Universal [Preorder 4/16] Castle of White Night (by Game Stew)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Royce, Mar 14, 2020.

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  1. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    #1 Royce, Mar 14, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
    I’ve been following this one for a while, but now that there’s a trailer I guess it’s time to post it.

    At first, I was slightly disappointed that the new project wasn’t a new TOF chapter like they teased last year, but after seeing what they’re working on I’m actually more excited. This looks like it has the potential to become my favorite GS title.

    According to the devs it is an RPG with Eye of the Beholder style mechanics and a Wizardry look to it.

    No date has been announced but they’ve said it will be a March or April release (edit: April 16th confirmed).


    Early Combat Preview:

    Early Character Preview:

  2. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    i love all GameStew works, so i need this right now!

    i've asked the devs the ETA a couple of weeks ago, and they answer me that it will be released in april, maybe...
  3. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Enough said.
    Take my money.
    Ringerill and macplash like this.
  4. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I totally agree with both @Gwarmaxx and @stubbieoz : Take my money and give me the game right now!
    What I love the most is how with every game they make, they try out a new game type.
    Most of them were related to casino machines but now it's a full fledged dungeon crawler. From the trailers, the gameplay looks really pleasant and the ambiance is dope :)
    Devs, you can have my money as soon as you want...
    AltsKev, stubbieoz and Gwarmaxx like this.
  5. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Ringerill likes this.
  6. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I'm happy since it's announced in "only" 2 weeks but I'm sad that it's not out yet!
  7. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia

    Unlock all characters.

    Excitement somewhat diminished.
  8. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    All Game Stew games have iap and they are never needed. Actually they tend to diminish the experience. Even when I would like to give them more money for their excellent work, I find it hard to make purchases because I don’t want to remove the challenge and sense of accomplishment. And I am certain you Can unlock the characters through gameplay as well. There’s never locked content or paywalls.
  9. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Gold has always been an IAP in their games but it is the basic currency in their games so there is no need at all to buy it to finish the game. I have finished all of their games without it (and without struggling either, apart from the planned difficulty of the game of course).
    About the characters, I’m not sure the ones in IAP could be unlocked via gameplay. I remember one of their other games “Ancient Legacy” where character from IAPs were uniquely obtainable through IAPs. But what this offered was just a different type of gameplay, not an easier progress or necessary step.
  10. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Thanks guys, looks like it’s back on the wish list in that case.

    I don’t mind too much paying $6AUD for extra characters, that I can live with.
    It’s just that gold (or any sort of ingame currency) as an iap always concerns me that the games difficulty can be geared towards making it a necessity, rather than an option.
    But it seems that is probably not the case here. :D
  11. Rin

    Rin Active Member

    Hello Everyone,

    We are developers from Game Stew, our new game “Castle of White Night is ready for pre-order in AppStore and will be released on next Thursday (April 16), you can check the introduction, game features and game trailer below. Hope you will like our latest game. Also, You can find more detail about this game at our Facebook page. (Tower of Fortune)

    Castle of White Night pre-order link


    You play as an adventurer and need to defeat 100 twisted souls to remove the curse in the castle.

    - Survival elements combine with RPG.
    - Hide and seek with boss and enemies.
    - Exciting real-time combat system.
    - Friendly auto mapping system.
    - 4 different character each has their own abilities.
    - Collect material to create useful item.
    - 5 huge and complex labyrinth to explore.
    - 40 treasure to help your journey.
    - 50+ kinds of enemies waiting for your challenge.



  12. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Oh, silly me.
    These are the guys that made the Tower of Fortune games.
    Instantly pre-ordered. :D
  13. Rin

    Rin Active Member

    Hey Guys,

    Don't worry about IAP, you can unlock all 4 character by earning gold in game easily, just need a little time. We lock three other character at the beginning so you can try and learn all game mechanics on first journey. Different character also has different difficulty from 2 star to 4 stars.

    Hope all of you will like the game. :)
    Ringerill and stubbieoz like this.
  14. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    #14 stubbieoz, Apr 15, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
    One thing I think is a bit awkward is the position of the Search button.
    This will probably sound like a pitiful whinge, but I am going to mention it anyways.:p

    On the large iPad Pro you have to move your finger a couple of inches to go from the forward arrow button to the search button, and the problem is that you tend to use those two buttons together on each movement. I have to actually lift my arm up to reach it every time.
    It would have been more user friendly to have it closer to the forward arrow button, such as where the Rest button is for example.

    Probably won’t be of any concern on a smaller screen.

    Apart from that little niggle, the game is really good.
    I don’t want to mention too much atm, (I’ll wait till someone opens a thread in the released games forum. I tend to bugger it up if I attempt to start a thread).

    But a heads up without spoilers;
    The game will not save your progress until you find a certain location. You can then travel back to that location to save all your progress, either by walking back or using an item.
    If you die before finding that location then all is lost.

    It’s a shame the dev didn’t include a more friendlier save system, such as one where it simply saves your exact position when you close the game and then that save gets removed as soon as you start the game again.
    I’ve always thought that all mobile games should have that feature.

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