Thanks.. and yes, this one is without the bookshelf for the pretty pictures.. guess I'll have to find my old Menu maker I made 20+ years ago for making DOS shortcuts in a menu...
Let me know when you find that please ! I could create some basic batch files i presume but a menu maker sounds good!
let me know me too pal! i can't figure out how to create a shortcut to an exe within a bookshelf like that on iDOS.
Hmmm... I was kinda hoping this would be my solution to playing Japanese visual novels on my phone. The quest continues...
I'm kinda confused, how is Power Dos different from iDos or iDos 2- both of which are still up on the appstore?
It'll play all the good old DOS ones just fine. No iDOS in the US App Store. Nor will it install to my 6+ (for me at least, despite me having legit IPA files...)
all 3 are based on DOSBox 0.74, so should be the same emulator. iDOS 2 doesn't allow DOS prompt and it has two games on preselection, at least i haven't tried to activate the DOS 'cause it's the same as PowerDOS. Between PowerDOS and iDOS there's only a substantial improvement in the portrait keyboard, at least imo... now you can have a complete keyboard in portrait also, while previously you were compelled to use iOS keyboard (so no F keys, numberpad and others) and had to type almost everything in landscape mode with a good keyboard tranparency rate (really uncomfortable). So now you could play in portrait while keyboard is required, and then change to landcape when the game turns action only, easy.
and it's really great!!! now it has Day Commander and Graphical Environment Manager to install and navigate inside DOS without typing every .exe... GREAT!!!
Will my stuff still be there when I update the app? Like I downloaded daggerfall on this app, will it still be there when I update?
Once you've updated you get some new folders. One of them has gems in it I'm away at the moment but I'll try amending auto exec once I'm back