Of course, Stella should work fine. Or you could run the real big-boy arcade version of Berzerk in MAME.
I'll be on that today. But was at work yesterday when I asked I'll take that as a yes and I'll just need some googling
Hmmm just tried an Atari 2600 emulator, just couldnt get it to go fast enough ! Got a game to load with it but its soooo slow Before the whole 'but these phones are powerful yet they cant run an old emulator...' argument, its to do with how these old emulators are written. These old DOS ones are very very old and running them through Powerdos doesnt seem to work so well. Was hoping there'll be some settings to increase the speed but had no luck with PCAE25
I looked at Stella but isnt that Windows only ? On the website it mentions DOS but i couldnt then find the dos download. Downloaded a Win 95 version but obviously that wasnt going to work.
When you search for an Atari 2600 dos emulator it mentions Stella, says it on the website as well just cant seem to find a proper download for DOS on the site !
yeah right, and i've found another one, don't remember the name now, but it's worst in speed than PCAE btw, i've figured out that PCAE runs better at 6000+ cycles, but still slow for me on 4S, maybe it runs better in your 6
Has anyone managed to get this working with Unreal World (survival roguelike)? v1.0-2.2 were compatible with DOS according the the link below. A link to version 1.0 can also be found there. http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=33242 If some can manage to get this working, please post instructions for others to see . The game also became freeware in recent years, so ownership should be no issue. Edit: Ok got this to work. First, you must set the CPU cycle to ~3750 (using CTRL+F11/F12), second the game folder (URW100B) must be placed under documents, not the games directory. Once placed, navigate to c:/URW100B and run URW.EXE edit 2: forget all of the above, theres a much newer version (2.09) thats closer to the current game (3.x) here: https://archive.org/details/TheUnRealWorld_1020 You don't need to do anything special with this, simply navigate to the folder and run INSTALL.EXE in PowerDOS. Only limitation is that it seems that it is an unregistered version, if someone knows how I can register it please let me know. edit 3: Ok forget all that again lol, you can get version 2.8 here: https://archive.org/details/msdos_UnReal_World_1994 and it is very close to the current game (3.x), simply copy the URW280 to your documents folder in infunbox etc and run URW. Best of all its registered, so no limitations. I might upload a couple of screenshots if requested.
It was free and then went up to a dollar or two. Its still great great value, i mean seriously its a few dollars ! Come on
I grabbed Phantasmagoria, I remembered my wife saying she liked it, and figured I'd see if it would work. It does! Now lets see what kind of person I married.... Phantasmagoria http://www.myabandonware.com/game/roberta-williams-phantasmagoria-32t
Awesome part about that one is there's a DOS copy of Maniac Mansion in there to play. You can run it directly as well.
Has anyone here tried running QBasic through this app? I'd love to mess around with it on the go. Thanks.
So I'm new to this do you need to connect to a computer to run games or what ? Can't figure how to run daggerfall for the life of me :/
Amazing! I've always wanted this on mobile, think it's the perfect game for it. I started playing on 3.x so didn't own a DOS version. Gonna give this a whirl, thanks!