Universal Politaire - Need beta testers! \\ ( ^ o ^ ) //

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Jun 29, 2016.

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  1. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    No star in night mode confirmed! :D

    A set of classsic cards is in progress right now, I hope you will like it.

    I'm considering about your suggestion to change color of the cards too, I hope that it's doable with our game engine. :p
  2. rezn

    rezn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 8, 2014
    Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10
    Reno, NV
    Very excited to be a part of this.
  3. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    Thanks! Don't worry about the colors so much, it was just an idea but the game looks great as it is!
  4. Jamie84303

    Jamie84303 Active Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    My high scores, so far; SINGLE DECK: 3629,
    DOUBLE DECK: 5566

    I like your colour palette, and minimalistic design containing a certain polish. Agree thrice with, "No stars in night mode." Familiar sound effects are pleasing, too is, the fact you can play comfortably with one hand, one thumb.

    No bugs to report. Nil crashes experienced, at press.

    Interested to see Politaire evolve! Also, what becomes of this twist in gameplay you teased.
  5. Sendo

    Sendo Member

    Jun 20, 2016
    Simple yet addictive, I socred 3300 at my first play, funny thing is that it became my highest score.:eek:
  6. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    3658 is now my high score. Pretty pumped
  7. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    a guy in Pine scored 61k points in Single Deck, there're lots of strategy to share around Politaire I think.

    Also, the working version is already without "Stars".

    There will be a way to upgradde "Clean Table" Multiplier in the next update to! (Thanks to Jayg2015 for his awesome suggestions!).

    I hope that you will like it.

    Have a great week ahead, everyone!
  8. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    For most of first time players, if you're focusing to score on your active hand (which seems like the core gameplay mechanic is here!), you will get lower and lower score compare to your free play game. The key strategy of Politaire is to discard the right cards to make an awesome come back of thems in some great hands or even combos I think, I created most of my best score this way. Now, I'm on my way to find a greater strategy for that too. :p
  9. Dazzlemi

    Dazzlemi Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    Not a bad game. I've been testing it. Maybe I just don't see the point. Randomly matching higher poker hands. The game could use a tutorial or explanation at the start. I'll still go back and play though.
  10. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    I think that you've tested the first version of Politaire, the newer version is available already with tutorial.

    Except the random order of the cards in the cards pile at the beginning of the game, the rests are depending on player skill to achive score.

  11. Dazzlemi

    Dazzlemi Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    I checked testflight I've got 1.1.0 - is that the most recent version?
  12. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's the latest version... maybe the save record of your last build ignored the new release so you didn't see the tutorial. Can you try delete and reinstall again, you will see the guide more clearly in your first game. Hope that you can enjoy the game more once the rule will be clearer to play.

  13. Dazzlemi

    Dazzlemi Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    I deleted and reinstalled, no tutorial
  14. Andre

    Andre Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    Please re-install the game, then take your device to AirPlane mode to play the game. Because if you don't do that, the game will take data which saved before, and you can not see the Tutorial.
  15. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    I think Politaire should have an option to reset whenever user want.
  16. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Can't wait until the next update ... Do you know when the next will be ready? Couple of weeks?
  17. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Hey mate,

    Sorry for my late answer, the next update will be released real short after the inititial launching. We decided to stick with the lauching date of July-14 since the game is kind of clean already.

    More Modes will come a bit laters (about 2 weeks).

    Thank you a lot my friend. ;-)
  18. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

  19. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    I loved this game. Really enjoyed beta testing.
    No issues at all.
    Easy to learn and fun.
    Good luck!!

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