Universal [POLL] #SAVE (by Platonic Games)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Noval33t, Jul 28, 2017.


Which non-profit organization do you think would be a better fit for this game?

  1. WWF - World Wildlife Fund: [url]https://www.worldwildlife.org/[/url]

    3 vote(s)
  2. PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: [url]https://www.peta.org/[/url]

    1 vote(s)
  3. Friends of Animals: [url]https://www.friendsofanimals.org/[/url]

    1 vote(s)
  1. Noval33t

    Noval33t Member

    Oct 7, 2016
    Dark side of Platonic Games.

    Hi TouchArcade!

    We’re Platonic Games and we’d like to show you a sneak peak of our next game: SAVE.

    SAVE was born in the last Ludum Dare 38 (a game jam where you develop a game in 48 hours). The global theme for the jam was ‘Small World’ and we came up with this idea :)

    We kept developing and polishing the game and now we’re almost ready to publish it!

    The thing is, we’d like to donate all the revenue to a friendly animal association, and we’re trying to figure out which one would be a better fit. We’ve been investigating a bit and there are three that look promising:

    WWF - World Wildlife Fund: https://www.worldwildlife.org/
    PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: https://www.peta.org/
    Friends of Animals: https://www.friendsofanimals.org/

    Which non-profit organization do you like the most?

    *If you have a better proposition in mind, please let us know!
    **And yup, we thought about donating to more than one, but choosing just one simplifies all the bureaucracy a lot (btw, we’d also like the organization to be an international one!).


    Which one is the smallest of the worlds? A super-globalized Earth? Life inside an ant colony? Pluto? When we thought about it for a while, we realised the smallest of the worlds may be something oppressive instead.

    Think about a cage.

    Think about having each day less space to live.

    Think about someone controlling and limiting all your actions, every day.

    Think about living only to serve and die.

    Think about not being human in this world.

    We created the smallest of the worlds… but it might not be the world we enforce the animals to live in. The smallest of the worlds could also be our narrow mind, every time we refuse to see what we are really doing :(


    We wanted to “talk” about as many topics as possible, so we though a bunch of simple-but-addictive mini games would fit this goal. Inspired by Wario Ware games like ‘Dumb Ways To Die’ we wanted ‘SAVE’ to feel friendly but meaningful at the same time. Hope we achieved it!


    Currently there are 14 mini games developed. We’ll release our beta soon and we’d also love to know your thoughts about the “final result” so, stay tuned ^-^

    And thanks for reading!

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Great idea, I voted on the poll as well, game looks nice, gonna play it when it hits if it were only for support.

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