find it on iTunes soon. Just hear by yourself! PZS music teaser 1: http://www.badolatomusic.com/music/Pzs_Music_Teaser_B_BadolatoMusic.com.mp3 PZS music teaser 2: http://www.badolatomusic.com/music/Pzs_Music_Teaser_A_BadolatoMusic.com.mp3 Follow us on our Twitter page: http://twitter.com/ProZombieSoccer Thanks for dropping by!
I don't like soccer but the game looks pretty funny. Unusual way to fight zombies, so it's interesting The chara-design is great
Hey guys, thanks a lot for the responses so far. We are looking forward to show you a gameplay video, so you´ll see the game looks even better in movement
The game hasn´t been submitted just yet, still a work in progess, but we are about 80% done, I´d say. It´ll come out for sure before the end of the year though, so in the meanwhile we´ll try to make you the wait as fun as possible Thanks, guys.
@sic: About the Plants VS Zombies question...I worked on Plants VS Zombies but I´m not currently a PopCap employee. It is been announced though, so I guess you´ll see it sooner or later. @jonesy89: Yep! The two Artists involved on PZS (including yours truly) worked at Kuju Brighton (now Zoë Mode) for some time. Good detective skills! Once again, thanks for your comments!
Looks Cooool! Hey Kikekun, Before the end of the year? Coool! The game is having a really good welcome! I'm sure it will be tons of fun. I love the logo, I'd love to have a t-shirt with it, and maybe some head-off zombies as well. Good job
Cool! really like the look of this one-i reckon itll beat FIFA 10 imo . is it gonna be kinda like mario supercharged football with powerups?
i wasn't expecting this game to look that good after seeing the title. i clicked on it thinking it would of had that hand drawn style and poor gameplay, but this looks insanely fun. really looking forward to it. football and zombies... my two favourite things.
Thanks for all the good vibes, guys! That´s some nice motivation to keep us focused @Fudgeboy: Yep, there are insanely over the top power-ups like in Mario Football, but I don´t wanna spoil anything to you just yet. You´ll see pretty soon.