Universal Pokémon GO (by Niantic, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by diffusion8r, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Yeah no point in trying to discuss anything with someone like that. They removed two things that were buggy from the game but somehow the one that is causing major outcry from massive amounts of players is less important than the other because he personally cared more about the other. Hahahahahahaha. Talk about douchy...
  2. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    #542 smegly, Jul 31, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
    It was a toggle. Turn it off then. Probably just crashed on android and old iOS versions anyway.

    Point is it is a loss, an actual loss. Even if the tracker was freaking amazing, it didn't work before this last update, so it's not a loss. Explaining to me about how useful it was is a moot point.

    EDIT: But go ahead and flame me and assume this is about which feature I happen to like more. You lost your tracker in the previous update, not this one. Can you wrap your little nerve cluster around that?
  3. Ok, gonna try to say this one last time, then I'm out.

    Even when the tracking wasn't working, there were third party sites that you could check to see where a certain Pokemon near you was located, so you could find it before it disappeared altogether. With the latest update, they not only removed the tracking from the game (without any word of whether it will be returning) but forced all those sites and apps to shut down. That is what people are upset about.

    And btw, the holier-than-thou attitude towards other players who you think are playing the game wrong (but *your* way is right) is not helping.
  4. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    You and Royce are doing the same thing. Look, I didn't want to argue about the merits of the tracker or tell you how to play the game, but you treated me like I was in error for, instead of circling around a few blocks trying to pinpoint a specific Pokemon, like you badasses do, I walk ten miles and snap up what I find that's useful enough to stop for, like a wimp. Don't project your belief that only your style matters into saying that that is where I am coming from. If most of the community's whining is coming from people playing from their moms' backyards, that doesn't necessarily mean those are the only players that matter.
  5. I really don't want to argue about this anymore. I said like 15 posts ago that I prefer to walk around but when the tracking broke, it made more sense to hang around in large groups in one place instead of exploring. I only compared the two groups because you claimed that people are staring at their phones too much and pissing people off. All I did was try to explain to you how the tracking is actually more useful for people who explore than people who sit still, but you just seem to want to insult everyone who's not as angry about the battery saver as you are.
  6. kevin888

    kevin888 Member

    Apr 24, 2015
    I think the changes may have to do with how Niantic intended the game to be played or legal ramifications.
    Flash mobs and injuries are probably not good for business. Also, and this is just my personal opinion, I feel like Niantic kinda prefers the game to be more of a casual thing, where you do your regular stuff and maybe catch some Pokemon along the way.
    Hunting Pokemon was fun when the tracking worked, but it could led to people being in places they should not. It could be dangerous for players and others. Niantic probably wants to avoid that.
    I don't know anything though.
    Also, I caught a Snorlax right in my neighborhood.
  7. I wish the game was designed like that, but sadly it's not. From day one, it's expected you to let the game consume your battery, data and attention instead of letting the game just casually fit into the gaps in your life. The way eggs incubate is just one prime example. And showing you rare Pokemon around you without an idea of where they are? That's just demanding even more of you if you want to find it.
  8. kevin888

    kevin888 Member

    Apr 24, 2015
    I didn't say they did a good job of it. ;)
  9. Ha :p
  10. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    As you are sick of this, I'll attempt to write this in such a way as not to hurt your feelings so you won't feel obligated to respond outside of your convenience.

    It makes sense to hang out in large groups to compensate for the loss of the tracker, yes, I didn't need that clarified. Frankly, I think they should fix the tracker either way, regardless of whether one thinks such groups are fun; I think they are. Never once did I say they shouldn't fix the tracker, take note. My point about annoying Pokemon player behavior wasn't that it bugs me, but, as a Pokemon player, I don't like being grouped in with people who bump into other pedestrians, catch Pokemon at the Holocaust Museum, etc. What you have to understand is that while I want the tracker fixed, I do feel that it embodies the drop-everything-for-Pokemon approach that is setting people off. I just meant to float the possibility that if Niantic is pulling some sort of stunt that that is what they had in mind. This could cause a delay in the fix, or they might even rethink the tracker entirely.

    I also understand frustration regarding third party websites. I am not, however, making the connection here. I didn't bring them up, I have no opinion of them, and I'm sorry for your loss. So, that's new, but it's still separate from the before/after non-working tracker. It's also a new problem, just like the power saver whereas the tracker was already not working.

    People regularly complain about battery consumption in games that have nothing to do with moving around, especially not games where it benefits you to go miles away from your own neighborhood. Imagine my frustration when nobody complains about it in a game that people have already, in great number, bought auxiliary power sources for? It is an issue for anyone walking, running or biking significant distances away from a good place to sit and charge a phone. I'm not saying that's how people should play the game, but it's still worthy of note.

    I'm not making up the usefulness of it either. If I'm out for three hours, regularly getting pokestops and stopping for Pokemon I want, I need all the saver time I can get. Battling at a gym kills 2% a minute. If I catch more Pokemon than usual, the battery is lucky to last two hours. The point isn't that everyone should play like me but the nature of testing is to push the limits and I usually lose electricity before I'm done. Leaving the game open will probably cut that down to an hour, and you can't hatch eggs if you keep closing the program. That's an actual problem far beyond players who play like I do and it was actually removed in this update.
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Can't be bothered carrying on reading the comments to catch up, but anyway from what I did read whatever the devs of the game ever do or don't do it won't change the fact some people are just morons or have no special awareness.

    But the game isn't even just to blame for this the general public when gathered....crowds of people are morons it's a proven fact. I hate public places the only place with lots of people where I feel happy are at gigs.
  12. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Some people don't play to track down Pokemon, but rather to keep the game on all the time and just catch stuff they come across as they go about their day. It's a more passive way to play the game. For those types of players, the battery saver (something they used) is a more important feature than the distance tracker (something they did not use).

    Then there are others who care more about being able to hunt down specific Pokemon than being able to just keep the game running all day long.

    Not everyone plays this game the same way or with the same goals and priorities. That's one of the best things about this game. We can each play our own way. :)
  13. Yes, I wasn't the one calling other people douchey or belittling them for not playing the same way I play. I was just trying to explain why people are so upset about the tracking being gone and didn't appreciate how everyone who uses it was being lumped into some category of obnoxious players who are constantly bumping into other people.

    I also find it hard to believe that any player can claim they have never once looked at their phone while walking. (What about to see if you passed a Poke stop? The game doesn't buzz for those.) I did it way before this game came out. You can do that without bumping into people, but I have had people purposely bump into me because they're annoyed I'm not looking up. I often walk faster while looking at my phone than people in front of me not looking at the their phones.

    Anyway, I'm reaaaally trying to just be done with this conversation.
  14. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    I, for one, really could give a shit less about the power save mode. It always broke the game when I activated it on my 6S Plus and my GF's Motorola [Insert whatever android here]. Once it went into the dark part, the game would do what it needed and when we lifted it would pop up but nothing was touchable, spinable, selectable, etc. *shrugs*
  15. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    It was always hit or miss for me (6 plus). Sometimes it would work just fine for a while, then it would consistently glitch out for a while. I never could pinpoint any pattern to it. When it did work, it was awesome.

    I hope both features, the battery saver and the distance tracker, are eventually fixed and put back into the game. There's no denying that they can work just fine, the devs just need to work out the bugs.
  16. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    I never claimed that; learn to read. I take glances to see when stops are coming up. Sometimes I catch while moving, sometimes I stop.

    If you want to be done with it be done with it. You can't read, you thought I was talking about flash mobs or something, which I wasn't, and you don't understand the way I play. I DO understand yours, and would play that way in a park or a field. It's not that great here in Manhattan where directional guidance leads you into buildings or at least would leave you looking like Don Quixote chasing giants.

    Again, I meant to surmise why Niantic may have reservations about the tracker: public reception. Royce saw fit to call me a douche, and you are cyberbullying me as well, even after I tried so hard to condescend to you in my previous post which you clearly didn't bother to read.
  17. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    The problem is that Niantic has never been reasonable or good in the past with handling these issues.

    Take a look at the pokemongo sub Reddit, there is a LOT of history going on here. A WHOLE lot.

    This new update also brought with it reduced scan circles by about 30%, they rebalanced the Pokemon characters, or at least Vaporeon, Niantic also blocked all 3rd party trackers, the biggest of which is Pokevision.

    Niantic have been terrible at communication since Ingress. They are just the absolute same here about this, it's like they could give 2 craps about their players, but if there aren't changes quickly this huge boon for them will vanish like draw something... just much faster.
  18. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #558 vicsark, Aug 1, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
    Pokémon GO (by Niantic, Inc.)

    First of all, thks AppUnwrapper for your guides, very well written and useful for me ;)

    And same here, I used the battery saver mode often with headphones while listening to podcasts. It would make different sounds when spotting a pokemon or entering a pokestop. So I just popped the phone up, did the stuff and put it back in my pocket. It Worked well for me.
    I'm pretty sure it will come back when they fix the crashing bugs.

    Never had a chance to really use the distance tracker due to the late launch here :(

    Tbh It's crazy how different the gaming experience is depending on where you are.
    I started on vacation in a small beach village that had a dozen Pokestop and 3 Gyms. Decent amount of Pokemons to be found, mainly on the coast walk. Few locals and tourists playing.

    Then I got back to Paris and it was just crazy town. I even have a Pokéstop on my old building because it has a plaque from the 17th century lol. And another one I can use from my flat.
    And maybe 50 Pokéstops in a 200 meters radius :eek:
    I Stood with a lot of other People from age 10 to 50 on 2 and 3 overlapping Pokéstops with lures on and I was catching a Pokemon a minute !

    Now I'm in the countryside for a few days and there's absolutely nothing around, only at the closest town 10 km away.
  19. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    #559 Royce, Aug 1, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
    I actually stated that your inability to comprehend that other people have different priorities than yourself, and your thick headed insistence that the thing you liked that was removed was more significant than the thing others liked that was removed was douchy, and it is. Furthermore, I only used that term since you repeatedly used it. I lowered myself that far to engage in discussion with you. I won't even consider lowering myself far enough to respond to your comments implying that tracking Pokemon is akin to teabagging. Have a nice day :)

    Edit: and you think you're being "cyber bullied". That's laughable. You started it all. Reread your own comments and put on your big boy pants...
  20. smegly

    smegly Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    NY, NY
    #560 smegly, Aug 1, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
    I suggest you re-read my comments as well, especially the later ones where I learned not to overestimate my audience, but let me clarify a few things as blandly as possible so you stop harassing me.

    The battery saver was useful for some people, myself included, for whom it worked. For those who had problems with it, having it on wasn't even the default setting anyway. Removing it has no positive consequences, only negative.

    References to douches and teabaggery were in regard to the public nuisance non-players perceive. It's primarily people fixated on the tracker generating this. I don't care, but this may play into Niantic's logic. That's all. Nobody should have taken it personally. If my endulgence in colorful hyperbole offended you, I apologize.

    I did not fail to comprehend anything said here and what I like has little to do with anything. If it did, I wouldn't bother talking to you. I shouldn't have shared my opinion in the first place because you just attacked and did what you are accusing me of because you didn't share my opinion.

    Quite simply there is a subjective reason for the tracker to be out but not the power saver. All this is derived from logic, not my personal taste. I DO want both fixed though, make no mistake. It is my opinion though, that too much chatter over the removal that made some modicum of sense rather than the one that made none is detrimental to real progress. You may disagree, but it should not evoke an incendiary response in you.

    If you really want to take your smugness to the next level and feel like you're the big man here, then be my guest and don't respond or diss me inaccurately anymore. I am really saddened by the hatred you have shown and I hope life treats you better in the future. You and App ruined my day for no good reason, I think it would make the two of you happy to know that. That saddens me even more.

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