I think you have a good approach Matt. Pocket God continues to do great with continual upgrades on the same basic platform. There is a lot that you can do with Wally I think. And, at some level, perhaps he is "done"... adding things just for more is not always better. At some point it is good to move to another project, and use what you leared to be more successful - or just as successful as the last one. As with most endeavors, there are not many who make it rich - there are a lot that fail, and a reasonable number through hard work, that do OK... That is probably most of the working people's story... Ok - done with life's lessons - If I keep on, I will have to start charging you ...
This just in... My wife just tied jasonsmith on the Hard leaderboard with 22 after 3 glasses of wine She is running around the house doing the cabbage patch dance saying "Uh-huh, Uh-huh" Good grief. Nice job Misty.
As long as you meet the scoring requirements, invite me as a friend through AGON and have your email address in your profile. Your name will be entered in the drawing. MJ
Oops. Missed that part earlier. Friend request sent now. All I need to do now is figure out how to crack your random winner select software Hubby wifey combo I think you are the first couple of TA. Atleast afaik. Anyways, welcome to TA.
Haha!!! I know i don't qualify, but that's not the point....I still see my name up there. If it's gone...i'll know who did it!
Matt. What the F have you done. Had she won, it'd have cost you 10$. Now that she knows she can't win, she'll get depressed and there is only one way to cure a lady's depression.... Shopping. So your 10$ ahead and a 1000$ behind
Misty designed the level progression for the game and spent hours on QA, so I'm not shocked to see her up there!
I did mention I develop iPhone apps, right? She is quite aware of the fact I have about $6 in my wallet
Who needs cash in wallet. Just make sure you hide all your credit cards asap. And if she knows the CC details for net shopping then call Visa right now
INSM - I think that Nattylux and whoever her bass playing husband is are the first.. they even have video...
So many praire dogs have died in my pursuit of reaching the contest goals, that you could use them to create a zombie praire dog army This game is so addicting! I hit 9 on the hard level and then got killed so many times, I almost threw my phone. Frustrating game but in a good way
I go offline for just a little while and look what happens... Been kicked from my easy high score spot and got my hard high score tied by Misty (Matt's wife) wife who was even under the influence... Wait a second... that may be the ticket, where's the wine...
Same here and I've only had the game since last night! I literally chucked my iPod at my bed after getting 9 on hard again . I do have to say that I love this game and I'll have my reviews out later . It's so addicting I was up past 12:30 last night when I should have gone to bed early because I have tennis practice this morning.
Just a reminder that the contest ends today at 4:00 CST! If you haven't picked up the game yet, there is still time: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=324616043&mt=8 If you qualify, be sure to have your email address entered in your AGON profile and invite MattMob as a friend. Good luck! Matt