I voted for action...even though I don't particularly care for either of the games listed in action .
I voted for other, because my favorites are probably RPGs. Of course, I also like Adventure, Strategy and Puzzle games, and certain aspects of those genres hold a pretty close race with RPGs. But I would say RPGs come first.
How in the world did you not add RPG? It's a pretty massive genre. Especially when action and adventure have a grey line (they are usually referred to Action/Adventure games).
I like all varities of genres but I guess if I had to vote on one its Strategy with there being some good ones for iphone, but Im just a fan of good games not genres. Im the same way with music also ( except Country Music lol ). Also should of prob added card games to board games genre as well I know I have plenty of card games myself and you completely left them out. Although Im not as nitpicky as saying Bounce on is a action game lol, which I think its more adventure then action myself.
Interesting poll for us developers, but what about Sports? (for Touchgrind etc, and yes I would like to see Sway featured up there too )
Ah yep no Sports option either didn't even notice that. Or RPG's for that matter I think is missing then again so are RPG's in general from iphone lol. Cause well since this is what is your fav genre for iphone not overall in games cause ppl that like RPG's the most prob wouldnt vote for RPGs due to the lack of them or least any good ones on iphone. Oh and hope that Sway lite is coming soon too Anders!
Agreed. I'd love to see you guys (Illusion Labs) do a snowboarding game with a similar physics engine as Touchgrind, or even waterski/wakeboarding as corny as that may sound.