I had read earlier that you would be able to play the game in two different art styles. Is this still the case?
Yes, there is the "classic" style of the original cartoon, and a "modern" updated style. There are also a number of graphics settings that I haven't played with yet (Extras, Detail Textures, Particles, Game Textures, and UI Textures).
I was going to ask about this as well. Apparently the PC version has separate buttons for fire right and fire left. I would assume this was an attempt to simplify for touch screens. Currently you will keep firing in whatever direction you were moving when you started firing. In order to change direction of fire, you have to briefly stop attacking and press fire again while moving the direction you wish to fire in. It works pretty well, but I would love an option to get two buttons or a split button to fire each direction.
Ah, gotcha - so I was just getting a little too excited there, huh. =oP lol... Thanks. And I agree - kind of like Deathsmiles - except the turn buttons would be fire buttons, oh that'd be so freak'n great! =oD
After reading your post, I went to check it out, and you are right actually. It's an autoaim, not like I thought (it only works as I described when you have no target nearby). I would definitely like to be able to control that or have an option for two buttons like I mentioned.
This was an excellent surprise coming out yesterday. The metroidvania feel is perfect, ive only played as buttercup but am progressing fairly quickly. Well worth the pennies
Wouldn't a Powerpuff girls game be better as an "infinite runner"? Of course that is assuming it would be good.
Okay, just beat the main campaign. I had to play on normal though. With the auto aim, it gets pretty frustrating around 50% on hardcore not being able to turn around and shoot at the group of enemies you want to... Anyway, even with that little setback, this game is outstanding. Plays GREAT with a controller, though I did beat the game while playing without it, the virtual controls are spot on. Graphics are great, both the modern and classic look fantastic. Easily my GOTW, and a strong contender for my GOTY list.
Wow! GOTY list? Awesome. Was just about to hit the download button but figured I'd check out the thread real quick first. Now I'm even more excited! Thanks for the imps and videos everyone. Off to the App Store!
Major props to TA for making this GOTW. I thought this might go underappreciated because licensed games tend to suck and because its subject matter is a cartoon that's been off the air for nearly a decade. This is definitely worthy of the recognition. Best metroidvania I've played on iOS in a good while, and the shooter twist makes it even more compelling.
Can anyone tell me how well this game runs on an iPhone 4? My sister was a huge Powerpuff Girl fan back in the day so I am thinking of gifting her this game. Thanks!