So they're fixing the catch rates, fine. I'll catch a zillion pidgeys and rattatas instead of less than that.... But without any rarer pokemon what's the point?? I catch a rarer pokemon (like a bellsprout or an eevee) seemingly once a week now!
I live in a small city (population 20,000) that has maybe 12 or 14 gyms in total. I passed within range of 8 of them on my way to work this morning and all but one of them had been taken over by the same team of 3 Mystic players. I suspect the only reason they didn't have that too was because they'd already been knocked off it - it was the one at the station which changes hands every two minutes in the morning. I bet those guys felt pretty pleased with themselves and I quite enjoyed taking three of them back for Instinct. Trying to take over a few in short succession can be a fun challenge, seeing how many you risk before claiming your daily reward. I don't think bossing a single gym is very satisfying though.
I'd probably enjoy it more if there was some strategy involved -- like choosing the right move to counter, as opposed to wildly tapping the same spot. Also, holding down for the special attack doesn't always work, and if that happens, I basically have some seconds passing where my Pokemon is just a sitting duck, not doing anything but still getting attacked. Also, I find it much harder to get my Pokemon into a gym owned by my team than to beat another team. Without a Pokemon strong enough to take down at least the weakest, you can't really get in. I can clear out other gyms easily with six Pokemon -- but in busier areas, someone always grabs it before I can get mine in and then I lose interest.
So now Apple has decided to feature Pokemon Go. Now after their worst update, when the game is the least fun it's been, Apple has it listed number 1 under New Games We Love.
It would be so simple to tap the lower half of the screen for your primary attack, tap the upper half for your special... But then they'd have to explain things - it took reading about it online for me to have any idea what was going on in gym battles. :|
I've enjoyed pogo as a totally newbie to Pokemon mainly from a catch and collect perspective as I'm still trying to understand all mechanics of battles in the gyms. I literally live next door to a gym as it is a small beach bungalow library but it always changes hands within hours so I never can get the additional poke coins as I believe you need to control the gym for 20 hours or something? I think I have 20 poke pins or whatever since early on I controlled a gym or two but now within minutes 15 or so the gym turns over. Sort of ridiculous!
If you haven't claimed credit for 21 hours, you can claim it immediately after placing a pokemon in that gym. This is what I have been doing - the 3 gyms between home and work flip quite often, I can usually get 10 pokebucks a day with little/no effort.
Sure. Click on your character image in the lower-left corner. Click on the pokecoin on the lower-left to open the Shop. In the upper right-hand corner of the Shop there will be a shield with a number in it. Tap the shield to collect your Defender Bonus (which is 10 coins + 500 dust per pokemon in a gym.) You can only claim this bonus once every 21 hours, but you can claim it immediately after placing a pokemon in a gym (if you haven't claimed it in the last 21 hours!) Unless there are a number of well-defended gyms nearby that you can join, I'd recommend claiming the credit as soon as you can. A pidgy in hand is worth two in the bush.
Gym taking in my area (central AZ) is a blast. I'm lvl 25 with average of CP1500 stuff (many higher, many lower). My whole work force, which are a bunch of Governmental IT field techs constantly fight for dominance against the local law enforcement, they're pretty much all red and we're all mystic. It's a blast. I just pulled up to a gym with a cop there, parked reaaaaaaaally close next to him and bat my eyes prettily at him as I razed the gym. We've all had some many encounters involving another random ock coming over to try and take something only to be raising it faster than they can raze it. They'll usually try and wait until we leave my but my GF and I usually just smile pretty and flash our tits at them.
In other words, there's not much to it. Not even bragging rights. Bragging rights with us are "We held the [Redacted] for 72 hours!! There definitely needs to be more to it than what's there. However, what's currently there is really fun even if it is beyond basic. It's like gang-like territory. Over a goddamn Pokémon game. It's beautiful to me. Hahahaah
As drelbs said, I stopped trying to hold more than one gym at a time. I just cashed out after taking one. I don't enjoy standing on a street corner all day trying to hold a gym. But if others like that, power to ya.
Government vehicles > I currently have 4, but I've never cashed out on more than 8, but I've owned 9 at one time (not for long). Depends on where I go.
So... just updated and I can't see pokestops anymore?? Edit: disregard. Magically came back after closing/reopening lol
-"Hurry! Do something to make it look like we're doing something about the footprints for this release!" -"But... what?!" -"I don't know! But don't waste more than 10 minutes" -"How about adding some grass behind the pokemon?" -"YES!" -"And we could change the name of the tab from 'Nearby' to 'Sightings'..." -"Brillant! Sir, if you keep like this, we'll make you a middle-manager soon!"
Add more annoying pop ups....check Do nothing but smoke grass on nearby Pokemon.......check Make gym battles buggy and glitchy, plus make em wig out in some sorta acid trip......check This update is off to a roaring start. So far low power mode is working.
Nearby pokemon who have already despawned don't show on the Sightings screen, so if you try to use that function you don't have to force quit the app every few minutes like before. But this is a feature that should have been included from the start. I've solved my frustration with pokemon go: bought a 3ds xl. Once I receive the game and the AC adapter from Amazon I'll be playing a real pokemon game. (It's really complicated to get a 3ds and a pokemon game in my area, everything is sold out or back ordered! Even if Nintendo doesn't own much of pokemon go their sales must have gone through the roof from the publicity!!)
I can confirm that they've not even fixed the "glitch" that's making EVERYTHING hard to catch. Also it seems lure countdown timers are gone too.