Perfect controls, imho, and you can adjust them wherever you like just by sliding to any side. Brilliant solution Pixeljam. The game itself...well, if you thought that Glorkian was sort of a trip, than buy this game, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy this very special trip, with greetings from Mr. A. Hofmann.
I didn't know quite what to expect going into the game, but I can already tell by level two that I'll come out of this experience A changed tuber, a new spud even! Seriously guys, the game is great... Well worth the wait
*buys* It's like a dpad with the horizontal size of each direction/button adjustable... There's no "reset controls to default" option? That's odd. And kind of annoying. What if I want to make it the default setup to try that again?
I honestly can't imagine anything else this week grabbing ahold of me like the Troof...and the Troof about this game? GOTW!
Judged this for IG last year and it's totally awesome ! old school game play , crude graphics and great narrative make this a gem!
My god please become available, I was so happy that I didn't have to wait until the evening to buy this.. Anybody else getting a pop up saying it isn't available? Or is this just a Miami thing ####
Me too. I thought I broke my phone from smashing the buy button so hard. Thankfully that's not the case. Anyone else? Edit: just read through the thread and saw this: I'll keep checking in until it lets me buy it.
*sigh* After a long, arduous day at jury duty I come home to find... The Troof! Only to find that 'The Troof' is unavailable and elusive... The irony is apparent, my disappointment a bit more concealed. Now my 'day off' has turned into a lesson in patience and waiting. Not unlike my day at jury duty... *sigh*
It's awesome but I wish the controls were arranged (on iPhone at least) more like slayin so my fingerss would get in the way of the action. Otherwise an awesome game