Political Debate Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by DaveMc99, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    yeah, it's pretty radical to like my freedoms and not want the government to take all my money. :)
  2. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Coolidge, AZ
  3. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    In the first article you point out an example of a couple republicans involved in a fraudulant money stealing scheme. Do you know how many democrats/liberals have been involved in fraudulant activity like that or worst over the past 20 years? The number is much higher than the amount of republicans involved in that kind of activity. But there are always gonna be bad people like that on both sides so what's your point of pointing a few republican ones out and trying to act as if its only them or they somehow represent the entire party?

    That second website link you post appears to be nothing but a George Soros /moveon.org style propaganda site aimed at telling lies and using trick psychology on dummies to make them believe republicans are evil. What's funny about it is the first 2 whining articles are about 1. how the rights of "a US citizen helping a terrorist are being violated? (and its being sponsored by a democrat Joe Lieberman by the way) and 2. How the rights of ILLEGAL aliens are being violated? Jan Brewer does not represent what all republicans believe, she's just one governor in a state with a huge immigration problem involving crime/major drug trafficing. Many of them may not be involved in any of that, but I still don't understand why these illegal aliens can't come over here legally, almost everybody else has/had to do it so why shouldn't they be required to?... it really isn't that hard..

    If you really believe that republicans take people's freedoms away more than democrats than you are either a lying liberal who wants more control or just someone who isn't very smart to the truth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to observe that liberals want bigger government (more laws) and republicans want lesser government (limited or reasonable laws) for Americans.
  4. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
  5. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    why cuz your a little boy liberal who isn't happy about last nights election results where your party got crushed? I remember semi arguing with you months ago when I told you this would happen, and you sat there with vague teeny-bopper comments and resorted to name-calling because you had no argument or real facts.

    You can get all angry again little shiz, just remember its more than half the country that voted against your liberal last night, you're angry at all of them too I guess, according to you more than half the country is..."a joke" lol.
  6. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    #347 ibelongintheforums, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
    I went back and read some of the posts and of course, have to state what I feel:
    To the guy who said dino's got killed off: there is no effing way caveman killed a t-Rex, or really any dinosaur
    Next, where in the bible does it say when the earth began? I don't think it says the earth started 10.000 years ago
    Last, it seems to me anytime you ask a hard question to a pastor/priest/etc. the answer is always, you have to have faith

    Also, despite the supposed "gains" by the elephants, the donkeys still hold two of the three main checks and balances.
  7. da shiz wiz 19

    da shiz wiz 19 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Eight years to get into a recession. We want out in two. So, yes, half the country is a joke.

    I find it funny that you throw around insults and assumption with no evidence, and then have the nerve to point the finger at me. I know you're not going to bother looking at your post, but everyone else will.

    Republicans are like 21st century McCarthyism.
  8. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Someone had to:
    Sir, have you no decency?
  9. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    Are you still playing the blame Bush for everything tired old strategy that isn't working anymore? Democrats had control of congress since 2006, many of the problems with the economy were because of agendas and stuff they pushed for and passed, like making it easy for low income families to get loans for houses that there was no way they could pay off, requiring banks to give those loans. That's just one example of many that got the economy so screwed up, but most of the ideas and bills passed that got us into the mess came from democrats. Bush did a really lousy job by trusting the economy to straighten itself out and not keeping an eye on things, he should have regulated it more to stop the things that were happening that didn't make sense.

    Let's look at what Obama has done for the economy since taking office, borrow borrow spend, digging us into enormous debt. No real plan, no brains, just spend. He's like Bush X 10. These stimulus bills have done nothing but put the country into more debt than any other president in history by a long shot. He created a bunch of temporary shovel ready jobs that lay people off within 3 months, but no career jobs. Unemployment during the Bush years was at 5% average through 8 years, Obama after 8 months.. 10.2% unemployment.


    The guy is nothing but a phony. Every time something goes wrong (which is like everyday for him) he blames Bush/Republicans that haven't even been in power in 2-4 years.
  10. Lombardo

    Lombardo Well-Known Member

    #351 Lombardo, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
    I'm a bit late on this, but exactly which freedoms have been taken away?

    Of course it wasn't the 12 billion a month in Iraq that put us in the recession.

    http://whatthe****hasobamadonesofar.com/ Edit: <-- the censor messes up the link so just type it in your search bar.
  11. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
  12. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    About time Bachmann dropped out of the race. Good riddance. Can't believe Romney won the Iowa Caucus by only 8 votes though. What's even more surprising is that Ron Paul got over 20% of the votes. 4 more years.
  13. DodgerBlue016

    DodgerBlue016 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    I create awesome paper airplanes that I will sell
    I never saw Bachmann as having a real shot at getting the nomination, especially as time passed. Not too surprised Paul got 20% though. Honestly Herman Cain would've been the ideal president to me, at least before the 'scandal' broke out. None of the other candidates (dem or repub) seem like the best option for the country atm. Each of the Republican options has a weak point. Obama has a bunch of weak points, but he has the Democrat voters on his side for the most part.
    Outside just the Presidential race, I've seen somewhere that polls are showing that Dems may win the presidency, but as of now, the Dems wouldn't have a hold on the senate OR the house. Wouldn't that be hilarious if that's how the election ended up, with a Dem president and a Republican controlled Congress :p
  14. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Just saw this thread and wondering why anyone would want to mix politics with their gaming escapism. My only post here will be to admit the shame of having Rick Perry as my governor. See you in other threads.
  15. Danielfang7

    Danielfang7 Well-Known Member

    I'd say I favor the Republicans right now, anyone should be able to see that the rich would mostly favor the Republicans, poor would favor the Democrats. The Democrats are more closely related to communism than Republicans who are neoconservative. Because of the current condition in the United States, you can't really say the US is failing, but you can definitely say the US is not getting much better, whilst the other countries are getting better, which displays the US as a failing country right now. The economy people wish to get better require a more Democratic person, though many Republicans that have done business are in the hunt also. But from now, it just looks like Obama is gonna be the president again.
  16. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    #357 backtothis, Jan 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
    Awesome that we're down to the last four Republican candidates. All of the biggest clowns have finally left the building. Not that it matters though..

    Really glad that Rick Perry can stop embarrassing the state of Texas at least. Can't say watching the Southern Republican Debate is any bit less entertaining now though. Stand-up comedy at its finest, genuinely.

    The landslide Obama wins by over Romney in November is going to be embarrassing. The portion of electoral votes that Obama gets this time will be even more than what Obama got over McCain (more than a 2:1 ratio). Sadly, that's not going to be a victory for anyone though.

    What we really need is to get rid of our divided government. Having the GOP completely dominating the House and the Democrats barely in control of the Senate with Obama as president at the same time is worthless. I don't understand why the only thing Republicans can say is that Obama hasn't done anything. Maybe that's because our shitty Congress won't let him? If by some miracle (debacle, really), Romney is elected, we'll be spending the next four years attempting to reverse any progress the nation struggled to make during the past term.

    Honestly, the Congressional elections this November (33/100 Senate seats + all 435 House seats) are a much more important issue right now.

    It's really not about being a Democrat or Republican for me. I mean, anyone who knows a decent amount about politics would be an Independent anyways. It has more to do with with what's best for the nation. These GOP candidates can promise all the shit they want. I can't wait to see one of them try to pull hundreds of thousands of jobs out of his ass to "fix the economy" if somehow we do have a Republican president. "ObamaCare?" Oh, who cares about the last four years as long as I'm president right?

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