Aight, I say we just all agree iTunes is having some trouble at this time, and just say Rolando is a good game no matter what spot it is in the iTunes lists
I just recieved a response from ngmoco, through the getsatisfaction site, and they do, in fact, plan to update this version of Rolando somehow. They didn't go into specifics, but I suspect that they will have either new levels or downloadable content. I dunno, but it seems likely, and they aren't going to cut and run with the money they are making.
well the downloadble levels for dropship isnt really working since they release one level like every week. they should do packs of like 5 or so OR a user driven level editor like that plywood thinggy app
Rolando I got this game yesterday because of all the good reviews but am I the only one that thinks this game is not all that. this is a search result - all those threads are about rolando. post your views there, do not trash here.
i didn't like the controls, so i lost interest, and dont have a lot of time to learn the controls...but if i ever do find some spare time..i am sure i will pick it up again and i just read the second post.. ..oops
I just laughed when i saw the subject of this post.. Just "Rolando" haha oh well I like the game, but i'm not going to play it all at once, beat it, then forget about it. I bought it when it came out and still have about 1/4 of it left to play. I play a level every couple of days, and that's enough for me. EDIT: PS sorry to Pante, just thought i'd post here since we're all talking about it anyway.. no sense in bumping another thread quite yet
Because otherwise they get flamed for not searching before creating a new thread. This is what happens. Either new threads or they search and revive old ones. Make up your mind on which you want...
Not 100% true. There are people (like me) who may have missed it the first time around. Sometimes people may miss a thread here & there, it happens. Not everyone lives on these boards 24/7.