
Discussion in 'Mac App Store Games' started by diagmes, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. #1 diagmes, Apr 27, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014

    Are you ready to explore the world Polygon ? Valentine's Day? :eek:

    A good day ... maybe a bad dream, a nightmare did that he was returning to the world polygon where he lost the dear person. Now you have to help him to rescue her. You must find the key to access the first 4 worlds POLYGON ( City, Dungeons, Forest, City ), you open the door to access the latest world POLYGON (Love). You'll have to get hearts to pay any tolls. He needs your help.

    "Polygon" is a platform game. No time, only you must collect hearts and not to spend them in order to access the different worlds. Hearts are your health, your life.

    It's very easy to lern how to play it.
    Scroll directions ( left, right and jump ).
    Polygon's world alive.
    Beautiful graphics minimalist with 5 amazing worlds to discover.
    Effects: lights, rain, wind, thunder, volcanoes, waterfalls, waves, ...
    Be careful and escape from the dangers that lurk in the world with their platforms Polygon ( solid , moving, ropes, ... ), shots and enemies ( stars, pentagons, circles, triangles of death, rays, ...).

    Gameolith :cool:
    More games on our website DI GAMES Studio :cool:

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