Universal Prizefighters - 2D Arcade Boxing Game coming December 14th! (by Koality Game)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by KoalityGame, Nov 14, 2017.

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  1. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Thanks for the feedback! I can see where there would be a mixup with the new block controls. What's happening is if you don't see your boxer going into the guard position, the game didn't register your swipe so it's assuming you want to throw a power punch. I plan on adding some sensitivity settings so that maybe the blocking is initiated more easily.

    I'll also add in some quick settings in the pause menu so that you can adjust the X and Y during a fight.

    Regarding the XP and Skill progression rate, I didn't want players to level up too quick, but I'll add in some more bonuses so that you can earn more XP per fight.

    Love all your ideas and I will be looking to continually update and expand the game after release. Just want to make sure I get the meat of the game in there nice and polished before I add other modes and minigames. But I really appreciate your all of your input and I'm glad you're enjoying the update. I'm already working on the next update that will bring more features so stay tuned!
  2. ggallin

    ggallin Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Great update!

    Faster ko record10 seconds!
  3. der we

    der we Active Member

    Jan 11, 2015

    Would love to beta test if you still need. TestFlight [email protected] thanks Tino
  4. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    I saw your record on the leaderboard, nice job! How did you pull it off? Did you happen to save a replay of it? :D

    Will add you in the next update! It should be releasing some time hopefully today or tomorrow.

    Here's a preview of a new addition that I made:


    Your player now has a 'momentum' bar at the bottom of the screen. Currently, you are able to throw power punches any time you want, so the fight may simply devolve into dodge, powerpunch, dodge, powerpunch.. etc. without utilizing all of your punches. However, with the new momentum bar, you now have to build up the number of power punches you want to throw. You start out with zero, and every time you land a punch or successfully dodge, your momentum increases. When it gets full, you receive a power punch and the bar resets. You can store up to three power punches in a fight. Getting hit or missing a punch will decrease your bar to zero, but it won't take away any of your saved power punches.

    In addition, I've replaced the previous Level 6 skills with two new ones that allow you to either start the fight with a power punch, or be able to store up to 5 total power punches.

    I'm really interested in hearing your guys thoughts on these new changes and can't wait for you to try it out!
  5. ggallin

    ggallin Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013

    I have an old Iphone 5C, no Ios11 / no replay records. you have to know that the game works perfect on my device :cool:

    On a first aproach I really miss the old fashioned powerpunches, but the powerbar feels good for me now...

    You never thought about adding an illegal movement? Shake your phone and kick your opponent! (with penalties or disqualifications for repeated faults) :eek:

    The game should have an extra difficult mode, my actual record is gold champ / 29-0-0 (29KO), I feel that the game can be a little bit easy with high stats...

    The controls and new features options runs great.

    cool new sounds, would be nice add the classy "10 seconds reminding" sound of the real fights.

    The graphics, color paletes and design of the menus looks really good.

    Thanks for develop a boxing game, I love this and remind me when I playing really good games like punch out! and my all time fav greatest heavyweight for mega drive!
  6. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    The game has also has automatic recording through Everyplay. Just wondering if that feature works on your phone? You can check by seeing if 'Recording' is enabled in the options menu. If it is, at the end of a fight you can press the 'Share' button (second button on the bottom) and upload a replay of your fight.

    I had to get used to not being able to power punch whenever as well, but I think it adds a bit more depth to the gameplay so that you have to build them up. I'm glad it feels good to you now though!

    Haha illegal moves is an interesting idea...

    Wow, you're really good at the game! Did you feel like any of the opponents gave you a challenge at all? I do plan on adding something like a New Game +, where upon finishing the career mode, you are given the option to retire and restart the career with higher opponent difficulty. Hopefully the online mode will also give you a nice challenge against real human opponents!

    Funny you mention the 10 second warning sound, it's actually there. I'll try to make it more noticeable in the next update.

    I appreciate the compliment on the graphics, I am not the best artist but I am happy with how it turned out.

    And thank you for playing and testing my game. Your feedback means a lot to me and I feel happy that someone enjoys a game that I developed. I will continue updating the game with more features so don't hesitate to give me more ideas and suggestions :)
  7. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Completed it myself as well, 11 losses on the way but finally managed to beat the last guy - enjoyed getting to the top and found the core game mechanics work well for a fun game, but agree that being able to start over would be a good option since I don't really feel that much incentive to just fight the same guy again and again - I found the linear option of only being able to fight one/two people quite limiting as well when I was struggling to beat some of the top 10, more variety here of other fighters or special events or the like would make it a bit more interesting
  8. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Thanks for the feedback, Stelph. I've re-added the option to skip opponents up until the top 10. You can also always re-fight two ranks below you in order to gain some more experience to level up.

    There is already an option to 'retire' on the Stats page. This will reset your ranking to #30, reset your career stats, regenerate all of your opponents, but you will keep all your ratings and skills. This way you can have a fresh start, but as a more veteran fighter.

    In the next update, and likely final version of the game, once you've beaten the career mode, the next time you start over your opponents will be a bit tougher. So it's sort of like a New Game + that you see in RPGs. The game will also keep track of how many times you complete the career mode to give you a bit of bragging rights :)
  9. Stag

    Stag Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    I am really digging this game. Can't wait for the official ios release. Couple of days right?
  10. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Yup, set to release this coming Thursday! Glad you're enjoying it :)
  11. ggallin

    ggallin Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Hey, great update!

    Some final apreciations:

    - Can be nice put a sound when the momentum bar complete a super punch, this can be good to mantain the concentration in the action.
    - Challenge match against future prospects with lower ranks (when my boxer is a champ) or oportunities to jump in the ranking like a underdog with lower chances to beat harder and best ranked boxers can be great.
    - Illegal movements hhaha
    - Argentinan flag :p

    Great game, so glad to 'testflighting' this, cheers!
  12. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Good idea about the sound effect, I thought about this as well. I just have to find the right effect that won't interfere with gameplay sounds. I like your ideas for career mode as well, I'll try to figure out how to incorporate them in a future update.

    Argentinian flag has also already been added for final release :)
  13. AlphaTodd

    AlphaTodd Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2017
    Just watched your last animation pic. Most of it looks good, but I do caution that that knockout itself feels a little unnatural. Like he was literally lifted into the air and then falls.
  14. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Thanks for your input, it's an arcade game so I made the animation a bit cartoony and over the top :)
  15. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jun 3, 2015
    Game Developer
    Portland OR
    Prizefighters is set for release tomorrow on the 14th! Thank you all for testing the game, your feedback has helped improve the game immensely in just the last month. I hope you enjoyed playing Prizefighters and knowing that you had an effect on the game's development. But this is just the beginning, I will continue to update the game as much as possible after release :)

    Check out the launch trailer for it here:

  16. Karl Schmidt

    Karl Schmidt Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
    Was prizefighters released in the meantime?
  17. Stag

    Stag Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    Not out on the US App Store yet
  18. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    probably it's out soon
    in their site, google play link is working
    appstore takes time

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