Thanks for your support! But the game is still unavailable for this moment - possibly because of re-indexation, hope Apple will finish it soon.
Check on iTunes from work and also not showing there. Will keep an eye on it and let you know when I see it. Feel free to ping me via PM if you get notice of a change and want me to verify.
The game is real fun! With that addictive "just-one-more-turn" feeling. But I'm struggling to find out exactly what triggers the unification of Greece? Anyone knows? I've done it once, but dont know what triggered it.
1. First you need to have the Mission "The unification of Greece" so you need to accompllish all missions before it. 2. You need to found all colonies and be in alliance with or conquer all other cities 3. The mission could not be started before the final battle with Scythians BTW Marble Age today price dropped to 4,99 => 1,99
Is that just until 11pm tonight, or for the weekend? I'm quite busy today and may have a hard time checking out the demo.
Not adapted to larger screen, Iphone 5/6? It makes me soooooooooo sad# Very nice game though, someone mentionned Kairosoft kind of game. I agree. Question? I can't seem to be able to expand my army as fast as the other "ressources". Then I have to flee every combat. AI army is growing steadily fast, not mine. There's definitly something I don't get! Thanks for your time!
We'll do what we can with optimization. Thanks for your kind words. Regarding the army - small advice: 1. You need gold - gold attracts Envoys, 2. Envoys get you allies 3. Allied Army kicks asses. OR you alway could BUY yourself warriors via Trading with Sparta or Pella. Athens is a cunny city - weaken enemies by bribing them OR buy all there warriors and captire the enemy city. The choice is yours. Anyway - the head-on attacks is not the Athens style - they were smart and sneaky guys.
I'm going to cry missed the sale now I have to figure out what list to put it on maybe Santa will be generous this year I have been good
I'm gonna buy this game later just because it's a Kairosoft-ish game that is set in the Marble Age and simply because it has a quite long research tree it seems (is it?)