Universal Prizefighters - 2D Arcade Boxing Game coming December 14th! (by Koality Game)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by KoalityGame, Nov 14, 2017.

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  1. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
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    Apr 14, 2009
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    I totally wouldn't hate it if a testflight invite happened to get sent to jared @ toucharcade dot com.
  2. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    I would be glad to add you to the list! Your coverage has been very much appreciated.
  3. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Invites have just been sent out! If I missed anyone, I apologize in advance, just send me your email and I'll send an invite ASAP. There are still parts of the game that need more work, but for the most part everything should be fully functional. I'm excited to hear your guys thoughts and feedback to help improve Prizefighters before it releases. Thanks for trying out the game!
  4. savedmanallos@gmail.com

    Apr 25, 2014

    Thanks for the testflight!
    wow i love the art style and animation! My first impressions are
    1.A casual mode would be great for boxing with one hand. Perhaps swipe controls: swipe left to opponent for jab. A longer swipe for uppercut/hook and a longer initial hold and swipe for stronger punch. Tilt device for dodge.
    Another option is to calibrate the 4 boxes- to scale them to a corner would facilitate one finger fighting
    2. How do you KO someone with some health? It would be great if lower stamina means more likely to KO when hit with a stronger punch depending on endurance.
    3. Love the stun depletion of stamina

    Keep it up!!!:):):)
  5. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    1. A few people here have mentioned about playing with one hand using 3D Touch, and I think it's a great idea. I'm hoping to implement it before release. Great suggestions!
    2. You're close about how it works. Each punch has a certain KO probability, depending on whether the opponent is hit in the face or stomach, and whether they're in a 'stunned' or 'staggered' state. Stuns occur when you counter-punch while the opponent is attacking, and staggers occur after a successful dodge. These open up small windows for you to have the best chance of a knockout. Their current health determines how likely they will go down as well as their Chin rating, and endurance (the dark grey bar behind the health) determines how likely they are to recover from a KO.
    3. The stamina system is one of my favorite parts of the game, too.

    Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you're liking it so far.
  6. ggallin

    ggallin Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    #46 ggallin, Nov 22, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
    I play the game, my first impressions are a rounded arcade boxing game.

    Some points:

    The cards are strange sometimes, a round with 1 knockdown is easly a 10-8 not 10-9, love controversial cards anyway.

    The controls are great, but i think can be interesting block independecy of two hands, eg. pull two points in diferent quadrant to block up right and low left... combined with the actual mode of block you can deslize your fingers at the same time low and up independetly.

    More customizable content, nationalities, special evennts (like street fights, charity events), different ways to increse my xp, scenarios.

    Some xp and some cash when i lose #

    I cannot start a new carrer mode, differents slots would be great.

    Sorry for my bad english, i hope u understandme

    Love the game!
  7. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Agree with the controls comment, personally think a one handed setup is the most natural and being able to swipe would make it easier to more quickly react to block/dodge the opposition


    swipe up diaganol left/right - uppercut
    Swipe down diagonal left/right - body punch
    Swipe up 3D Touch (body block)
    Swipe down 3D Touch ( body block)
    Swipe right/left - dodge

    I like the suggestion of tilting the phone as a control too, would be good as an option perhaps as dodge as well?
    Enjoying the game, perhaps some side games would help add some variety to the gameplay? Something like a Rythm game as a speed bag that sort of thing?
  8. Stroffolino

    Stroffolino Well-Known Member
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    Apr 28, 2009
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    Some initial feedback, from iPhone 6+

    Game has a unique feel to it. Oddly, it actually brought back memories of Arcade Ring King.

    I tried to play with a dodge/counter mindset, but didn't have much luck. Opponents and player attack speeds are similarly fast, and it isn't easy (for me) to react to incoming blows. In order to dodge punches, felt like I had to anticipate opponent punching and do random dodges, hoping to catch them off guard.

    You can get away with being offensive when you have a lot of stamina, which is fun. The 'easy' Arcade opponent is suitably a pushover, and the 'hard' Arcade opponent handed my my jawbone on a silver platter. He would throw fast combinations, and dodge my feeble attempts at punches - made me feel like Glass Joe! I guess this is where the RPG element comes in, to train your character and build up their stats.

    One thing that could use work is the gesture handling. I found it tricky to execute the dodge gestures - even in the tutorial. It seems I need to start my swipe on one quad, then drag my finger to the opposite L/R quad. Often this would trigger a punch by mistake. I think you could remove any ambiguity by resolving actions only on "finger up." For example, right now in order to do a quick jab, I have to tap and quickly release (which makes sense). But if your finger lingers a bit longer, it throws a power punch, even if you haven't actually released your finger yet.

    Would love to see a video of you playing the game to see what it looks like when an experienced player is going at it.
  9. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    #49 KoalityGame, Nov 23, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
    I went with 1 KO = -1 point, 2 KO = -2 points. More customization and nationalities will be added in the final release. Thanks!

    Might try to stay away from more gestures, as it seems the dodge is difficult enough to pull off at the moment. I'll definitely think of a good solution for playing one handed, however. I want to get the main gameplay down before I decide on adding other side games. Thanks for the suggestions!

    I agree it's difficult to predict your opponent's attacks. I'm thinking of adding more a 'warning' when they're about to attack so that you can anticipate it more. I didn't intend to copy exactly Punch-Out!'s style of play, but I think this is one area that can be improved.

    For the dodging, it's actually only calculating a minimum distance traveled by your finger and length of time held down. I'll continue to tweak it until it feels better. Your suggestion for 'finger up' on the power punch is interesting, I might have to experiment with that to see how it feels.

    You can watch this video of gameplay that I uploaded earlier today: https://everyplay.com/videos/48998840

    Here's what I'll be focusing on in the next week after my initial gathering of feedback:

    - Increasing base damage for all attacks
    - Increasing the audio and ambience during fights, adding in menu music
    - Making the dodge easier to pull off and less ambiguous
    - Lowering lower ranked opponent difficulty
    - More anticipation from opponents beginning an attack
    - One hand controls

    Thank you all for the feedback thus far, your input has been extremely valuable and I'll take it all into consideration as I continue to work on the game.
  10. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Liberty city
    I sent feedback through the app itself.
    i hope the dodging can be modified to swipe anywhere left or right
  11. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Thanks Jayg!

    I'm happy to say that I've fixed the dodging issue and that it is now significantly easier to pull off a dodge. The game now only calculates finger travel and once a minimum distance is reached, the dodge is executed without lifting your finger which feels way more responsive. Hope you guys will try it out in the next update!
  12. Stroffolino

    Stroffolino Well-Known Member
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    Apr 28, 2009
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    I managed to complete the current career mode. A few notes:
    - I know a lot of people hate ‘energy’ systems, but it might be useful (along with vs. play) as a way to extend retention by avoiding people winning in a single sitting
    - didn't bother upgrading the 'chin' or 'cut' attributes. Is it possible to tell if the human-controlled boxer is cut?
    - I didn't realize you could pick a 'style' until I'd already beaten the #1 ranked opponent. That's an interesting aspect. You may want to steer players through the character configurator before starting career mode instead of leaving it tucked behind an option.
    - what is the 3rd setting after sound/music toggles?
    - unlocked only the first three sets of skills; not sure if it's possible to unlock the remaining ones yet, but am curious what options exist there
    - never actually dodged in any matches; just stuck with blocking up/down, counter punching, and flurries and was able to plow through opponents without much fuss
    - upgraded stats in between matches without ever having to grind.
    - I think the game will be a lot more fun with reliable dodge gesture, as it should make it easier to land hard blows and win by KO
    - that third judge seems really crooked!
    - would be fun to be able to fight the weaker opponents again
  13. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    #53 KoalityGame, Nov 24, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
    Wow! Well done, I'm impressed. What was your final record and overall rating? Would you mind showing me a screenshot of your stats page and last 10 fights?

    - While I think an energy system could work in getting players to take breaks and return to the game later, I think it's a cheap way and may frustrate players. I'd rather give them the option. I think adding multiplayer will increase retention once it's added in.

    - You can tell your boxer is cut when his 'sweat' turns red instead of the white color that it normally is. Do you think increasing the chance of knockdowns and bleeding would make you care more for these stats? It may have more of an effect in multiplayer.

    - I agree about explaining the game's features better. I may introduce them to the profile page before the tutorial starts even.

    - The third setting is to toggle replay recording while the game is playing. After every fight you have an option to upload your replays with the share button. The settings page will be redone a bit to explain this better.

    - I'm curious about which three skills you picked and if you noticed any advantage?

    - What did you think about the overall progression of difficulty? Did you fight every opponent? Was it challenging and fun or frustrating? That's one aspect that I haven't had much tuning yet.

    - Did you think that the fight rewards vs cost of stats was fair?

    - Definitely! Check below for an example of the improved dodge controls that I will be releasing in the next update.

    - Haha, I made sure to have each judge score the fight based off different criteria so that you can have varying results. The first letter of their names actually hint at what they're looking for..

    - If you want to fight the weaker opponents, you can use the 'Retire' option. This will reset your ranking back to #30, regenerate all of your opponents so that they have new names, stats, and attack patterns. You will retain all of your upgraded skills and ratings but lose your statistics.

    Here are some gifs of what I've been working on. A lot of you want to play the game one handed, so I've added an extra option to calibrate where your screen is divided horizontally and vertically.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The dodging has been entirely revamped. Before, it felt clunky because your finger had to swipe within a certain time frame and distance, and then actually lift you finger to execute. This made it slow and unresponsive and meant you had to lift your finger each time and put it down to start a new dodge. Now, dodging can be done by just gesturing your finger left and right without even lifting it up. This is in addition to the new one handed blocking controls which you can do by swiping up and down, again with your finger still on the screen. It also means you can dodge from a top block or bottom block, which was impossible with the old controls.


    If you watch closely, you can see that the AI will now telegraph his move by going into a blocking position before he strikes. I would love to hear if this helps anticipate incoming attacks easier and if it makes the game too easy.

    I hope you guys will enjoy these new features as well as the others that I am working on. All of your feedback has helped immensely so far so I am very appreciative of the time and thoughts you have put in the game, whether positive or negative.
  14. Stroffolino

    Stroffolino Well-Known Member
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    Apr 28, 2009
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    I think I had about 8 losses, almost all by decision. I play as "Karate Fighter" on Game Center. Generally I would skip to unlocked harder opponents, backtracking only after taking a loss. My last 10 fights are all against the former champion, as I was trying to beat him with a KO, but never quite pulled it off. After retiring and replaying, reclaimed the title without any losses.

    I'm not sure I ever noticed sweat coming out of the player - maybe because I tend to keep guard up. Regarding bleeding, it's pretty dramatic when opponent gets cut and their face visible shows damage. But it's not clear what functional change blood has on gameplay. I rarely get knocked down, so there was never much incentive to make the player more resilient to being knocked down.

    The skills I picked included "extra coins" and "always get up at least once." I don't see an easy way to again view skill descriptions once a skill has been selected - they are displayed in icon form.

    Difficulty felt like it ramped up steadily, even with player stats being pumped up along the way.

    Early on I had tried to play with a "punch out" mindset using dodge + counter attack, but that was frustrating because dodging is hard to pull off in the initial beta. Once I switched to play more aggressively game became much easier. Opponents feel a bit samey-samey/generic. It is satisfying unloading on weakened opponents and suspenseful to see judges cards revealed.

    The gameplay as it stands now was compelling enough for me to complete the career mode (and later 'retire' and do it again). But I may be an outlier. You should probably be more concerned about those players who show as only having won a single match in career mode.

    Regarding judges, my guesses:
  15. Bladejay

    Bladejay Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
    Would love to beta test if you still need. TestFlight [email protected]. Been playing a lot of Super Punch Out lately!
  16. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Jun 3, 2015
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    Portland OR
    When a player bleeds, their health bar slowly depletes making you more vulnerable to a knockout. Between rounds you'll heal up a bit and stop bleeding until you're cut open again.

    Good point about the icons, I'll work making the descriptions more accessible even after selecting them.

    I'm curious about your thoughts once you try the new dodging mechanics and if it will give you back more of that 'Punch-Out' feel. Regarding the opponents feeling generic, that was a trade-off I decided on vs. spending more time and development on a limited set of characters. The random generation allowed me to create a lengthier career mode and spend more time on other aspects of the game.

    You got two of out three correct, V is volume of punches which is basically aggression, D is damage, and A is for accuracy.

    Here's a gif displaying the ease of dodging in the upcoming update (pending release by Apple):


    Will add you in once the latest update is approved by Apple! Thanks for your patience.
  17. TurboSmoke

    TurboSmoke Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    I agree one hand operation would open you up to the toilet gamer market...
  18. KoalityGame

    KoalityGame Well-Known Member
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    Latest update allows you to play the game completely with one hand. Now the question is.. can you knock out your opponent before you finish your duty? ;)
  19. austmathr

    austmathr New Member

    Nov 5, 2017

    My two cents. The update looks great. Definitely improves the dodging and the guard. One thing that happens to me is that I found myself doing a power punch when I wanted really to guard. So, I am mixing both gestures. Don't know if it would be nice to swipe up or something like that to throw the uppercut, so that I don't have to keep pressing for one second and their immediately.

    Also, it would be useful to be able to change the x/y control configuration in middle of a fight.

    Also, I feel like leveling up the character and the skills take forever.
  20. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Just tried the update, love the new one handed controls - as you say it makes dodging considerably easier so you can chain dodges and attacks as well as blocks now, well do! I think some variety to the game would be the other main thing that would help maintain interest and perhaps expand some of the Career aspects of the game too - for example

    other belts/weight categories (when you create a boxer you pick a weight, weight training adds bulk, cardio reduces bulk - you have to balance training with keeping weight)

    popularity - perhaps you are only able to fight higher ranked people when you have enough popularity - more fights/better manager increases your popularity

    Expanded Career/RPG with options for coaches and managers - hiring them costs money but you get multipliers for having them

    Fun bouts - again to make a change why not have fun bouts to shake it up a bit, perhaps you have to box a bear for example :)

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