Universal Post Brutal - Post Apocalyptic Zombie Action RPG (By Hell Tap Entertainment)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by helltap, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    Yes, the faceroom UI oriented to the correct position and was then functioning as it was suppose to after restarting my iPhone. I never experienced any problems with the IAP store UI.
  2. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member

    @Ojtitus ok great - at least there's a temporary fix while we figure out what's going on. Thanks! :)
  3. Reaganomics

    Reaganomics Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    I haven't had a whole lot of time to play. Been playing during my work break. But so far I'm really liking this. The combat is really satisfying. The story so far seems to be your usual post-apocalyptic zombie infested collapsed world, but that's not a bad thing. Tonight I can't wait to get more playing time.
  4. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Great news!!
  5. pka4916

    pka4916 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    Did you still have to create the Character?
    I never got that one in Landscape.. only in portrait mode
  6. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    Yeah, I made a character with the generic face.
    I believe faceroom is only available in portrait.
  7. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    #47 Jenohart, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    So just started. Early in the game I have to retrieve a health serum, and the game tells me there are multiple ways to do this. I can kill all the raiders, steal a serum or talk to the raider leader Python to try and bargain with him. Talking with Python is even one of the listed objectives.

    Except, I can't? Trying to talk to any raider or Python himself only brings the options "attack raiders" or "leave". Is it just bugged?

    Edit: restarted the mission, turns out bargaining with Python is only possible if you interrupt him talking to the survivor before he kills him. Wtf? That's super misleading and not clear. I thought you were supposed to wait after he was done then maybe buy a serum from him with scrap or something.

    Edit2: another glitch or misleading game design? After that you have to survive with soldier man against zombies, he only has a knife. So I think "okay, I'll take my gun out and shoot the zombies so they don't attack him up close". Walk two step forwards and stop, hold the shoot button. Zombie in front of me dies, but the soldier guy next to me also instantly dies and the mission failed. Wtf? Are guns not allowed here? Is friendly fire on? For a game with such ambitious features and presentation it really feels like there's a lack of polish here.
  8. fearlesskiller

    Sep 6, 2012
    So what is this game like? Open world rpg zombie apoc? Or juste like tutorial and zombies spawna rround u in a small area... if so thats terrible
  9. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member

    @Reaganomics: Thanks for supporting us! :)

    @pka4916 / @ojtitus: Yes that's correct. FaceRoom is supposed to be in portrait mode so the camera works properly! :)


    It's not quite open world RPG, but it's similar in some ways. You start off in a set of story-based tutorial missions which both introduces you to the universe and teaches you the core mechanics of the game. By the time you get to Pristine, that is where the game really starts. This serves as your "hub-town". You can explore as much as you like, talk to other characters, purchase equipment from various merchants, undertake different missions, patrols, side-quests or complete achievements to get rewards. There are also "Data Logs" in the game that give you information about the world and can sometimes unlock other peopleÂ’s email accounts at your computer in Pristine (once you agree to help the military). Finally, news articles from outside the quarantine are unlocked at the Data Panel for every day you play Post Brutal.

    Different characters offer different missions and the game lets you make your own choices from there about how to proceed. As we release updates, we'll be adding to those missions and side quests!


    We wanted to integrate the option to just let the event unfold and not interfere, which is essentially the stealth option and in this instance it's up to the player to decide if the morality of that is a concern for them. It also establishes that some of the choices in the game are events that if you want to alter the course of, you have to make a decision to act, otherwise you're seeing how things play out by default because the game world doesn't necessarily wait for you.

    Friendly fire is intentional, but it's not because we're sadists (even though it might have felt that way to you at the time! lol). I'm not sure from your post, but it sounds like you may have shot Jeffries point blank and accidentally killed him. We can see how it may have been a nasty surprise if you were expecting friendly fire to be disabled as the default. No one is bullet proof in Post Brutal, regardless of if they're friendly. We wanted how the player chooses to play the game to be a choice on multiple levels, and in the case of fellow survivors, there are consequences to being too trigger happy; it's about whether saving lives or body count (or your own survival) matters more. We could make it an option to turn off friendly fire, but that makes the game a lot less tactical and markedly less challenging in certain scenarios. We think that makes for a better experience in the long run, especially in the campaign. Now that you know friendly fire is in the game, you'll probably approach things a bit differently (or not if you're a blood guzzling maniac haha). Ultimately, we do want people to choose to use guns if that's what they want. It's not about punishing that choice, just that it'd be less immersive if you shot a rocket launcher at a civilian and they didn't explode. Hope that makes sense! :)
  10. xmonalisax

    xmonalisax Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    How long is story mode?
  11. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member

    #51 helltap, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    @ xmonalisax

    It really depends on your play style. If you are looking to complete all the rewards and objectives you could be looking at quite a long time, possibly around 8 - 16 hours worth as the core story missions work together with patrols and side quests, so you'd need to keep levelling up to unlock the higher level ones. Shortest amount of time if you are skipping achievements and rewards and just trying to finish the game as quickly as possible maybe around 6-8 hours? It's difficult to put a real number on it because of how the game is designed and differences in play style. Usually it takes us at least a few days to complete the campaign when we test it internally - and we haven't even completed half of the Rewards, achievements, etc. Hope that helps!
  12. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member

    #52 helltap, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    iPhone 6/7 FaceRoom Issue

    Hi everyone, just a quick update: we believe we've fixed the issue and are waiting for Apple to approve the latest build on TestFlight. We'll have our beta testers confirm we've fixed it and then release publically. So by the time Apple does it's thing this should hopefully be released in the coming week.

    In the meantime, restarting your iPhone and trying again seems to fix the issue for most people.

  13. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I'll see if I have time to write something more detailed here, but for now, I just wanted to post a few thoughts. The gist is: the game is a lot better than I expected, especially after reading the Pockergamer review. The thing to remember is that PostBrutal is an action RPG -- emphasis on RPG. The combat mechanics are not supposed to be as deep or fluid as those of an action game. As they are, they are a tad better than those on GTA 3. Melee combat is okay; shooting is functional but kind of automated. The fun here comes from exploration, discovering the surprisingly rich world and story, leveling up and gaining new/improved abilities, etc. In other words, the RPG stuff. I think that's what the PocketGamer review missed -- frankly, I can't believe that the writer put in more than an hour into it before forming that opinion.

    So far I've played through the first major mission ("Safe Haven"). I came to it expecting something like Dead Rising; instead, I found that it played more like a simplified version of the original Deus Ex, with tons of (well-rewarded) exploration, computer terminals with data logs, doors to lock pick, and one tense situation after another. It was a blast.

    Sure, the graphics are pretty ugly (especially the faces), but the environments are rich and detailed: bathroom stalls with doors that open, searchable trash cans and desk drawers, etc. It's enough to encourage the OCD completionist to look at every nook and cranny.

    Well, I guess I ended writing a longer post. Let me end by saying: if you pick this up (and you should, since it's free to try), try to play further than the first tutorial encounters. Once it gets going, PostBrutal has a lot going for it.
  14. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member


    Wow, thank you for the kind words and honest review of the game. We really do appreciate it. :)
  15. Jenohart

    Jenohart Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    #55 Jenohart, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    It's okay if it's intentional, I just think you need to signal that better because how it is currently is confusing. After the survivor is killed your objectives still tell you to talk to Python even though that's now impossible, so it's literally a case of trial and error. Nothing about the tutorial or objectives prompt said that "talking to Python will be literally impossible for no reason if you let the scene play out, which a diplomatic person would do because interrupting people is rude". It just doesn't make a good first impression is all, it shows that some stages are trial and error and objectives can lie.

    Okay, I have a much bigger problem with this. Hear me out.

    First, you didn't explicitly say anything about this, again trial and error gameplay in anything other than an adventure/puzzle game is troubling.

    Second, this is an awful decision to make when your game uses clunky and awkward auto-aim to fire guns. I was actually going to also mention just how terrible the shooting is in the first place, standing still and having your character slowly rotate on the spot to shoot enemies. I don't understand why you did this, why is you game's shooting mechanics based on awkward and imprecise auto-aim and yet you still implement friendly fire? Add to that, the shooting mechanics are horribly imprecise. When Jeffries first died he died at the same time as a zombie and he was also standing nowhere near where I was shooting, he was standing to the right of the character while the zombie was straight ahead. So your hit detection for projectiles is shoddy and yet you still implement friendly fire? This is punishing player choice, it is nearly impossible for a gun-wielding player to finish this section using guns only because of how bad your shooting mechanics are.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not that the shooting mechanics aren't up to par. For an RPG auto-aim and auto-fire are standard, but there is not a single RPG that uses auto-aim for projectiles like this that also has friendly fire. This makes guns useless, on top of being awkward to use they will kill any friendlies nearby and you don't actually have enough control of your character to account for this. If you enabled manual aiming and improved the hit detection then I wouldn't have a problem with this design choice. Better yet, I've played very similar games with auto-aim and auto-attack that let you attack friendlies, but it's a switch the player toggles to make the conscious act of targeting friendlies. Because when I'm actually firing a gun into zombies, I'm aiming the gun at the zombies and shooting. My hands don't move on their own to target a zombie on my far right and end up shooting my friend in the head without any of my input, that's just stupid.

    Yeah, I'm not going to use them. They're not fun to use and don't aim at what I'm trying to shoot half the time.

    Dude, realtalk. I was shooting the starter pistol. I didn't record the footage but I swear to you, Jeffries was not in the line of fire (I could see the bullets shooting out) but his health suddenly went from half full to zero and died at the same time as a zombie. It's less immersive that my pistol bullets have the AOE of a rocket but only effect friendlies, it's less immersive that I can't just manually aim to shoot enemies but instead just allow the auto aim to point wherever it feels like. Yes you can aim by moving but the game even tells you that's imprecise.

    I don't feel I've played enough of the game to make a solid assessment, but I'm just saying this early experience of mixed player messaging and confusing mechanics makes a bad first impression.
  16. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    #56 Royce, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    He also used a section header "Post Poo-tal". I think it's clear that reviewer's opinion can be safely disregarded. That said, I'm still not quite sold on this game. I am hoping TA will do a review. I realize it's free to try but I would have to clear quite a bit of space to do so...
  17. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member

    #57 helltap, Dec 3, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016

    Python Section:
    We'll look into that section to see if we can add an objective update after the survivor dies to make things a little clearer. It'll probably be rolled into an update after the current fix. :)

    I think you may have selected the "Manual Camera" style controls which implements the auto-aiming to compensate for the inability to use the camera. If you switch to "Automatic Camera" the aiming works a lot better as you control it yourself when you turn the character. You can change that in the pause menu > Settings. Actually, the Manual camera option was implemented primarily for joypad support and the Automatic camera is the default option for touch. I think this will help!

    That specific part of the game is better suited for melee because there's a lot of movement of friendlies and hostiles. In any case, there is a valid criticism here about that section. In most other missions you can go nuts and there isn't much of an issue. I think we could look into giving Jeffries massive friendly fire damage reduction in order to better balance that section so it's not as easy to wipe him out like you say. Expect that in the update too!

    EDIT: Also, I think it may be possible that you got a critical hit on Jeffries ( less than a 1% chance usually with the glock, unless you upgraded the Marksman skill ) which would have killed him instantly. I'm going to check it out and remove critical damage from him if this turns out to be the case!

    Thanks for the feedback! :)
  18. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member


    We appreciate you having an open mind about PB. We're hoping our players will see through the haters and give PB a fair chance. Also, we're not shy of improving the game and building new content that you guys would like to see (just ask anyone who played the very first beta! lol). We may be a tiny team of two people, but we're dedicated! :)
  19. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    A couple of things:

    Melee is very powerful in PostBrutal, and fairly precise. Any situation that involves a mix of hostiles and civilians, you are much better off using a melee weapon. If you think about it, this mirrors the real world, where you'd have to be a crack shot to avoid civilians in a hectic free-fire situation.

    That doesn't mean that guns aren't useful. For example, in the Safe Haven mission there's a spot when you end up facing a sizable horde of infected. Running around them and shooting into the crowd was an effective way to "thin the herd"; once they got close, it was easy to switch to the melee weapon to mop up.

    As I mentioned above, the tutorial mission is really just a sliver of the game. Wait till you hit one of the real missions before you decide how you are going to play the game. That said, I agree that there could have been more/better info in the tutorial.

    Helltap: a few things you may want to look into as you update the game:

    * It would be great if you could customize the button layout. I would prefer to clear some space above the action button for camera control.

    * The way you interact with the environment is a bit clunky -- I often find myself moving around objects to trigger the "use" button. Perhaps a more direct touch-to-interact system could work better (if it's even possible to implement at this point).

    *A general conversation log would be great. There's been a few times that I've been distracted in the middle of a long dialogue and end up missing some information -- would have appreciated being able to review in a central location.

    *Perhaps you could make it clear when you get a save point. I was pretty hesitant to close the game in the middle of a long mission. As it happened, it worked out fine, but it would have been good to know for sure.

    Anyway, thanks for this bit of late 90's nostalgia. Hope it does well for you.
  20. helltap

    helltap Well-Known Member


    1) Custom Button Placement
    This already exists: Go to Pause > Settings > General > Setup Button Placement ...
    This allows you to move and resize the core buttons :)

    2) Interaction
    These objects have "interaction distances". Perhaps there are certain objects we could tweak. If you could pm me the specific areas / objects where you found trouble we can fix it :)

    3) This is tricky but we'll look into it!

    4) Saving happens every time you see a loading screen. Maybe we can add those to the "Loading Tips" to make it clearer.

    Thanks for the feedback! :)

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